[-] Samueru@lemmy.ml 1 points 5 days ago

That’s just the way you write the rules being deprecated, not the functionality.

I didn't say that it is impossible to do it, just that after I read the documentation it told me that.

Something that I couldn't even find in the documentation was how to do several actions with one keybind, on i3 each action is separated by a comma and you can assign variables to them, for example:


Which means:

bindsym Mod4+Shift+Mod2+KP_1 move container to WorkSpace "1", WorkSpace "1", --no-startup-id dunstify -r 33 -t 600 "$WS1"

In english that is move the focused window to workspace 1, focus workspace 1 and send a notification of the current workspace (the last one is for some visual feedback).

[-] Samueru@lemmy.ml 1 points 5 days ago* (last edited 5 days ago)

hyperland itself told me that, I have a terrible picture (I didn't setup screenshots lol) of it: https://imgur.com/a/fWwmt1e

This was right before yuzu closed down btw.

and have none of the problems you mentioned.

You can move floating windows between displays with the move left/right commands? (not the move to workspace commands).

edit: Found a related issue https://github.com/hyprwm/hyprland-wiki/issues/242

[-] Samueru@lemmy.ml 8 points 2 weeks ago

I like flatpak as it helps me keep bloat down

Impossible. Like flatpak itself with 5 applications was using more storage than my entire distro with the same apps as appimages on top.

[-] Samueru@lemmy.ml 16 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

There is usually misunderstanding behind this type of questions. for example "why isn't ilike on macos where it is ~/.Trash" and then one has to explain what XDG_DATA_HOME is and why it makes sense for trash to be there (And that it doesn't have to do with the desktop environment as well).

Or op just lost something important thinking that the trash was somewhere else.

[-] Samueru@lemmy.ml 8 points 1 month ago

I find it funny that thumbnail with a "fail" I'm actually surprised that it got 48% right.

[-] Samueru@lemmy.ml 8 points 1 month ago

Interesting that manjaro got kernel 6.9 before arch.

[-] Samueru@lemmy.ml 16 points 1 month ago
[-] Samueru@lemmy.ml 11 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

This is really bad lmao.

flatpak is bloated mess. It basically installs a whole distro onto your existing distro.

That person is also lying very badly by saying that appimages bloat the system... they are actually even smaller than native packages due to their compression (like for example the entire libreoffice suite being 300 MiB while a native package is 600 MiB).

This is the space that flatpak takes to install firefox, just firefox: https://imgur.com/a/WRcRWIL

While this is 15 appimages, that includes libreoffice, kdenlive and two web browsers: https://imgur.com/a/YxjUYdt

EDIT: After being accused of misleading people by @BananaTrifleViolin@lemmy.world I decided to install firefox, libreoffice and kdenlive to flatpak, just those 3 applications, because I was told sure the deduplication was going to do miracles:


)~~6.2 GIB WTF** (15 appimages was 1.2 GiB once again kek, how can flatpak be this bad lmao)~~

EDIT2: This actually isn't the real size, I moved the flatpaks to their own partition and checked that instead:

Alright I just moved flatpak to its own partition and checked the size of the partition instead:

with firefox, kdenlive and libreoffice:

Disk (/var/lib/flatpak) 2.69 GiB / 19.12 GiB (14%) - ext4

That’s much better now. But still twice the size that 15 appimages took.

This is with now having firefox librewolf brave kdenlive and libreoffice:

Disk (/var/lib/flatpak) 3.40 GiB / 19.12 GiB (18%) - ext4

Still though, the appimages take less space. A by a large margin.

Flatpak is just a bloated mess, even with deduplication:

And this is what flatpak uses with just firefox installed:

Sorry for misleading people, turns out flatpak doesn't use near 3X as much as 15 AppImages when it just has firefox installed (which once again those 15 AppImages use 1.2 GIB). It just uses 1.35GiB when it has a single app kek.

On top of that flatpak is not terminal friendly, you have to start everything with flatpak run org.etc.etc (this also breaks scripts that expect the simple binary name in PATH).

Flatpak is also non XDG base dir compliant, and they said over and over that they wont fix that issue: https://github.com/flatpak/flatpak.github.io/issues/191

This person is complaining that appimages suck because you have to put the desktop entry yourself, when apps like am or zap and appimagelauncher do it for you lmao. (And at least am also makes a symlink in PATH so it fully integrates the appimage unlike flatpak ever will)

EDIT: That github link is really bad, it even links this article for saying that sanboxing with appimages isn't secure:


WHEN THAT VERY LINK SAYS THAT FLATPAK ISN'T GOOD EITHER, it even calls out the flatpak devs for it.

[-] Samueru@lemmy.ml 12 points 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago)

We need something like this for home, I hate that programs like steam and firefox place themselves directly into home instead of ~/.config and ~/.llocal.

I even move my personal themes to /usr/share/themes because not everything works with ~/.local/share/themes and needs a ~/themes directory instead.

[-] Samueru@lemmy.ml 10 points 6 months ago

Foobar2000, it is the only windows app that I miss.

Deadbeef is close but it is missing several features, it can't even encode using more than 1 cpu core lol.

[-] Samueru@lemmy.ml 7 points 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago)

The AUR doesn't assume arch packages, if the package your aur script wants isn't in your repo then the package simply fails to update/install.

Edit: This is true even for Arch linux, as the Aur package might be out of date.

[-] Samueru@lemmy.ml 9 points 7 months ago

Koss KSC75, I've been using them for almost 10 years now.

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