[-] Opafi@feddit.de 53 points 3 weeks ago

As much as I lean to hate this despite it not even affecting me as a Linux user...

I’m going to structure this as a Q&A with myself now, based on comments online

What is that? "I'm going to pretend to ask questions that I'll then answer myself the way I think it'll outrage that most people do I'll get a lot of clicks on this shitty article"? What crappy excuse for content creation is this? I hate it.

[-] Opafi@feddit.de 46 points 3 months ago

und Frau Kepetry (als Frau)

submitted 3 months ago by Opafi@feddit.de to c/tabletop@beehaw.org

So, it seems like after FFG lost Star Wars: Armada to Atomic Mass Games (both studios under Asmodee) and fired the responsible heads in the process, said heads switched sides to the other "Star" sci fi franchise and were busy doing something similar with warp cores and glowing nacelles. It's supposed to be released in a few weeks and can be preordered.

First impressions are available already ( https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=yLPi9N7-0I0 , https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=tjBILyzBZ5Q , https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=gIOyB9ZXn8s ). Let's see how well the universe of politics, ethical dilemmas and people that turn into lizards if they move too fast translates into a miniatures tabletop game.

[-] Opafi@feddit.de 70 points 4 months ago

Always ass been.

submitted 4 months ago by Opafi@feddit.de to c/steamdeck@sopuli.xyz

Does anybody really use the steam deck with multiple users and can tell me what I'm doing wrong?

I got the mid range deck, enjoyed how I could play almost my entire library and created a steam account for my oldest son so he could use it, too, without us messing up each other's save games or stats. I set up family sharing for our accounts and added some games to the family library, but from that point onwards the experience has pretty much been a mess for me.

First of all, setting up the family sharing was pretty much a convoluted process where I really didn't understand what I was supposed to be doing... Were the family PINs supposed to be the same for both accounts? Who selects what in order to get the young man to play skyrim? It was all weird, but we eventually managed. The result is, however, an annoying setup that is just weird.

  • When I turn on the deck, it now always starts in family mode on my account, so I always have to enter the PIN before doing anything that is not playing a game that I added to the family library. Which is most of my games. Shop won't open before I enter the pin, nothing works while being in family mode and it always starts in family mode.
  • Considering how often I have to insert the family PIN, it's annoying how buggy the keyboard is with the PIN entry form... Every time I enter a digit via the touch pads, the keyboard just freezes for a second or so. No idea if that has something to do with localisation or something.
  • Starting a game won't ask for the account... I have both accounts set up on the deck, but unlike e.g. the switch, the deck always starts games on the account that was last logged in, no questions asked.
  • There is no proper separation of data for each user. When I added vampire survivors to the family library and he started it on his account afterwards, the first thing that happened was a hundred achievements getting unlocked because his game simply loaded my state. Same for other games which just show save games from all users, which is super annoying for the usual auto save and continue game flow.
  • He says he can't really chat or play games in multiplayer if he's using my shared games on his account... No idea what's going on there, have not yet gotten around to trouble shoot that.

Am I doing something wrong or what is this? We had the deck with us on our last vacation and with the Internet being just not available a lot of the time (which is imperative to switch accounts) and all those issues outlined above, it basically got no usage at all and I'm getting more and more annoyed by this.

[-] Opafi@feddit.de 102 points 4 months ago

do people actually find xkcd funny?

Yes. And I should know, I'm a people.

[-] Opafi@feddit.de 46 points 5 months ago

If you host a forum, you can easily access the database to move threads into some kind of archive if you no longer want to host it. It could also be moved to another server. Stuff like that.

Using a proprietary service instead is just a bad idea.

submitted 5 months ago by Opafi@feddit.de to c/tabletop@beehaw.org

So, I have some epic scale Eldar lying around that I'd like to give a shot. And as I liked the design of the Eldar tanks, I got too many tanks, but thankfully there's a tank craftworld (Yme-Loc) with rules.

But... There are too many rules!

There's rules that were used for epic UK tournaments at http://epic-uk.co.uk/wp/army-lists/

There's another list over at taccomms: https://www.tacticalwargames.net/taccmd/viewtopic.php?f=24&t=31593

And there's even another tank heavy list there, at https://www.tacticalwargames.net/taccmd/viewtopic.php?f=24&t=23411 , although that's "Craftworld Mymeara", for whatever reason.

... Aaaand there's a list in the army builder: https://adam77.github.io/snapfire/war/chooser.html?list=EL_ymeloc_EPICUK (which seems to be the epic UK version, but a different version).

Does anybody know which one to take? I'd like to paint some units firsts that I'm then actually going to use instead of painting all guardians first just to not fields them, so coming up with a small list would really be my first step. I'm inclined to use the army builder one, just because it's easy to use.

submitted 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago) by Opafi@feddit.de to c/tabletop@beehaw.org

So, having recently gotten Star Wars: Armada, my son got hooked on it about as much as me, so we've been playing a few games over the past two weeks.

