[-] Schedar@beehaw.org 6 points 8 months ago

I’ve experienced exactly the same with my son. He was in hospital for about two weeks but is now absolutely fine.

Really scary and distressing time, I still get wobbly when thinking about it… but the doctors and nurses will look after him.

I hope you’re doing okay. At least as okay as you can be. Don’t forget to eat and sleep yourself.

2FA Help (beehaw.org)
submitted 8 months ago by Schedar@beehaw.org to c/support@beehaw.org

I just tried to enable 2FA on my account, it said to save and refresh to get the setup code etc but it just logged me out.

Now I can’t login without a 2FA code that I don’t have. Any chance I can get a bit of help resetting it so I can log back in again?

I’m still logged in on this device (via the voyager app) so hopefully this post works!

[-] Schedar@beehaw.org 4 points 10 months ago

Hope he’s doing okay, sending some good thoughts!

[-] Schedar@beehaw.org 9 points 10 months ago

House buying is the absolute worst. I hate it so much…

You have to decide so much, on so little information and time. Hell you can spend longer researching a cheap kitchen appliance than a house.

Even when it’s all sorted it’s not really… not until you finally have the keys.

The only way I could be stay sane was shifting my way of thinking… eventually you will find your home and before long you’ll be making memories in it and will absolutely love your house. Every house you missed on was really a good thing in the end as it will lead you to that one house, your proper home.

[-] Schedar@beehaw.org 5 points 10 months ago

Bit early to tell, but I am looking forward to some good evenings planned.

Have a few social evenings this week that are just for me rather than family - (games night, pub trip, a work do etc). Very much needed as I’ve been feeling a tad isolated recently with work.

Just happened to all land on the same week, but they (mostly) kick off late enough that I can still help with the little boy bedtime routine so I don’t feel like I’m shirking parental duties. It wouldn’t really matter , my partner is awesome and would be plenty happy for me to have a few nights “off” - but always better when they dont come with that self inflicted guilt!

[-] Schedar@beehaw.org 13 points 10 months ago

Exactly what I was thinking.

I mean it is important that this kind of stuff is thought about when designing these but it’s going to be a whack-a-mole situation and we shouldn’t be surprised that with targeted prompting you’ll easily gaps that generated stuff like this.

Making articles out of each controversial or immoral prompt isn’t helpful at all. It’s just spam.

[-] Schedar@beehaw.org 5 points 10 months ago

My family as a whole. I’m extremely grateful and happy to have such a good & close family. This includes my direct family, in-laws and friends (who really are official family as god parents now!)

[-] Schedar@beehaw.org 4 points 10 months ago

Rereading it may look like I’m advocating for a China / black mirror style morality social point system.. oops!

Meant more: if someone is abusive to staff to be that business should exercise their right to refuse to serve that person.

[-] Schedar@beehaw.org 14 points 10 months ago

I’ve only had a little bit of retail experience from my teenage days and even with that this just brings back such flash backs. People getting mad at a kid just because the store didn’t have the DVD they wanted or because they’ve been asked to park up at the drive through and wait 5 min for their food.

Personally I think any business owner, especially a home delivery service like pizza, should be firm and quickly blacklist customers who act like this. Delivery drivers put themselves at risk, they are lone workers going to random people’s home. It should be treated seriously.

World would be a lot better if people who treat service workers poorly quickly found that they could no longer get service at all.

[-] Schedar@beehaw.org 5 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

Just gave me flashbacks to when I forget my debit card pin.

it was a pin I’d used for years, used it multiple times a week if not every single day

Then one day I went to the cash point and just blanked. Lost it entirely. Poof.

Had to go through the hoops of requesting a new pin and I wasn’t able to get any money out at the time.

Wasn’t really a big deal at all…. But I totally get that weirdness of just banking on something that you had used so many times before without issue. Freaked me out for a while about how my brain could have just randomly deleted that bit of information that had seemed so solid before.

I’m not trying to compare my little inconvenience to your situation but just that you aren’t alone in the camp of suddenly forgetting a password that you’d known for ages.

[-] Schedar@beehaw.org 9 points 10 months ago

exactly what I was thinking. That big starting number is misleading at best.

submitted 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago) by Schedar@beehaw.org to c/foss@beehaw.org

Does anyone have any recommendations for good backup software? My use case is pretty simple. I have an external usb drive I want to backup to every so often. Both the source and backup drives are 8TB capacity (I’m not even close to using the full capacity yet)

Normally the backup drive is left unplugged but I want to be able to plug it in run the backup software to copy across anything new then unplug it again for storage.

Simple file backup (not looking to do a full bootable OS drive backup or anything)

Thank you

[-] Schedar@beehaw.org 27 points 11 months ago

Google is one of the worst offenders, with constant effort to force you to login, sponsored links etc but it isn’t unique to them.

AI (or human) generated rubbish, optimised for SEO is making it harder and harder to find what you actually want. This isn’t entirely new, there has always been a battle but it does seem like now with the AI push they are winning and we (the users/consumers) are losing.

[-] Schedar@beehaw.org 17 points 11 months ago

Thank you!

Also like that the iOS app privacy section says:

Data Not Collected The developer does not collect any data from this app

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