[-] PopOfAfrica@lemmy.world 4 points 1 day ago

Imo, computing, like all other things, requires a little trust and risk. The problem is most people are Wayyy to trusting in general.

[-] PopOfAfrica@lemmy.world 17 points 3 days ago

We just need a little more inflation and a few more Netflix price hikes before we lose our bread and circuses.

[-] PopOfAfrica@lemmy.world 1 points 3 days ago

Go to literally any politcal subs here. Its just tons of genocide approval and conservative economics

[-] PopOfAfrica@lemmy.world 4 points 3 days ago

I never said we dont need reforms. In fact the issue I have is Capitalism as a whole.

All UBI would do is give those who own the means of automation 100% power. What leverage would we have if not our labor?

Thats not at all to say what we have going on right now is not evil.

[-] PopOfAfrica@lemmy.world 7 points 3 days ago

Heck, I often find Lemmy too conservative but its nothing as bad as reddit.

[-] PopOfAfrica@lemmy.world 84 points 3 days ago

I actually think universal basic income is a very flawed idea from a leftist perspective.

It is effectively a capitalist compromise that still puts all of the asset holders in immense positions of power. The only difference now is they effectively are governmentally enforced as those positions of power. It will make the wealth disparity exponentially worse.

The answer to our wealth disparity is to put power in the hands of the average person.

[-] PopOfAfrica@lemmy.world 19 points 5 days ago

It's also worth noting that too many people put out way too much imagery of themselves online. People have got to start expecting that anything you put out in the public domain becomes public domain.

[-] PopOfAfrica@lemmy.world 24 points 6 days ago

Well, one of the alternatives is what ID Software used to do, where they would sell the game for a period of time and then open source the code Once sales dropped off.

[-] PopOfAfrica@lemmy.world 5 points 6 days ago

Super Tux Kart is actually great. Open Arena is just Quake 3 with original art. IMO Open Arena is criminally underrated

[-] PopOfAfrica@lemmy.world 53 points 6 days ago

The open sourcing of the quake engine is where a lot of modern engines got their roots.

[-] PopOfAfrica@lemmy.world 129 points 6 months ago

I ended up giving up and just putting a Linux PC attached to my TV as a media center. I host plex on it.


I think it's pretty safe to say that the majority of us are here to avoid another corporate takeover of our preferred platforms. It would seem to me to be a tad irresponsible to allow Facebook into our space with open arms, allowing them to hoover up our data. I would love to keep using Lemmy.world, but will happily change instances if need be, and I feel many share that sentiment.

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