I tried to recreate the emoticon you used, but this was the closest I could get with the available options.
I tried to recreate the emoticon you used, but this was the closest I could get with the available options.
Might be Brodie's?
In Plasma 6 there are a crazy number of ways to skin and change the look.
This video was a good way for me to learn some of the basics. https://youtu.be/R6C-RNhHMrE
Wow. In Canada you cannot get prescription renewals any other way
I'd rather use SMS than sign my rights over to Meta. They can use that if they can use facebook or whatsapp.
KDEs vision is letting users have the experience they want. You can have a vision without limiting configurability and cramming bad UX down the pipe to your users.
I just don't communicate with anyone that insists on using products that have user agreements I don't agree with. The amount of bullshit user agreements are getting overloaded with makes them dangerous legal contracts that can have serious implications on your rights. Just ask the family whose daughter died at a Disney theme park and when they tried to sue Disney tried to force them to arbitration because their son had tried Disney+
I used Gnome Shell 3 for 4 years before giving up on it and going to KDE.
The huge differentiator is that KDE may look like windows OOTB on most distros, but if you want you can easily make it look like Gnome, Mac, Unity.. whatever. The panels and menus are infinitely configurable.
And that is why this meme is dead on the money. I've come to hate dev teams that have "visions" that they cram down users throats regardless of the experience. And the irony is that Gnome 2 used to be much more configurable than older KDE versions.
Sounds like you're into guilty until proven innocent, which is pretty warped.