[-] Postmortal_Pop@lemmy.world 9 points 6 hours ago

There's a mod that puts a museum in solitude and hundreds of unique collectables into the game as well as several small quests. The whole of it is comparable to the Thieves guild in content and the stories are well written. Plus it gives you a place to store all the beautiful unique items and radiant quests to go get them.

Personally I love it, it's everything I want in Skyrim.

[-] Postmortal_Pop@lemmy.world 95 points 1 day ago

I think Weird Al Yankovic would be the perfect opponent. The absurdity of a political debate where Trump spouts absolute nonsense in a perfectly serious manor while Al lays serious facts in the most nonsensical form would be the show of the century and weird Al has better qualifications for the job by trumps standards having maintained cultural relevancy and financial stability for 4 decades. Plus he's jest super likeable.

[-] Postmortal_Pop@lemmy.world 6 points 2 days ago

That depends on whether or not I can be a Bender. Culturally I think I'd be better suited as an air nomad, it fits my wanderlust and passive lifestyle. Otherwise the earth Kingdom, especially if I could be an earth bender.

[-] Postmortal_Pop@lemmy.world 36 points 2 weeks ago

Don't get me stated on how fucking dumb it is that everyone everywhere just immediately turns to murder. Crime isn't something I have a problem with, so when I say I've never committed a murder it's not because the pesky laws are stopping me. I just genuinely don't see the need to kill someone. But no, everyone and their mom is going full zodiac all day all night if it went for laws!

[-] Postmortal_Pop@lemmy.world 52 points 2 weeks ago


worryingly dated hands-on

less exciting than expected

It's 2024, is there anyone genuinely stupid enough to not have expected exactly that from the start? In a world of passionately programed indi titles and fantastic strides from studios that care about their product, why is anyone taking the time to even look at Ubisoft these days, let alone fall for their scam?

[-] Postmortal_Pop@lemmy.world 62 points 3 weeks ago

Don't Do Crimes

Judges hate him for this one easy trick!

[-] Postmortal_Pop@lemmy.world 33 points 1 month ago

OK but let's talk about the practical thing, how do I, a random American, get one?

[-] Postmortal_Pop@lemmy.world 39 points 1 month ago

So I gave the article a glance and it's a bit beyond me can someone give me an eli5?

[-] Postmortal_Pop@lemmy.world 26 points 2 months ago

If they won't let everyone have them then the 🏴‍☠️will

[-] Postmortal_Pop@lemmy.world 36 points 2 months ago

Guy here, I've worn a few in my time and it's a lot like wearing a new ring on your finger, at first you notice it constantly, you feel it between your fingers and you notice when it moves, but eventually you forget it's even there. Exact same experience with thongs. After the initial sensory experience wears off its as present in your mind as the underwear you're currently wearing. It doesn't move much between the cheeks, and I can't say I've ever explicitly felt it shading my asshole.

Personally I'm not a fan of them because they don't provide the two things I wear underwear for, padding between my thighs so they don't chafe, and decency if I manage to cut it rip my pants while working. If I don't need to worry about those I'll just go commando.

[-] Postmortal_Pop@lemmy.world 31 points 2 months ago

When I read the headline my immediate thought was "roads now have subscription services" and the most upsetting part of that is that I wasn't even surprised.

[-] Postmortal_Pop@lemmy.world 52 points 2 months ago

I remember when photoshop became widely available and the art community collectively declared it the death of art. To put the techniques of master artists in the hand of anyone who can use a mouse would put the painter out of business. I watched as the news fumed and fired over delinquents photoshopping celebrity nudes, declaring that we'll never be able to trust a photo again. I saw the cynical ire of views as the same news shopped magazine images for the vanity of their guests and the support of their political views. Now, the dust long settled, photoshop is taught in schools and used by designer globally. Photo manipulation is so prevalent that you probably don't realize your phone camera is preprogrammed to cover your zits and remove your loose hairs. It's a feature you have to actively turn off. The masters of their craft are still masters, the need for a painted canvas never went away. We laugh at obvious shop jobs in the news, and even our out of touch representatives know when am image is fake.

The world, as it seems, has enough room for a new tool. As it did again with digital photography, the death of the real photographers. As it did with 3D printing, the death of the real sculptors and carvers. As it did with synth music, the death of the real musician. When the dust settles on AI, the artist will be there to load their portfolio into the trainer and prompt out a dozen raw ideas before picking the composition they feel is right and shaping it anew. The craft will not die. The world will hate the next advancement, and the cycle will repeat.

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