Here is a wiki source (insert error bars here) discussion of his stance on his work being officially licensed. He thought that use of his work outside of a comic strip would cheapen the value of the strip itself. This was frusterating as a child (who wouldn't want a fucking Hobbes plushy) but now later I can see that it was at the very least a very defensible choice. Compare how people feel about C&H vs something that was commercialized to death like Garfield. Anyway, hope it's useful.
Is this not the shit that American cops use on American civilians like...all the time? Genuine question, would like to know if I'm wrong about that.
The word rape doesn't show up in that entire article. Must be some kind of mistake. I wonder why that would happen?
And the US Immediatly stops weapons shipments....the US immediately stops weopons shipments....right?
Haha! Over my head. Sorry
Cricket shill here. I've had cricket for years, it's affordable and has good perks like free roaming in Mexico and Canada. It's just an MVNO of ATT last I checked, so if ATT went down cricket would too.
People withholding their vote from a bad candidate. Yeah...THAT'S the problem with the US😂.
I mean, if there were a single issue to decide a vote, seems like entheusiastic genocide support would be high up there. But what do I know...
I mean we had literally 9 kings to provide strong leadership. MAGA!
Oh sorry for the fake news then. I'm out of the loop. I've seen your username a lot in the past and assumed. I knew you'd left Risa, I didn't realize it was the whole Sorry it came to that, I appreciated your content! 😁
Stamets provides a lot of the content on the server, and apparently beyond. They're very active and I appreciate what they do fwiw.
Takin' it back! ❤️