[-] Radicalized@lemmy.one 28 points 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago)

Fairy creek was pretty much the last of the old growth forests on Vancouver Island (other than a small amount of parkland). That shit is never coming back, not for 5-10 generations, possibly not for a thousand years. And that’s only if the land is left untouched to recover (which it will not be). I have personally seen the devastation of the island in rural areas. Along the highways the forest is left in tact, but just a couple metres away it is entirely clear cut. They hide it from us because people would start to care if they knew the truth.

The benefit? Large sums of money for a few wealthy individuals. The leader who saw this through retired and is working for the forestry industry now. And the wood from these precious trees? Turned into guitars and other embellishments. An utter waste of a non-renewable resource. They could have logged any second-growth forest for this.

Never forget that it was the BC NDPs that did this — the supposed leftist, environmentalist party. Reformist politicians and the entire parliamentary system needs to be shed. Voting for them has never worked and never will work.

Gain some class consciousness.


[-] Radicalized@lemmy.one 40 points 5 months ago

She did some stripping and she had a blog… am I missing something here? Half the girls I knew in college did that.

[-] Radicalized@lemmy.one 20 points 5 months ago

Yeah that’s insane. Canada Post isn’t supposed to make money.

[-] Radicalized@lemmy.one 27 points 5 months ago

To be clear she wasn’t just sent spiders. This woman had a targeted harassment and stalking campaign conducted against her for months by six people. They went to her house and sent her threatening messages that implied she might be in danger.

[-] Radicalized@lemmy.one 33 points 5 months ago

He’s afraid he’ll be martyred. Don’t forget, Navalny returned to Russia willingly right after releasing a documentary on Putins secret mansion. It was allegedly to put Putin in the awkward position of choosing between keeping an opponent with popular support alive, and killing him and potentially motivating the masses. Locking him away somewhere distant and keeping him there until he’s forgotten about is probably the best way to get rid of him. I’m pretty sure most Russians know that the legal system is a farce.

[-] Radicalized@lemmy.one 18 points 7 months ago

My problem is that when I log in and have 10+ notifications I think “oh no what did I say” and then never check them.

[-] Radicalized@lemmy.one 17 points 8 months ago

I really really don’t think Apple needs to do much to stay relevant.

[-] Radicalized@lemmy.one 45 points 9 months ago

Lmao, this guys post history. I’d accuse him of being a shill but I think he’s sucking corporate dick for free.

Ok. Life expectancy in america is lower for poor people. We can agree on that. Can you please compare it to the life expectancy in communist countries, like North Korea, USSR or China during Mao regime?

Lots of gems in there like this one, check through for a laugh. I don’t know why, but every right wing dirtbag that talks about “Marxist ideology indoctrinating children” is also an Elon and trump simp. Every single one. Evidence that the right loves strongmen, dictators and big leather daddies to tell them what to do and run society for them.

[-] Radicalized@lemmy.one 24 points 9 months ago

This guy looks like the “if humans evolved to survive high impact car crashes” figure they made a while back.

[-] Radicalized@lemmy.one 46 points 10 months ago

Would this man just die already

[-] Radicalized@lemmy.one 87 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

There’s a large amount of perceived haughtiness from the residents of California. They have a lot to be proud of though - it’s a great state in a lot of regards.

Full disclosure, I’m Canadian but travel to San Diego often for work.

Downtown San Diego is not as I remember it from before the pandemic. It’s quite clear to me that California is struggling with a massive mental health and addiction issue. The cost of living compounds these issues and amplifies the worst in people. Even “normal” working class folk are quick to anger and explode at the slightest inconvenience and people just do not give a shit about each other. I pin it to everyone being stressed out because they live paycheck to paycheck and the future is always uncertain.

Things that I think could help: universal healthcare, increased public housing, and the execution of the sackler family.

[-] Radicalized@lemmy.one 30 points 11 months ago

UK isn’t in the EU.

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