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[–] 2 points 2 days ago (1 children)

Where is this reasoning that "Biden should withdraw" is a Russian talking point coming from besides the paranoid delusions of liberals who blame everything bad on Russia. Putin knows even less then us on whether Biden withdrawing would be good or bad for trump.

It's not even like this is a fringe idea any more, members of the house are calling for him to step down and even pelosi thinks it's a legitimate question, are they Russian trolls? We need to have a serious discussion on this and not dismiss the other side as a psyop like alex Jones, otherwise we're gonna let inertia carry us to a loss like in 2016.

[–] 1 points 3 days ago (3 children)

This isn't 2020 though, at this point in 2020 Biden had a 8 point lead on Trump and even then he only won a narrow victory in the electoral college with Pennsylvania, Arizona and Wisconsin, now he's down by 2 points overall and down even worse in those swing states. Then he was a relative unknown and people were willing to give him a shot against the known evil of trump . Now people have gotten to see him and they do not like what they see, his approval rating is worse then Trump's was at the depths of the pandemic.

[–] 4 points 3 days ago

Both kinda, they have different scripts because they have so many homophones. Japanese has far fewer phonemes (possible sounds) compared to english, this combined with the fact that you usually can't have two consonants together without a vowel in between makes it so the amount of possible words is very limited. Because of this if you used just the "phonetic" script hiragana ( each character represents a sound) then it would get confusing since かみ that represents the sound "kami" would be confusing as to what you're referring to. So they mix in kanji, Chinese characters where a character represents a thing, to distinguish these homophones.

[–] 7 points 4 days ago

Kinda defeats the point of a climate protest if you're idling in a car.

[–] 6 points 1 week ago

Weathers only part of it, a large part is cost of living and especially housing costs. People have this idea that people become mentally unwell drug addicts then lose housing then move to California for the better weather/ more compassionate state. In reality a lot of it is the reverse, people live in California, lose they're housing due to astronomical rents, then they become mentally unwell drug addicts due to the pain and trauma they suffer on the streets.

Last point still stands though, we do need a green new deal to give these people housing and employ them in meaningful jobs to help the green transition.

[–] 95 points 1 week ago (45 children)

Bidens about to go down as one of the worst Democrats in the last century because of his hubris if he doesn't. His decent domestic agenda will be overshadowed by him ushering in another trump presidency by ignoring all the signs for him to drop out. He didn't early last year when polls repeatedly showed that people thought he was too old. He didn't when unnamed democrat was leading him by 10 points. He didn't when his Gaza policy alienated large chunks of his base. If he doesn't in the next couple weeks when there will probably be polls coming out showing majority support for him stepping down then he's gone full head in the sand.

It's like RBG all over again, if these people could just get it through there heads to quit while there ahead they could preserve a decent legacy, instead of tarnishing it by leading the way to a regressive order that overturns everything they've done.

[–] 10 points 1 week ago (1 children)

That's a pretty fatal mistake when your average person is only gonna watch a 10 second clip of the debate.

[–] 3 points 1 week ago

Obligatory ummm akchually it's the burps.

[–] 12 points 3 weeks ago (1 children)

Depends who owns it / who payed to have it constructed. If the tenets own it and payed to have it constructed, or payed someone who payed someone... Then it's a condo or a co-op depending on whether you own a unit in the building or own x% of the building which entitles you to a unit.

If another organization, almost always some form of government, payed to have it constructed and owns it then it is public housing.

If it's anything like cities skylines original, houses just pop up according to demand with seemingly no construction cost calculated, probably because it would add a ton more complexity with mortgages and speculative markets etc. for little gain to players who mostly just want to play with trains and metros.

[–] 7 points 3 weeks ago (1 children)

My guess is the fat part of the bell curve is 25-40 here, probably similar to Twitter, younger than Facebook, older than tik tok and maybe Instagram.

[–] 1 points 3 weeks ago (1 children)

What's your issue with big tech?

I know a lot of libertarians oppose corporatism because they say the corporations market power and monopolies derive from government, but for big tech they mostly come from economies of scale and network effects, neither of which I think right wing libertarians oppose.

If you oppose it because corporate power, even if gained through fair free market principles, is a barrier to liberty than I think your on the left for a libertarian. The recognition that corporate power can be just as tyrannical and coercive as state power is not an idea held by most libertarians in the u.s. who tend to focus solely on state power. Recognizing both puts you to the left of most of them, and on the far left you have Chomsky who identifies as a socialist libertarian and thinks corporate/capitalist power is so much more of a threat than state power that we should give the state more power to be able to reign in corporations.

[–] 93 points 3 weeks ago (7 children)

Trump said in a Truth Social post Tuesday. “Biden’s hatred of Bitcoin only helps China, Russia, and the Radical Communist Left. We want all the remaining Bitcoin to be MADE IN THE USA!!! It will help us be ENERGY DOMINANT!!!”

Didn't COMMUNIST China ban it mostly because it was putting strain on their grid? Not sure how wasting states worth of electricity to fuel a glorified ponzi scheme is going to help with energy dominance but who am I to question the self-proclaimed genius.

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