[-] ReversalHatchery@beehaw.org 1 points 8 hours ago* (last edited 8 hours ago)

I wanted to search for the postman tracker's address, so went to check on notbob.i2p. website unreachable. Isn't this a relatively fairly popular site here?

Edit: on a second try it now loaded in ~10 seconds.
This latency is probably not to much of a problem, but two things:

  • the instability that it couldn't even start loading the site, and it's regularity
  • if a text site with few graphics takes this much time to transfer, bittorrent and movies will be even worse because that's often not compressible
[-] ReversalHatchery@beehaw.org 1 points 9 hours ago

1-2 days is slow but acceptable I think. It's a compromise.

But for some reason for me it's much slower, even though I run a router that participates in routing and usually has 50+ or even 3 digit share ratios, with ~80 GB traffic a day in both directions, so it must be integrated well.

Now I realized I have only tried a single I2P torrent yet, and it was just 2 MB, and my experience was coming from both i2p sites and outproxies often being very slow or unreachable with the common tunnel settings.

[-] ReversalHatchery@beehaw.org 7 points 17 hours ago* (last edited 17 hours ago)

Ater purchasing and downloading a game from Steam, the Steam client is not actually needed for it to be playable. Of course it will try to start up Steam, and if isn't installed then it will complain, but if use use a "steam emulator" that can be worked around.
This is useful if you don't want Steam to track how much and when do you play, when is it that you are online, what achievements you got and such. This is afaik also the only way to say no to forced automatic game updates.

One such emulator is Mr Goldberg's steam emu.
It has a bunch of configuration options, per-game settings, optionally portable settings, windows+linux support, and I think it's even open source.

Using the Goldberg emu is not piracy, neither DRM circumvention. The Steam API is not a DRM, most Steam games just make the Steam client a hard dependency, not bothering with making it work without it.
When the game is protected by DRM (this should always be marked on its store page), the steam emu won't be enough, but you would also need to patch it's DRM protection. Sometimes that's easier, sometimes harder.

Steam emus may or may not work with multiplayer games.
The Goldberg emu has a replacement Steam's own multiplayer network communication system, which works through the local network or a selfhosted wireguard-like VPN, but with big centrally hosted multiplayer games you'll run into licensing validation problems or such.

[-] ReversalHatchery@beehaw.org 6 points 1 day ago

I apologize for the confusion

Meta is working to address these concerns

Sure, they are working to solve these concerns by teaching their LLM to lie and obfuscate, and by becoming so big nobody sues them anymore. I'm sick of this.

[-] ReversalHatchery@beehaw.org 39 points 1 month ago

Secret chats only. With their own, in-house encryption, that, if I remember correctly, the apps don't use according to the specifications.

Maybe I'm mixing up mtproto 1 and 2 with that second part, though.

[-] ReversalHatchery@beehaw.org 30 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

There's something to know in the future, which others don't seem to have mentioned. Resizing a partition is 2 steps: resizing the filesystem, and resizing the partition.

When shrinking, you first resize the filesystem, and with this you make sure that the filesystem does not want to use data outside of the wanted shrinked size. If that not possible because you don't have enough free space, the shrink operation should tell that. After shrinking is done, you can continue with changing the partition table, to actually resize the partition.

When expanding you first expand the partition (so that the fs will have room to expand to), and then expand the filesystem.

If you're familiar with partitioning from the tools of microsoft windows, it's disk manager does the 2 steps without you noticing. This is just how most graphical partition managers work.
But it's important to be aware that the partition and the filesystem is not one and the same object. The filesystem resides in the partition like your feet does in your shoes, and the beginning of the partition helps for the system to find the beginning of the file system, which must end at the partition's end (or before that, but that's not efficient).

If you prefer graphical partition managers (I do too, it's much easier), Linux has a few of them. I recommend you to use GParted. It's a Linux based pendrive-bootable partition editor. They have an official live image, but I would recommend using the SystemRescue system (a live system too), which includes that and many other tools.
In this case, that the problem had already happened, it may or may not be easier to use this.

[-] ReversalHatchery@beehaw.org 27 points 3 months ago

It does nothing, how can it be heavier than an actual Linux Distribution?

Are you sure about that? Data mining, even to the extents that take toll on user experience, is a common thing in consumer electronics

[-] ReversalHatchery@beehaw.org 38 points 7 months ago

Yes, it is not as decentralised as you have thought. I thought this is a fairly known fact. If you need something truly decentralized, I2P is probably the way.


Introduction of the first Managing Director

[-] ReversalHatchery@beehaw.org 28 points 8 months ago

We need to collect the list of names of every politican and such who has advocated for this. These humans are dangerous to society, and we need to be on the lookout regarding what are they doing next. We also need to raise awareness about them so that given the chance, they can be removed from positions of power.

[-] ReversalHatchery@beehaw.org 28 points 8 months ago

Or we all could just still call it twitter and tweets, and be done with it

[-] ReversalHatchery@beehaw.org 31 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

I guess I don't need their app anymore on my phone, then. More free space to me.

Though using an other instance as mentioned by other comments is also an option, I think the mobile app supports that too, even if it's a bit complicated

Edit: after reading the article, this might really not be their fault. At the end they also encourage the reader to host it themselves. They are not very transparent with what's the actual problem, though..

[-] ReversalHatchery@beehaw.org 32 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

To your.. friends? You mean your workplace team? It could be really bad if your only friends are your workplace team


The video is a short documentary on Trusted Computing and what it means to us, the users.

If you like it and you are worried, please show it to others.
If you are not the kind to post on forums, adding it to your Bio on Lemmy and other sites, in your messaging app, or in your email/forum signature may also be a way to raise awareness.

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