[-] MrsDoyle@lemmy.world 17 points 1 week ago

No. Combine the sauce with pasta, put it in an oven proof dish and grate extra cheese on top. Put in the oven until the topping is browned and bubbling. Then serve. (Also, add a bit of mustard to the cheese sauce, it perks up the flavour.)

[-] MrsDoyle@lemmy.world 20 points 1 month ago

I my (extensive) cookie experience, double chocolate usually means the same amount of chips, but the dough part is also chocolate flavoured. Hard to tell in this instance, but the "double" cookies may be a shade darker.

[-] MrsDoyle@lemmy.world 19 points 2 months ago

One time I was walking through a city centre after midnight after drinks with friends - who told me to get a taxi because it's so dangerous. I got to a pedestrianised street and there at the orher end was a group of tough-looking POC in hoodies. Uh oh. There seemed to be an argument in progress. Uh oh. I carried on though, to avoid a long detour. As I got nearer I caught the drift of the argument. "We're only telling you this because we love you, mate." Muffled sobbing. "Yeah, we worry about you! We want you to be happy!" It was teens in the midst of a full-on psychodrama, actually quite wholesome. I carried on home, berating myself for racial profiling. For a non-event it had quite a profound effect on my thinking.

[-] MrsDoyle@lemmy.world 19 points 3 months ago

Such a weird concept - you don't trust someone who has a wide variety of friends? I have several very different hobbies/activities, so naturally there's little overlap in my friend groups. Most of my friends are like this - for example one belongs to three choirs and I don't know any of those friends. Or her kayaking friends, or her work friends. I'm giggling thinking how baffled she'd be if I started questioning her "loyalty". Even my very closest friends have other friend groups I'm not part of. So what?

[-] MrsDoyle@lemmy.world 29 points 3 months ago

Aww, I've enjoyed seeing your armour evolve, it looks fantastic. I don't do other socials, so this really is goodbye. Fare thee well, sirrah!

Ps: Jerboa is pretty nice.

[-] MrsDoyle@lemmy.world 21 points 3 months ago

He's not the Messiah, he's a very naughty boy!

[-] MrsDoyle@lemmy.world 18 points 3 months ago

Baked potato, done properly in the oven so the skin is crispy, broken open and the inside mashed up with butter and grated cheese. Food of the gods.

[-] MrsDoyle@lemmy.world 22 points 3 months ago

You should be ok if you stay focused and alert. When you're in the driver's seat you will always be in the middle of the road next to the white line, whatever country you're in.

The trickiest part is making turns. Driving in Europe, the US and Canada I used to say to myself "loooong left and tight right". In Ireland, you'll be turning right across the oncoming traffic. It's tricky because if you don't focus, habit will take you on to the wrong side of the road. After a couple of days you'll get used to it.

Hire an automatic, they're more common these days anyway. Having said that, I never had a problem changing gears withe the "wrong" hand.

Enjoy! The Irish countryside is lovely.

[-] MrsDoyle@lemmy.world 17 points 4 months ago

"Why are they so hostile?"

[-] MrsDoyle@lemmy.world 21 points 4 months ago

This feels like an episode of The Apprentice. Lord Sugar (appropriate!): “Willy Wonka? More like Willy Wanker.” Cut to sweaty Project Manager about to be fired.

[-] MrsDoyle@lemmy.world 17 points 4 months ago

I kind of like it too. When I was 12 my parents asked what colour I wanted my bedroom painted. "Purple." They painted it off-white. I'm over 70 now and still have never had a purple room. My kitchen is pale grey ffs.

Off to look at paint charts ....

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