[-] Quasari@programming.dev 18 points 5 months ago

Is it a farce, though? Isn't more like they want to make it a farce, just like how they are trying to make impeachment a farce?

[-] Quasari@programming.dev 23 points 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago)

That just means every member of congress is an insurrectionist because they have just as much or more power to change that.

It is not insurrection in either todays definition or the 14ths contemporary definition, and that would be slapped down.

[-] Quasari@programming.dev 8 points 7 months ago

If it's repeated offenses like the example in the article, it's a little harder to prove it wasn't intentional.

[-] Quasari@programming.dev 15 points 7 months ago

The apps using GPT4 without regards to safety can be though. Example: replacing human with chatbot for suicide prevention.

[-] Quasari@programming.dev 7 points 8 months ago

You are probably right. Devices like these in the old days used to require you hook up an official controller to it to get past the drm. Likely will evolve back to that.

[-] Quasari@programming.dev 12 points 8 months ago

Search xbox mouse adapter on amazon. There are so many products that do what you describe people wouldn't care to do because they don't care.

[-] Quasari@programming.dev 8 points 8 months ago

The 1m was confiscated because it was ‘illegal income’, not because he used VPN.

Yes, it’s still shitty that using VPN to access GitHub makes his income illegal

using VPN ... makes his income illegal

Yes, they fine wasn't a flat 1m or whatever, but because he earned it while using a VPN on and off(cuz the great firewall periodically blocks github). None of that would of happened if he didn't use a VPN, so saying that the direct reason he's in trouble isn't why he got punished is less honest.

If your complaint is about how the number was determined, perhaps it would be better as "Chinese programmer ordered to pay entire income(1m yuan) for using Virtual Private Network." Honestly, either headline is fine as long as the details of how that number was chosen is in the article.

[-] Quasari@programming.dev 14 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago)

From Washington Post:

In the lawsuit, Biden does not concede that the laptop was his, but he does acknowledge that at least “some of the data that Defendants obtained, copied, and proceeded to hack into and tamper with belongs” to him. The lawsuit charges that Biden’s data was “manipulated, altered and damaged before it was copied and sent” to Giuliani and Costello.

He specifically says some of his private data was hacked, he's not saying the laptop they had was his, just they definitely had his private data.

[-] Quasari@programming.dev 45 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago)

I'm pretty sure what's being alleged is that there is real data exfiltrated from his devices on the laptop, but the laptop itself wasn't his. As in he was hacked, someone created the laptop with that data and added manipulations to it, then coincidently dropped it off to be "found".

Given the lack of proper chain of custody, it's probably likely.

[-] Quasari@programming.dev 22 points 9 months ago

Hey, I love that they added the effect of his clothes dropping off him the first time he shape-shifts after regaining his shape-shifting abilities.

[-] Quasari@programming.dev 12 points 9 months ago

They are laying off people not on strike in response to the strike and blaming those on strike for it.

[-] Quasari@programming.dev 17 points 10 months ago

It was 50k doubling each day. So 50k + 100k + 200k for 3 days, if they had let it keep going it would of hurt a lot. This type of fine works.

At 10 days would be 51 million, after 20 would be 52 billion dollars. So, they have a compelling reason to comply with haste.

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