I liked both comics. I also like bone hurting juice. Fair use is valid.
Everything is politics.
The belief that it'll stay cheap and they won't make money
It's a Bruce Wayne origin story. Batman hasn't figured out how to be Bruce Wayne yet. The movie is about him realising he needs to do good as Bruce, too.
The Gotham Renewal Fund is managed by city employees. Batman was never told by anyone that he's responsible for it, except the Riddler. And the Riddler was right, and after Batman stops the terrorism, it's implied he starts fixing it.
He doesn't in The Batman (2022). But that's because it's a Bruce Wayne origin story. Batman hasn't created his secret identity yet.
Hoarding resources will be banned. If you start doing it, we'll beat you up before you can get enough to hire a private army. Also, only the most corrupt people would go work as a private soldier, because everyone's needs are met so there's no poverty to drive people to do bad things. You'd have to promise private security a lot of money to betray their nation for basically no reason.
When a monkey hoards all the bananas, the other monkeys kill him and share the bananas. Anarchy is natural.
Guns, tanks, bombs, drones, mostly.
If "maga bad" is an uncontroversial take, then how come Donald Trump is the president?