
joined 1 year ago
[–] 15 points 1 year ago

It is!

Most companies make BS solutions for fake problems. Not going to the office exposes a large chunk of fake needs.

Do families really need two cars? If you aren't commuting every day, probably not.

Having more free time means people are more likely to cook and clean for themselves. Can't make money off of that.

How many suits do you need to own? None! You only owned them because you are supposed to wear them in the office.

Dry cleaners? No longer a bill.

Gas? When you aren't sitting in your cities parking lot of a freeway isn't bought as often.

Speaking of parking lots, you aren't paying for parking anymore.

Daycare and dog walkers aren't needed anymore.

Going up work is expensive and companies want us addicted to these fake expenses.

[–] 11 points 1 year ago (2 children)

It's always good to mention "famously good" games. I played dark souls a year ago for the first time because of a post like this I saw.

To people who haven't played Undertale; you'll probably like it, it's very good.

[–] 6 points 1 year ago (4 children)

I was surprised by how good season one was. Season two was great fun. I hated season three.

I feel they tried too hard to make serious points and failed at telling good stories. They wanted to have big thoughts, but just weren't entertaining.

[–] 4 points 1 year ago

It's not easy.

When I feel myself rushing I try to think about why I'm in a rush and what I'll actually gain. Like maybe rushing through a task will let me play a video game or something, but what does that do? Let's me relax? Why not relax now and try to enjoy what I'm doing, or at least avoid having to do it twice.

[–] 28 points 1 year ago (5 children)

The journey is the destination.

I have a problem with rushing through things. This has helped me slow down and appreciate what I'm doing. I'm not doing something so I can enjoy it after it's done, I'm doing it to enjoy what I'm doing.

[–] 5 points 1 year ago

This is a long shot, but years ago uploaders would make art pages as signatures at the start of the comic. Is there any place where these are saved?

[–] 18 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Green. All other colors are objectively inferior.

[–] 5 points 1 year ago

Memory called empire was good, as was ancillary justice.

I'm currently on ancillary sword and loving it.

[–] 1 points 1 year ago (7 children)

I use a pixel and I have a hard time justifying a different phone.

Maybe things have changed but the last Samsung I had was an S7 and I didn't like it. It suffered from bloat and didn't last all that long. Battery issues and the screen started to lose sensitivity.

I've used iphones and they aren't bad, but I really dislike apple's app store and effort to control everything on my phone. Also everytime a new phone came out my old phone became next to unusable for a month.

I got a pixel 3 and loved it, now I have a pixel 6 and don't see changing my phone any time soon or going to a non-pixel phone. They last a long time, they work well with everything and the camera is excellent.

[–] 2 points 1 year ago

There are good prime directive episodes, but on a whole they just aren't good intros to the shows.

For example, Pen Pals from TNG has some great moments. The crew indulging Data, everyone knowing Data has an emotional connection with the little alien girl, except Data. Good discussion about the morality of intervention. And a large chunk is Wes being whiny also pretty goofy make up on alien girls hands. It's good, but not an intro to Trek good.

[–] 20 points 1 year ago (6 children)

A quick rundown of what is out there:

TOS - the original series - I don't think it holds up too well, only watch if you get into Trek.

Suggested episodes - trouble with tribbles and balance of terror

TNG - the next generation - the basis of modern Trek. Probably what most people think of with star Trek

Eps - measure of a man, darmok, inner light and cause and effect

DS9 - deep space nine - my favorite, the story of the dominion war and the fate of cardasaia. It has a slow start but really picks up

Eps - duet and in the pale moonlight

VOY - voyager - I'm not a fan but it's popular, jerri Ryan and Robert Picardo are the best parts of the show

Eps - year of hell pts 1&2

ENT - enterprise - it's been a long road getting from there to here, but your time is finally here. It's campy and bad, but I love it. Go in with low expectations and come out with a love of Shran.

Eps - not going up suggest any, quality tends to trend upwards over the course of the show, but there isn't any one episode that highlights anything good about the show.

DISCO - discovery - the start of nutrek. It isn't as bad as some people say, but it isn't great. There are some good characters, I like Tilly, some neat twists and callbacks (Lorka) but on a whole it's just meh.

Eps - none for DISCO every episode builds towards a season arc pretty directly, so it's not good to watch out of order

Picard - it's bad. Season 3 is better if you are a big fan of TNG, DS9 and VOY, as an entry point it's awful.

Eps - I didn't enjoy any enough to recommend

LD - lower decks - funny animated star Trek. I think it's great, but very referential to old series. Not a good jumping on point.

Eps - wej Duj and much ado about Boimler

SNW - strange new worlds - still running and great. An excellent jumping on point, pretty and well acted

Eps - ad astra per aspera and the Elysian Kingdom

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