[-] Notyou@sopuli.xyz 1 points 35 minutes ago

Yes. I tell anyone I can at work about the public library and how you can use Libby or Hoopla to get free books. Some audio books for those not wanting to read. It is a great asset.

[-] Notyou@sopuli.xyz 3 points 2 days ago

Hey, that dude was in West of Loathing. Now I know he was a real dude.

[-] Notyou@sopuli.xyz 24 points 3 days ago

Oh great! So someone couldn't pull themselves up by their bootstraps and now they want a hand-out. I bet this "toddler" doesn't even pay taxes.


[-] Notyou@sopuli.xyz 6 points 4 days ago

Two things from Wendy's:

First bring back the old chicken nugget meat. The spicy nuggets taste like trash now.

Second that Jalapeno Fresco Spicy Chicken Sandwich.

[-] Notyou@sopuli.xyz 1 points 4 days ago

I still thing this was the best MK film made. This was bad but good. The second one was just bad. The new one was close to being good, but was taking itself too seriously. I think the first one has the best balance.

[-] Notyou@sopuli.xyz 1 points 6 days ago

I just meant what the food was didn't matter. It was having a good to come together around and share in the togetherness.

[-] Notyou@sopuli.xyz -1 points 6 days ago

I know this whole celebration of Juneteenth is new, so the foods will take some time to become official. BBQ and red food is just as good as any other made up meal, in my opinion.

I wish we focused more on black (or at least local) owned businesses for Juneteenth. Of course, holidays get commercialized like crazy, so I'm sure some businesses will pander too much and make a fool of themselves.

On a side note, I heard Japan celebrates Christmas with KFC. Apparently that's the idea that got sold to Japan for how Americans celebrate Christmas. I wouldn't be surprised if some countries think Americans eat burgers and fries for Thanksgiving.


[-] Notyou@sopuli.xyz 31 points 1 week ago

This question reminds me of when that school in NY got in trouble for serving "stereotype food" for black history month.


I have the same confusion as you do, OP. It appears to be a liked dish by all accounts across many races, upbringings, or religions. Unless you have dietary restrictions like Vegan or something.

I'm assuming this is one of the things that racists ruined. Like yeah people like fried chicken, but racist made it a "bad thing." It's kind of like now, you got to look out for the number 88, vikings, the okay sign, the gadsden flag, or punisher flag. It's not that mentioning fried chicken is necessary bad, but people are on edge because Nazi's are back. 1 of the dog whistles might be a coincidence, but you start collecting them and I start side eyeing my co-workers more.

Those damn dog whistles need to end, so we can all enjoy fried chicken and watermelon on Juneteenth.

[-] Notyou@sopuli.xyz 47 points 1 month ago

When they're uncovered 100 years from now, they'll think we shot lasers at each other.

Don't we though?

[-] Notyou@sopuli.xyz 29 points 2 months ago

Don't let perfect be the enemy of good?

[-] Notyou@sopuli.xyz 32 points 9 months ago

Death to Smoochy is criminally underrated. Robin Williams and Ed Norton are so good in it.

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