[-] Renacles@lemmy.world 1 points 10 minutes ago

FemShep's voice actingis so good, everyone should give it a try

[-] Renacles@lemmy.world 2 points 1 day ago

Are they trying to chop motherboards in half or what?

[-] Renacles@lemmy.world 1 points 2 days ago

Yeah, those are optional though, you can go anywhere in the map without killing a single major boss.

[-] Renacles@lemmy.world 2 points 2 days ago

Yeah, I'd say he's the second hardest boss in the base game.

[-] Renacles@lemmy.world 3 points 3 days ago

They aren't, 90% of the content is accessible without a single boss harder than Mogh.

[-] Renacles@lemmy.world 4 points 5 days ago

They have good taste

[-] Renacles@lemmy.world -1 points 6 days ago

Cyberpunk is part of the cyberpunk subgenre and has a premade main character.

Fallout is a post apocalyptic game set in a retro futuristic universe.

Outer Worlds is not post apocalyptic but being in barren planets in the frontier gives it a much more similar vibe. It's basically a spiritual successor to Fallout that falls short in a lot of aspects.

I don't think Outer Worlds is bad but if they couldn't live up to New Vegas they shouldn't have set the expectations they did.

[-] Renacles@lemmy.world 4 points 6 days ago

I switched from dark moon greatsword to a bleed build and my dps tripled against the divine beast.

The early bosses have huge magical resistance, each regular attack from my sword dealt 700 damage vs 800 + bleed from Eleonora's Polearm despite being much faster.

I'm glad there are more larval tears I missed though, I was worried I'd run out before trying some more builds.

[-] Renacles@lemmy.world 0 points 6 days ago

First person Sci-Fi RPG with heavy criticism of capitalism and a retro futuristic look.

[-] Renacles@lemmy.world 56 points 2 weeks ago

I think the main issue is NPC quests, they are complete nonsense and fail automatically based on arbitrary triggers.

[-] Renacles@lemmy.world 57 points 3 months ago

The lack of self awareness is outstanding.

[-] Renacles@lemmy.world 70 points 3 months ago

Something was off with the way fast travel worked but I didn't expect they'd try to fucking sell it.

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