Today, we played our first 400 points game. I played Rebels: an mc75 ordnance cruiser, an mc30 scout frigate, a cr90a, a CR90b and the four x wings from the base game. He played Imperials with an ISD1 and carrier upgrades, an Interdictor with the two upgrades that could slow down nearby vessels and that created that speed-zero-zone when placing ships and lots of squadrons.

This was our initial setup. I navigated the cr90s quickly over to the the two mcs, the isd got stuck in the asteroids and the two mcs destroyed the Interdictor in turns three and four.

Here's the deal though... After that happened, I quickly glanced at his cards, figured I had a comfortable lead over him and simply left. Turns four and five were essentially just me stepping on the gas and getting away from his isd.

The whole game felt just so... I dunno, boring? Anticlimatic? It was one turn ramp up, one and a half turns of space battle and finally three and a half turns escaping and no fighting.

Is that really how the game turns out? Are we missing something? Forgetting something?

submitted 6 months ago by Opafi@feddit.de to c/tabletop@beehaw.org

So, pretty much title.

A shop in Germany had a pretty good deal on some selected Armada packs and the game seemed like exactly my kind of vibe (big ships, slow movement that you need to plan ahead for, Star Wars from the 80s), so I just said eff it and treated me some Christmas presents. The order isn't even on its way yet, but I'm eager to try it over Christmas with my oldest. The point is that I have no idea about the game (beyond some rules videos I watched) and pretty much just bought what was on sale, so I probably ended up buying stuff you don't really need and am probably lacking some expansions that are considered essential. Also, I'd like to avoid frustration for my son and me, so if you have any advice on how to create more or less even armies with what I ordered, I'd be super grateful.

What I ordered is the base game, the expansion cards set, an MC30c frigate, a CR90 corvette, a nebulon b frigate, a rebel transport flotilla, an interdictor class star destroyer, an onager class star destroyer, an imperium class star destroyer, a pack of empire fighters and an MC75 cruiser. So, all in all, some larger vessels and a set of fighters for the empire and some smaller vessels for the rebels.

Does that work? Will this result in enjoyable games or was the selection that was on sale only on sale because it sucked? Any advice on how to start with what I got beyond playing the training scenario and just going with it?

[-] Opafi@feddit.de 47 points 7 months ago

"Fernbedingungen" sind übrigens ein Synonym von "Weitvoraussetzungen" und damit notwendig, damit im Anschluss Nahresultate auftreten können.

[-] Opafi@feddit.de 55 points 7 months ago

It amazes me that the most expensive and slowest to build energy source that produces the worst waste imaginable is so cherished by some online trolls that they constantly demand to consider nuclear over renewables.

We truly live in wild times.

[-] Opafi@feddit.de 49 points 8 months ago

That's... That's adhd? Like, I'm all of that. I don't think I have adhd.

[-] Opafi@feddit.de 52 points 8 months ago

Mit Faschisten wird nicht diskutiert.

[-] Opafi@feddit.de 157 points 9 months ago

Was passieren wird: die Emissionen von Herstellung und Lieferkette werden konservativ geschätzt und der Hersteller wird über irgendein fadenscheiniges Programm alle Treibhausgase zu fuffzig Cent die Megatonne "ausgleichen". Nachdem das Amtsgericht Köln entschieden hat, dass das zählt, springen die Ölmultis auf den Zug auf und gleichen ihre kompletten Emissionen ebenfalls aus. Brent zählt danach als klimaneutral, weil ein paar brasilianische Palmölplantagen ihre Biomasse als Ausgleich anbieten und Shell denen drei Frontlader inklusive lebenslangem Treibstoff zukommen lässt. Der Tankstutzen für diese klimaneutralen Kraftstoffe ist inkompatibel zu dem bestehenden Loch und Nachrüstungen werden vom TÜV nicht anerkannt, so dass jeder ein neues Auto braucht. Mensch Meier schimpft auf die Grünen, dass er seinen treuren Dodge Ram von '26 gegen das Modell von '32 tauschen muss aber freut sich insgeheim doch irgendwie über die schicke Karre, die außerdem drei Liter mehr Hubraum hat. Die CDU ist erschüttert, dass die Deiche brechen und Hamburg untergeht, aber für die Emissionen aus Südafrika kann man ja nun mal auch nichts und außerdem die Grünen! Alle sterben, the end.

[-] Opafi@feddit.de 62 points 9 months ago

Man, the US really are a dystopia.

[-] Opafi@feddit.de 110 points 9 months ago

Ich bin nicht dick, sondern ich trage einen übergroßen Bauch mit mir herum den ich seit 20 Jahren kenne.

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