[-] Pohl@lemmy.world 147 points 1 month ago

“Privacy” means two different things depending on the audience. For me privacy means that my information is not being used to advance some organizations commercial interest. For others it means that my information will never be shared with a government.

Don’t advertise to me


Don’t narc on me

I guess I don’t really expect a company to resist pressure from government agencies on my behalf. Especially if I have been using their service to commit crimes in my country. If you are doing things your government would prefer you didn’t, hire a good lawyer and consult with them about what should be sent via email (spoiler, it’s nothing). The mafia doesn’t send emails, or put anything in writing, if you do crimes, you shouldn’t either.

[-] Pohl@lemmy.world 51 points 4 months ago

3d printed plastic guns are real in a sense but not in any practical way. I am not sure why so many people think this is a concern. If I have a box of ammo, I can probably go into my shop and come up with a way to fire it. I doubt I would use my 3d printer in that project though. There are better ways to makeshift a weapon.

[-] Pohl@lemmy.world 53 points 4 months ago

The real charlatans were the “the technology has promise” people. No, the technology was dumb.

[-] Pohl@lemmy.world 65 points 5 months ago

Repeal the AUMF you fucking cowards! Otherwise, shut your little mouths and be the meek useless branch that you seem determined to be.

Put up or shut up congress.

[-] Pohl@lemmy.world 143 points 6 months ago

This is a real rogues gallery of internet. And… a soccer team from Detroit. What the fuck did those guys do?

[-] Pohl@lemmy.world 197 points 6 months ago

I have content I purchased on steam 19yrs ago. Shit was built for completely different hardware but I can go install and play it right now. The physical console games I bought that year only work in consoles that have long since broken. I can go play HL2 whenever I want, to play my copy of THPS3, I have to find and buy a PS2 that still works.

Digital ownership can apparently work just fine

Sony is reminding us that Sony is a shitty company. The company that bought you amazing technology like the memory stick (tm) probably cannot be trusted.

[-] Pohl@lemmy.world 89 points 6 months ago

I know for a fact that Tesla puts parts on the road that have not completed validation testing. The majors would refuse deliver of parts at that lifecycle stage and Tesla is shipping them to customers.

They do not give a shit about safety. Tesla is a company that makes stock hype, the cars are an incidental byproduct.

[-] Pohl@lemmy.world 117 points 7 months ago

I am probably the perfect google customer. I used google search when it still had an exclamation point. I got my gmail account by invite in ‘04. Downloaded chrome on day one. I used nexus/pixel phones almost exclusively

Today, ddg search on Firefox. I am using an iPhone. I still have the gmail account but I am slowly migrating away from it. I am done with google. They don’t produce anything that has any value for me anymore.

[-] Pohl@lemmy.world 357 points 7 months ago

If you ever needed a lesson in the difference between power and authority, this is a good one.

The leaders of this coup read the rules and saw that they could use the board to remove Altman, they had the authority to make the move and “win” the game.

It seems that they, like many fools mistook authority for power. The “rules” said they could do it! Alas they did not have the power to execute the coup. All the rules in the world cannot make the organization follow you.

Power comes from people who grant it to you. Authority comes from paper. Authority is the guidelines for the use of power, without power, it is pointless.

[-] Pohl@lemmy.world 100 points 9 months ago

Do what you want, but please stop posting jobs as remote unless you actually want to hire remote. I am applying for the posted remote job. I am open that I intend to work remote. Why the fuck am I getting an HR person on a phone screen telling me they really want people in the office??

Stop posting remote. You don’t want me and I don’t want you. We don’t need to talk!

[-] Pohl@lemmy.world 47 points 9 months ago

You gotta choose. Dig messy holes at home, make friends with china, or rapacious exploitation of developing nations.

Which one do you like best?

I’m not advocating for a bunch of nasty mines in my backyard. I’m just pointing out that “not mining” is a choice that is pretty ugly also.

[-] Pohl@lemmy.world 74 points 10 months ago

Frisco is the name of a city in Texas adjacent to Dallas where the paper and a published.

Why would they not use the name of the city in which the arrest took place?

Certainly you were not just posting some smug bullshit without even bothering to open the link…

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