[-] MrPoopyButthole@lemm.ee 83 points 2 months ago

OK but why is my state mandated minimum insurance nearly $90 a month for a Toyota Prius that I only drive like 30 miles per week?

My liability only plan was $55 in 2018.

I'm over 30 years old with no tickets or accidents on my record.

Maybe the whole data farming thing is being used as an excuse also, but this is bullshit all up and down.

[-] MrPoopyButthole@lemm.ee 42 points 4 months ago

I love it when companies think the (often invented) number of pirated copies has any meaningful correlation to lost revenue.

My girlfriend and I have one Nintendo Switch. We share it. But the only modern Nintendo games I play are the Legend of Zelda series. Since Breath of the Wild, when a new one came out, we'd buy it right away, and then I'd end up placing a copy on my PC to play so we could play together.

If Nintendo thinks I'm gonna buy a game twice just to play at the same time as my partner, when we only have the one console, think again. If Nintendo thinks someone who only likes one game is gonna buy a whole second console, they're out of their minds.

What I do own is a Steam Deck, because Steam is a platform first and I can play my games on my fancy PC at home and on multiple devices. My Steam Deck can even play non-steam games great too!

The second Nintendo makes a PC store that let's me play their games on my other hardware, I'll start buying that second copy of all our games solely for the convenience of it. Until then they can suck an egg.

[-] MrPoopyButthole@lemm.ee 39 points 5 months ago

While it isn't magic, there is a newfound pressure on the Democratic party to finally break some meaningful ground.

Unfortunately one of the biggest obstacles had been the radically conservative Supreme Court.

Simple arithmetic tells us that if just two Supreme Court Justices were to suddenly disappear from our reality, and re-emerge in another, the court would lean more progressive to allow debt relief, bodily autonomy, and hopefully more.

While there are many ways to suddenly remove people from our plane of existence, there's no proven way to have them re-emerge in another. Obviously it would be illegal and deeply unethical to suggest such removal without the safe relocation to another plane.

So I guess just learn to kiss fascist ass 🤷‍♂️

[-] MrPoopyButthole@lemm.ee 52 points 6 months ago

Yes, it's normal to feel like shit about driving past the homeless, that's your humanity working.

We are not faster or stronger than bears, so we evolved to work together as tribes.

Seeing other humans abandoned by your own tribe should make us feel bad.

No, it is not YOUR individual responsibility to assist others beyond your own means. Retiring in the U.S. costs millions of dollars and that may seem far away for some, but time comes for us all and most can't afford to help others with their oxygen mask before putting on our own.

When I drive by someone who needs help, knowing I'm not equipped to help them, I get angry at every politician and lobbyist whose life work is making sure meaningful social programs never get started.

My responsibility is to vote for the most humanitarian candidate possible at every opportunity, and to share my values of "people first" any way I can.

We all struggle, and the struggles of others doesn't disqualify your own. It's healthy to spend your personal resources on your personal problems, and use your social/political power (vote) to address social/political problems.

Props on being a human being.

[-] MrPoopyButthole@lemm.ee 70 points 6 months ago

Imagine how racist that shark must be

[-] MrPoopyButthole@lemm.ee 73 points 8 months ago

Grandma must pay for her sins. We might not be able to save the world, but maybe we can avenge it.

[-] MrPoopyButthole@lemm.ee 39 points 8 months ago

Damn, I didn't even realize I'm doing anti-vax research as i type this

[-] MrPoopyButthole@lemm.ee 55 points 9 months ago

I'm turning 31 this year, and my girlfriend is 25.

We've been together six years now. I didn't realize she was still 18 until the end of our first date, and she caught that I was visibly startled by it.

I owned up that I didnt realize and assumed from our interactions that she was at least 20-22 and she laughed and apologized, saying she thought I knew her age.

After going home and thinking about how well we hit it off, and how she found my concern amusing, I decided I was being silly and that if the age gap was a problem it would make itself evident.

Best decision ever. Nothing wrong with paying attention to those things, just keep open communication with each other 👍

[-] MrPoopyButthole@lemm.ee 79 points 10 months ago

Everybody knows the fifth element is love

[-] MrPoopyButthole@lemm.ee 86 points 10 months ago

"How are you ever gonna keep a job if you can't keep juice in a cup?!"

I was 9 years old

[-] MrPoopyButthole@lemm.ee 51 points 11 months ago

Honestly one of the reasons I fell for a pyramid scheme coming out of high school.

A friend invited me and I went to shit on it and get him out, but the main guy's whole thing was "everything is a pyramid scheme, at least here you have the chance to build a pyramid beneath you."

Obviously there were other reasons as old as time, but the argument of "so what, your 'regular job' is already a pyramid scheme you can't win" was pretty rattling to a teenager in 2011.

[-] MrPoopyButthole@lemm.ee 53 points 11 months ago

Nothing to do with users. Operating systems don't support it in their default file managers and viewers.

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