[-] Pulptastic@midwest.social 4 points 4 hours ago

I'm gonna go the other way. The only marketing I acknowledge is factual reporting of design features that make a product suitable for the intended task. Anything else is dishonest and manipulative.

Think of Chris Cooper's character from Interstate 50. Any marketing claim must be specific, measurable, verifiable, and accurate.

[-] Pulptastic@midwest.social 36 points 18 hours ago

If other animals don't have chins, they're using a weird definition of chin.

[-] Pulptastic@midwest.social 1 points 1 day ago

I use pocket app to save online recipes I like for later use. It is searchable and a separate list than my bookmarks which I like.

[-] Pulptastic@midwest.social 51 points 2 months ago

Groundhog Day. It gets better with subsequent watches.

[-] Pulptastic@midwest.social 60 points 3 months ago

I personally would rather follow topics than people. I don't know or care what the founder of Adobe had for breakfast. I like the idea of community aggregate voting to drive an interesting feed. Maybe Mastodon can do that better than I know because I only gave it a few days... but I was nowhere near what I wanted after a few days where Lemmy was good from day 0.

[-] Pulptastic@midwest.social 78 points 4 months ago

If it shouldn't be charged above 80%, then make 80% the new 100%. "But this one goes to 11"

[-] Pulptastic@midwest.social 55 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago)


Title. title.

[-] Pulptastic@midwest.social 56 points 7 months ago

Yeah, buttons can be found without looking.

[-] Pulptastic@midwest.social 56 points 8 months ago

I give candy to parents with costumes. Knock on my door, say trick or treat, and you get candy. Them's the rules.

I also give adults I know beer or seltzer.

[-] Pulptastic@midwest.social 50 points 8 months ago

The left is Rotten Tomatoes which I usually my go-to. The relative % of critic and user ratings let me know what. Getting into. If both are high it's a well made blockbuster, critic high user low is thought provoking, critic low user high is the Walmart lowest denominator slapstick, action, or romcom, and both low is trash like Freddie Got Fingered or The Room.

The other is Letterboxd, a social movie review platform, that I've never used but I can imagine it would make my peenus hort.

[-] Pulptastic@midwest.social 84 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

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