[-] Nioxic@lemmy.dbzer0.com 42 points 1 month ago

vlc can even play incomplete video files - it'll just play the parts of it, that will play.

[-] Nioxic@lemmy.dbzer0.com 87 points 2 months ago


i am not spending a fucking dime on anything that Elon Musk earns money on

i even deleted my twitter account when he bought it

But, even though Elon is an ass, the way tesla handles repairs on their cars, makes me not want to own one anyway. I wanna just use my local mechanic. Not exclusively teslas own

[-] Nioxic@lemmy.dbzer0.com 71 points 8 months ago

It turn@ a usb extension cable into a regular usb

I guess that could be a use case?

[-] Nioxic@lemmy.dbzer0.com 39 points 8 months ago

Just like i said when it was announced

Bethesda is a shitty game dev studio.. lol

[-] Nioxic@lemmy.dbzer0.com 97 points 8 months ago

Trodeau: This dude what murdered

Indian politician:

youre gay

[-] Nioxic@lemmy.dbzer0.com 43 points 9 months ago

So its still there. Just only for more succesful games.. lol

What a fucking joke

[-] Nioxic@lemmy.dbzer0.com 43 points 9 months ago


That took them 3 years? Lol

[-] Nioxic@lemmy.dbzer0.com 228 points 9 months ago

Withdrawing troops, returning stolen land, children, prisoners and paying for damages.. thats all i would accept. Nothing less.

[-] Nioxic@lemmy.dbzer0.com 42 points 10 months ago

I dont care

So long as they treat the women properly, and said women is not being forced to work as a sex worker.

[-] Nioxic@lemmy.dbzer0.com 44 points 10 months ago

Around the time when netflix started to suck, and new subacription services popped up everywhere.

Then a lot of other things that shouldnt rely on a aubscription started getting it. Random apps with a pro mode. The pro mode was now a subscription... its dreadful.

I refuse to get a subscription i would "need" to keep around fpr years.

Here we have 1 video streaming service for a month or two every once in a while. Never two at the same time.

[-] Nioxic@lemmy.dbzer0.com 38 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

It's NOT just phones.

It's EVERYTHING with a battery. Including cars, laptops, e-bikes, video game controllers, headphones etc. (im not even sure if there are exceptions, such as tiny tiny "airpod" like things.. ?)

And they must be (with a few exceptions) replacable by a "layman", without the use of special tools - which means no heat pads, to soften up glue etc etc. (and for gods sake, i hope it also means apple can't hardwareID lock a battery)

an exception mentioned in the EU document about the law says, high power batteries for example in an electric car, must be done by a profesional - but of course it still has to be "replacable" and not.. tear the whole car apart and rebuild it using new batteries.

replacable batteries in headphones, bluetooth mice, laptops etc, is gonna be awesome.

and lets not forget, they have to recycle the old ones - and produce new batteries using recycled materials.

in fact, i will try to hold on replacing my current (2 year old) phone, and wait to get one before 2027. Usually the battery turns to shit in 3ish years.

[-] Nioxic@lemmy.dbzer0.com 46 points 10 months ago

Its fair enough. They gotta protect their ass.

I just logged into a user made on this instance. Problem solved. And lemmy.world has had a ton of downtime anyway. Always trouble loading comments and often trouble loading posts

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