[-] OppositeOfOxymoron@infosec.pub 7 points 1 month ago

To add to this, self-hosting is also best when you minimize everything - limited service, with limited functionality, on dedicated hardware that doesn't share access to your internal network or storage. Folks who use point-and-click apps to install a half dozen unauthenticated docker containers, all open to the internet, running on the same PC they store the only copy of their family photos and music/movie collection on... make me crazy.

[-] OppositeOfOxymoron@infosec.pub 36 points 7 months ago

Judge asks the hypernuclear question: "Have you tried NOT catering to Nazi's and racists?"

[-] OppositeOfOxymoron@infosec.pub 21 points 8 months ago
  1. Electoral reform, at all levels. Start with municipal governments by offering tax dollars to help with the transition and to educate citizens. Once a municipality has successfully held their first election under the new system, they get some more money to continue their education plans, then move up to provincial, federal, etc.

  2. Boost healthcare. The state of all healthcare systems is shameful. Bonus transfer payments for strengthening the healthcare system with higher wages and benefits, lower wait times, more equal access to care, and fewer people without family doctors.

  3. Get serious on the environment. Nothing else matters once you can't drink the water and breathe the air. Stop subsidizing carbon, collect carbon taxes, and direct the collected money back to individuals. Big rebates for energy efficiency projects, electric cars & charging.

  4. Kickstart housing. It's not rocket surgery that cities and suburbs need higher density housing, with accessible public transit nearby.

That's just off the top of my head...

[-] OppositeOfOxymoron@infosec.pub 13 points 8 months ago

In related news, Twitter is up to 80% nazi billionaire despot disinformation bots now. Congratulations!

[-] OppositeOfOxymoron@infosec.pub 17 points 8 months ago

My electric car was manufactured ONCE. It's powered by 99% green power (hydroelectric). It burns no gas/diesel, requires no oil changes. I intend on keeping it for 15+ years (my last vehicle got to 16 years before the electrical system fried).

It is better by literally every measure short of walking everywhere.

[-] OppositeOfOxymoron@infosec.pub 15 points 8 months ago

Just download Signal. Cross platform, verifably E2E, and verifiably no data collected by Open Whisper (as per their submission in a lawsuit). Also, one of the authors/architects of Signal occasionally trolls the companies that provide mobile spyware.

[-] OppositeOfOxymoron@infosec.pub 6 points 10 months ago

Was going to get an MRI on my brain, but was worried about the steel clip that was used for my vasectomy. The tech said, "Just let us know if you feel anything tingle once you get in the room." I literally walked into the room with both hands firmly on my junk, knowing full well that it wouldn't change anything.

Long story short, the metal clips they use are non-ferrous. :)

[-] OppositeOfOxymoron@infosec.pub 7 points 10 months ago

The vehicles are decent, the service is terminally putrid. Bad alignment from the factory ruined $5k in tires, Tesla offered me $500 off the cost of replacement.

I took it in for another issue, and when I told the tech about how the car burned through the inside edge of the tires on the car, he said "Yeah, they do that." and followed it with a recommendation that I get wheel alignments TWICE A YEAR.

[-] OppositeOfOxymoron@infosec.pub 97 points 10 months ago

Diarrhea: Soupy Poopy.

[-] OppositeOfOxymoron@infosec.pub 8 points 10 months ago

Your 2000 year old cult that you say if full of love and forgiveness but has generally been used to stir hatred, abuse kids, and hoard incalculable amounts of money has been replaced with a new up-and-coming cult that skips the obligation to forgive and replaces it with hatred and retribution and even more grift. Congratulations.

[-] OppositeOfOxymoron@infosec.pub 7 points 11 months ago

FYI, finding an incidentaloma and doing another scan 3 months later to see that it's disappeared is also life saving. My mother had a lung problem, got some imaging done, they found a lump in her lung, and instead of going directly to poking it for a biopsy or surgery, they checked 4 months later, and saw that it resolved on it's own. If it was cancer, they would have seen changes in it, and known it was something to be investigated further at the time of the second scan. Doctors need to manage expectations and refer people for therapy if they have anxiety around their health.

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