[-] OneRedFox@beehaw.org 1 points 1 day ago

Well that's a game changer, because I've been using ffmpeg directly to trim the files and it's very clunky by comparison.

[-] OneRedFox@beehaw.org 1 points 2 days ago

Yep, though the dpkg ecosystem also had more inertia than the rpm ecosystem did. Before Flatpak existed, pretty much everything that was packaged for Linux had a .deb file for it, but the same wasn't true for rpm. So people who didn't want to package shit themselves flocked to the Debian-based ecosystem. But these days we have Flatpaks and everything moved to the browser, so it doesn't matter as much as it used to.

[-] OneRedFox@beehaw.org 6 points 2 days ago

I put my tech illiterates on Fedora with GNOME without issue. If you're the one doing the installation and can install the RPMFusion stuff like drivers and codecs then yeah it's pretty smooth sailing.

[-] OneRedFox@beehaw.org 3 points 6 days ago

LibreELEC with a FLIRC dongle and a cheapo infrared remote. If you have any bluetooth console controllers laying around, you can use those too so long as they have good Linux support. There's Kodi addons for popular streaming services and LibreELEC also offers an SFTP addon in case you want a local media server setup instead.

[-] OneRedFox@beehaw.org 34 points 5 months ago

Finally, pokemon taken to its logical conclusion.

[-] OneRedFox@beehaw.org 60 points 5 months ago

I agree with the author for the most part, but I don't think it's just "us." I would say that discoverability in general is just a lot worse now due to SEO gentrification and search engines facing enshittification. There's still cool projects like Neocities around, but if it weren't for networking I'd have no idea they exist. When I type "build a website" into DuckDuckGo and StartPage, I just get links to squarespace, wix, godaddy, and a few listicles. In order to curate cool stuff, you have to be able to find it first; have new tools popped up that facilitate this? What are the new heuristics for discovery?

[-] OneRedFox@beehaw.org 62 points 9 months ago

Firefox gang rise up!

[-] OneRedFox@beehaw.org 62 points 9 months ago

I'm getting the feeling that within the next five years I'm going to be abandoning YouTube and just living without video content going forward.

[-] OneRedFox@beehaw.org 61 points 10 months ago

Hot damn! Thank you, EU. Maybe we'll finally be able to climb out of connector hell.

submitted 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago) by OneRedFox@beehaw.org to c/foss@beehaw.org

I'm quite fond of this music player, but development has since ceased and I've been looking around for an active fork; does anyone happen to know of one?

For future people searching this, these were the two repositories that we found:

[-] OneRedFox@beehaw.org 37 points 11 months ago

Chromebooks expire? What the fuck? Are there logistical problems with installing Linux on these devices?

[-] OneRedFox@beehaw.org 72 points 11 months ago

Yeah I recall that the Japanese instances have a big problem with that shit. As for the rest of us, Facebook actually open sourced some efficient hashing algorithms for use for dealing with CSAM; Fediverse platforms could implement these, which would just leave the issue of getting an image hash database to check against. All the big platforms could probably chip in to get access to one of those private databases and then release a public service for use with the ecosystem.

[-] OneRedFox@beehaw.org 35 points 11 months ago

Firefish sounds like what someone would call malware targeting Firefox users. I was hoping the name would be better.

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