[-] Oldmandan@lemmy.ca 8 points 7 months ago

Mod support has definitely been mentioned as an eventual goal, IIRC though they didn't have plans to implement an official DM mode.

[-] Oldmandan@lemmy.ca 8 points 7 months ago

Eh... I'd need to look into this specific one more, and it's a bit weirder than 'normal' given this is a drug for a common physiological symptom, but there was a lot of bad medical science done from roughly WWI to the turn of the millennium that nonetheless still underpins some of our commonly available medicines. Clinical psych has it especially bad, but the replication crisis is a problem everywhere.

[-] Oldmandan@lemmy.ca 25 points 7 months ago

Yeah, post-shaving alopecia is a thing, especially in double coated breeds. (Which is part of the reason you're supposed to avoid shaving them.)

[-] Oldmandan@lemmy.ca 42 points 8 months ago

The VA for Laezel (Devora Wilde) has actually seen this meme and read it in-character. :P You can find it on YouTube.

[-] Oldmandan@lemmy.ca 10 points 9 months ago

This is also a valid question, the systemic pressure to "be productive" puts a lot of weight on the side of taking meds despite side effects. Anecdotally though, some ADHD patients do find meds useful for helping them maintain interpersonal relationships and the like, not just focus on work.

[-] Oldmandan@lemmy.ca 23 points 9 months ago

Never mind the nudity toggle, we need a "hairless cats" toggle at the beginning of the game too I guess, if we want everyone to be happy. :P

[-] Oldmandan@lemmy.ca 12 points 9 months ago

Yup. Until our technology and biological knowledge reaches the point where we can stop using (metaphorical) chainsaws and start using scalpels, everything is a tradeoff that's going to vary greatly by individual. Personally, the only side effect I've noticed from my meds (diagnosed as a child, didn't take medications for it until more recently), is appetite supression, and aside from a couple blood sugar crashes before realizing working out on an empty stomach was a dumb idea, I've seen no ill effects. On the other hand, a good friend of mine on the same medication experienced heightened anxiety and tachycardia. /shurg

There's perhaps an argument to be made that the current state of healthcare leaves clinicians unable to provide the needed followup care and medication adjustment, but then the issue isn't the use of medication, so much as the burden on physicians. /shurg

[-] Oldmandan@lemmy.ca 12 points 9 months ago

Worth noting, if you're dual-wielding, you can sneak attack with a bonus action. (Go into your reactions and make sure Sneak Attack is set to always.)

AT is mostly about adding control and utility abilities to the Rogue; options to take enemies out of the fight, and aid/supplement your sneaking. Sleep, Colour Spray, Hold Person, Invisibility, etc, are your mainstays. Your unrestricted spells (ie, ones that don't have to be enchantment or Illusion) should probably be geared towards defence and mobility. (Shield, Misty Step, etc.)

[-] Oldmandan@lemmy.ca 8 points 9 months ago

Well done Scotland, now it's Britain's turn. :P (To much to hope, I know. :P)

[-] Oldmandan@lemmy.ca 8 points 9 months ago

Yeah. This is a major gaffe. I've seen the odd post villanizing this dude in particular, which I'm not sure is called for. (I don't know it's not, but I'm hesitant to yell at a 90 year old over what uniform they wore when they were younger than I am now.) Regardless of who the dude is or was though, it's a bad look, and they do deserve to be called out on the eminently stupid oversight to not to the bare minimum of research before choosing someone to bring in.

[-] Oldmandan@lemmy.ca 8 points 11 months ago

I told myself I wouldn't read unrelated papers at work, but here we are. :P Yeah, as expected, the actual paper is way more informative about the structural properties, and about the limitations. (Difficulty fabricating larger samples without voids, said voids resulting in much lower strengths and much less plasticity, uncertain tensile strength, etc.) Fascinatingly though, (at least to me, not having known the details about DNA based metamaterials :P) the details of the properties should be tunable by way of changing the DNA lattice structure. Which makes it a two-part engineering problem, figuring out how to manufacture it at scale, and determining optimal lattice structures for different applications. Definitely exciting, and will be big once we figure these things out.

But that's not really what I was talking about. While I get that this is an article geared to laymen/the general public, I do think we should be holding science communication to a higher standard. What was discovered is exciting, but we don't know how it can be used yet, or if it will ever be practical to do so. Overview is fine, I'd just like some more qualifiers and less speculation. Maybe it's just me, but I feel like some more care would do a lot to improve overall scientific literacy and trust in the scientific community. /shurg

[-] Oldmandan@lemmy.ca 29 points 11 months ago

Always a little annoyed at articles like this; "strength" doesn't tell me anything. If this is 5x more resistant than steel to deformation, but then shatters catastrophically, that limits its use cases substantially. Likewise, compressive, tensile and shear strength are all different properties, only one of which is referenced at all. Still very cool, and I look forward to seeing how it develops and learning more details about its capabilities (when I have more time I'll read the paper), but vague terminology like this has a bad habit of making stuff sound way more revolutionary than it actually is. /shurg

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