Nix has flakes; nix run can contain pretty much all of the needed dependencies. If that's not enough, you can set up an entire container as a module.

Alphabetical index — ACAB

Go ahead; .world is getting too big anyway.

[-] 24 points 6 days ago* (last edited 6 days ago)

IIRC you are required to connect to internet to continue the setup process in newer versions.

OP was never seen again.

Nix installs packages independently of what's been installed, so you'll get the exact same result if you skip 0 updates or 500.

Yep, parentheses force {} to be interpreted as an expression rather than a block — same reason why IIFEs have !function instead of just function.


A picture of a plane taxiing, captioned with "Taylor Swift on her way to the airport".

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