[-] NutWrench@lemmy.ml 6 points 6 days ago

The Yamaha YM3812 sound chip was the backbone of computer sound & music generation for almost a decade.

[-] NutWrench@lemmy.ml 106 points 3 weeks ago

It's not the BB gun that got the kid killed. He literally put the gun on the ground and had his hands up.

It's because the "security guard" is a stupid, trigger-happy moron.

[-] NutWrench@lemmy.ml 93 points 4 months ago

Yeah, subby. We get it. "Both sides are bad." But one side is boring corporatists who don't give a crap and the other side is 100% concentrated evil fascists, authoritarians and religious nutjobs. And while that's a choice between the lesser of two evils, it's not a difficult one.

[-] NutWrench@lemmy.ml 53 points 4 months ago

The very first lesson you will learn from your very first job is that companies have no loyalty to anything but the bottom line. The days of guaranteed lifetime employment at a company disappeared decades ago.

[-] NutWrench@lemmy.ml 108 points 4 months ago

It's not about the gays vs straights or blacks vs whites or the Romulans vs The Federation. It's about the billionaires vs everybody else. It's a class war. It aways has been. And life is never going to improve for most of us until we figure out where the REAL source of our pain comes from. Like George Carlin once said:

"That's the way the ruling class works in any society. They keep the lower and middle classes fighting with each other so that they . . . the rich . . . can run off with all the f*cking money."

[-] NutWrench@lemmy.ml 92 points 4 months ago

This is exactly the kind of economy I would expect out of billionaires who are trying to destroy the middle class and bring back Company Towns. This is what 19th century robber-baron capitalism looks like, not the kind you were taught by Elmer Fudd.

[-] NutWrench@lemmy.ml 85 points 6 months ago

Looking at companies like Blackstone, who buy up houses at auction, lightly flip them and put them back on the market as high-priced rentals. THEY'RE the big reason for the lack of affordable housing.

[-] NutWrench@lemmy.ml 64 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago)

"Above everything, including profit, X works to protect the public’s right to free speech. But for speech to be truly free, we must also have the freedom to see or hear things that some people may consider objectionable,” he added.

Good to know you believe in free speech. Elmo. So you won't mind if companies exercise that right by choosing not to advertise on your racist, apartheid-loving network.

[-] NutWrench@lemmy.ml 61 points 7 months ago

If you're taking illegal performance enhancers to get you through your work day, then whatever you're doing there isn't worth it.

[-] NutWrench@lemmy.ml 52 points 8 months ago

Youtube (like Reddit) has forgotten that they only exist in the first place because of the uploads of their users. They produce no content themselves. They need us a LOT more than we need them.

[-] NutWrench@lemmy.ml 67 points 8 months ago

As long as you're wearing a costume, I don't care how old you are. You'll get a treat.

[-] NutWrench@lemmy.ml 56 points 8 months ago

Yeah, advertising is not "free speech." It's a way for corporations to steal your life from you, 60 seconds at a time

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