[-] Oneobi@lemmy.world 20 points 2 months ago

Hang on a sec, how do we know you're not a bot lol

You raise a valid point. Hive mind and weaponising narrative is a danger to us all.

[-] Oneobi@lemmy.world 26 points 6 months ago

Bravo. Took me longer than it should have!

[-] Oneobi@lemmy.world 17 points 7 months ago

Some companies seem to thrive on regular culls in the name of operational efficiencies. All that happens is talent leaves the organisation and then those left behind struggle because expertise has gone.

It erodes good will and good will is something you can't win back.

By the time things look like they are normalising, in comes another cull!

[-] Oneobi@lemmy.world 35 points 7 months ago

Never looked into using firefox but the enshitification has forced me to do so.

[-] Oneobi@lemmy.world 21 points 8 months ago

It's been this way for a long time, except now it is very much more one sided and visible to all.

Yet, its like the poor bear stuck in a zoo cage that folks pity and then they get into their SUVs and forget about.

[-] Oneobi@lemmy.world 76 points 8 months ago

The rich will survive only to discover they cannot achieve anything without the poor.

[-] Oneobi@lemmy.world 41 points 9 months ago

HP, permanent member of my shit list.

[-] Oneobi@lemmy.world 24 points 9 months ago

Its the same ethos of those CEOs that are demanding everyone must return to the office. No ifs, or buts.

They damage moral which takes years to build up, they further announce layoffs which destroys whatever moral was left.

These idiots never seem to be held accountable.

Honestly, these management types need to be case studied.

[-] Oneobi@lemmy.world 91 points 9 months ago

Yes slim, it's shady.

In this digital era, you'd have thought they would know that it would leave a trail. Of course, it's a calculated risk.

[-] Oneobi@lemmy.world 61 points 10 months ago

Likely scum moves from reddit patriots to destroy or weaken the fediverse.

I remember when Murdoch hired that Israeli tech company in Haifa to find weaknesses is TV smart cards and then leaked it to destroy their market by flooding counterfit smart cards.

They are getting desperate along with those DDOS attacks.

[-] Oneobi@lemmy.world 85 points 10 months ago

And yet their anti-consumer practices continues to be hailed by their loyal customer base.

It's mind blowing.

"A fool and his money are soon parted."

[-] Oneobi@lemmy.world 16 points 11 months ago

You total legend.

I hope you know how many people are ready to hit the buy button once the app launches!

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