[-] Ruben@feddit.nl 13 points 1 week ago

That's on you then, because I do

[-] Ruben@feddit.nl 9 points 4 weeks ago* (last edited 4 weeks ago)

From what we've heard from the community, players are initially drawn to the game because they love that concept of inactive playing. They then get hooked on the game so much that they actually also want to do something in the game even when they're not doing exercising, so something active. It's a very often heard suggestion. Obviously it's impossible to please everyone, but the majority actually does want this. If that's not you, thats unfortunate but understandable.

Edit: also, seems like you will need to basically "charge up" combat points with steps, which you can then use to fight some stuff. So you will still need to be walking first to be able to do combat.

[-] Ruben@feddit.nl 4 points 4 weeks ago

There have been talks about being able to be anonymous on the leaderboards, but nothing set in stone yet

[-] Ruben@feddit.nl 10 points 4 weeks ago

Yes, travelling through the world is also done by walking irl. Though obviously the distances aren't quite 1 to 1. Combat is not implemented yet but coming later. Current plans are that it will be a turn based system and will be what's called "couch content", something you can do at home from your couch without having to walk. But all subject to change still.

[-] Ruben@feddit.nl 10 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

You're not safe either, I heard they're also after people who forget to use the word "who".

[-] Ruben@feddit.nl 5 points 3 months ago

Except it's not really, because it changes how the N is pronounced

[-] Ruben@feddit.nl 4 points 4 months ago

Puzzle Pirates was an amazing puzzle MMO. Unfortunately it died out and while you can still play it, the servers are quite abandoned

[-] Ruben@feddit.nl 5 points 5 months ago

Those studies are ages ago and terribly executed. And researchers have learned from that and since upped research standards. But I guess it's easier to be in denial and ignore it.

[-] Ruben@feddit.nl 5 points 7 months ago

Well, if you've heard about our recent election, yes. Yes it is.

[-] Ruben@feddit.nl 9 points 7 months ago

Cinnamon toast is delicious, I'd take that as a compliment

[-] Ruben@feddit.nl 12 points 7 months ago

Yeah I was also told "You are just like PseudoSpock's mother" once

[-] Ruben@feddit.nl 6 points 8 months ago

I'm just mostly wanting to know where the line is drawn

There is no single line. People have their own principles and can think for themselves what they do and do not support, instead of just following the masses.

It really feels like you're trying way too hard to "checkmate vegans". Why do you care so much?

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