[-] NocturnalEngineer@lemmy.world 66 points 2 weeks ago

IPv4 isn't depreciated, it's exhausted. It's still a key cornerstone of our current internet today.

We still have "modern" hardware being deployed with piss-poor IPv6 support (if any at all). Until that gets fixed, adoption rates will continue to be low. Adding warnings will only result in annoying people, not driving for improvement.

[-] NocturnalEngineer@lemmy.world 93 points 3 months ago

Not the monopolies they hold over the tech industry.

Or the fact they simultaneously hold more wealth than a small country, yet pay miniscule amounts of tax.

Or the detriment to society they influence, both directly and indirectly.

Or the fact they're intrusive ways to scrape our lives, and selling that data to thousands of "partners".

No no... Apparently it's jealousy that's driving the EU, rather than making them accountable.

[-] NocturnalEngineer@lemmy.world 56 points 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago)

Why is a private entity able to use facial recognition software in the first place. I know doesn't have the equivilant of GDPR, but surely it has some level of privacy laws?

Why did the police think that was sufficient evidence to jail someone, especially when there wasn't any further collaborating evidence.

[-] NocturnalEngineer@lemmy.world 222 points 7 months ago

Why benefit society when you can just fuck it over whilst profiting from short term gains.

God I hate how this planet functions. Tax the fucking rich already.

[-] NocturnalEngineer@lemmy.world 60 points 7 months ago

But now all I want to do is turn off the light switch.

I crave the chaos.

[-] NocturnalEngineer@lemmy.world 100 points 7 months ago

They're the biggest barrier to pretty much every political and economical issue we've got about now.

[-] NocturnalEngineer@lemmy.world 70 points 8 months ago

This, among other shitty behaviour, is why I avoid Amazon now. It's just a horrible shopping experience.

[-] NocturnalEngineer@lemmy.world 73 points 9 months ago

"I will always love you..."

Literal stalkers. Fucking creepy.

[-] NocturnalEngineer@lemmy.world 172 points 11 months ago

Majority of private jets carrying 3 passengers or less, releasing 10 times as much carbon per passenger than a commercial flight.

As a peasant, I don't think reducing my carbon footprint will offset the disgusting (increasing) display of greed from the elites.

[-] NocturnalEngineer@lemmy.world 64 points 11 months ago

We're all friends here. Just different flavours of Lemmy Apps to suit people's tastes.

[-] NocturnalEngineer@lemmy.world 186 points 11 months ago

Zero sympathy. If they wanted to reduce the amount of illegal streamers, all they've got to do is make their content more accessible.

Release it on multiple streaming platforms, not just their own. Ensure its released globally at the same time. And get rid of the geo-blocking.

The lack of reasonable legal alternatives is what drives piracy.

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