[-] Pheonixdown@lemm.ee 7 points 4 days ago

I'm not at home to check at the moment, but I think it's Jobs Filterer for LinkedIn by Jonathan Kamens. Lets you prefilter with regex for like company or job title, and give you a button to manually hide specific listings as well.

[-] Pheonixdown@lemm.ee 10 points 4 days ago

I was looking on LinkedIn recently, had to get an extension just to hide all those, really cleaned up my search results after a while.

[-] Pheonixdown@lemm.ee 18 points 6 days ago

I'm thinking either he used it as a canteen to carry more water further, or as a rain barrel to capture it, not just as a cup to drink from at places where water was readily available.

[-] Pheonixdown@lemm.ee 3 points 6 days ago

For something I'm paying for, I want no ads, recommended or otherwise.

For something I get for free, if it's easily skippable/ignorable, I don't really care, I'll skip it or mute the tab or whatever. If I can't, I'd rather have a like sniper level targeted ad (use all the data!), really try to show me something I'll care about (there was some like 10 minutes ad about the science behing glass by one of the guys from MythBusters, I watched the whole ad, it was great). The demographic level targeted ads are my 2nd least favorite, mostly because it feels like I usually need to suffer through what is a targeted ad but if they bothered to exclude some of the audience based on some data points (looking at you luxury car ads, it's just never going to happen), they'd know I'm a bad target, I'd rather some generic add over those. My least favorite ad though, when I get an ad in a language I don't even understand, like at least match my primary language, wasting everyone's time...

[-] Pheonixdown@lemm.ee 40 points 2 months ago

This isn't early access, it's advanced access, like if a game has a deluxe edition that lets people play a few days before the official release.

[-] Pheonixdown@lemm.ee 22 points 3 months ago

Other people had the capability to do what Copernicus did, but lacked desire/resources. A LLM will never have the capability for a novel idea.

[-] Pheonixdown@lemm.ee 28 points 5 months ago

Your account can only have 1 person per server/world and it is only for that world.

You can create/join multiple worlds, each has its own independent progress.

So for example, if everyone in a family of 4 wanted to play but only one account, they each could play independently on different worlds using the same account, but could never join each other's worlds with any character other than the first made on that world.

[-] Pheonixdown@lemm.ee 27 points 5 months ago

It's not really a pokemon game, the similarity basically ends at: there are weird fighting animals you catch with round objects and take research notes on. There's no evolving, combat is an active battle rather than turn-based, combat participants are unlimited, your character participates in combat directly, you can catch people, you put what you catch to work for you at your camp, plus all the survival elements.

[-] Pheonixdown@lemm.ee 36 points 5 months ago

Nah, this wasn't an issue with the scanner, it's an issue with the core design of the software. For whatever reason, it uses different value fields when determining the price to display for an item and the price used in the total, that means this problem can occur for any number of items and the only way to detect it is to manually total the receipt. It's a fundamental problem with the software and their pricing change control process and a good PSA, the negative headline draws better attention than the positive, which is that anyone could be charged incorrectly. That the store was able to fix it is also good to include, but it is an expected responsibility of the store to do so, not some positive spin.

[-] Pheonixdown@lemm.ee 37 points 10 months ago

I was a manager at a big bank. They were having problems with attrition, so every manager had to doing a dumb HR class about retention. During the class, they asked us how we thought we could improve the retention rate. My immediate response was pay more and drop their policy of focusing on paying bonuses over giving raises. The HR person was dumbfounded and we spent the whole time talking about trust exercises...

[-] Pheonixdown@lemm.ee 31 points 10 months ago

The proprietary/cloud based threat bit me already. Installed smart vents in my home several years ago. They weren't perfect, but they did really help even out my 3-bedroom, 2-story, 1-zone home. Now the app fails to login, the site doesn't even attempt password recovery and I'm back to dumb vents... Customer support is a black hole and basically every product is and has been out of stock for years, so I've no hope of any happy resolution.

They apparently used to be supported by SmartThings when it allowed custom stuff, but that's dead now too because Samsung didn't want to allow it. I even tried to use their proprietary hub which said it could connect to them, but that shit didn't work either.

[-] Pheonixdown@lemm.ee 46 points 10 months ago

Seems like kind of a straw that broke the camel's back situation.

A company sent them a one-of-a-kind prototype cooling device and the video card it was designed for to have it reviewed or whatever. The reviewer misplaced the GPU but was under deadline to produce their video, so they used a different video card, and the cooler (as should be expected) didn't function well, but they posted the negative review anyway. After the fuckup was pointed out, they put a very easy to miss "correction" on the video. People caught on that this happens alot, and started to question the value of the content, given so many mistakes and easily missed corrections. This also extended to people questioning the bias of their reviews on products related to companies they have partnerships with or competing brands.

Additionally, despite being asked to return the device and agreeing to do so, they later sold it at a charity auction. This measurably harmed the creator and it is unknown who purchased it (people speculate it was a competitor), apparently some compensation was worked out however.

Last I've seen, the former social media manager posted a pretty scathing recounting of time at the company. It included alot of events that indicate this was a predatory and hostile work environment, including sexual harassment.

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