[-] Moonguide@lemmy.ml 2 points 21 hours ago

Interesting. Malls around me seem to cater mostly to young adults with expendable income. Lots of non-traditional cuisine (commercialised of course, not high-brow places), wine bars, etc. Places where you'd go to on a night out with the gang.

Now that you mention it, they have stopped catering to the youngest demographic. I think the laser tags closed down before the pandemic, and the arcades have been gone for a decade. Unless Chuck E. Cheese has some, I haven't been. Maybe we're catching up, then. I still see young teens, around the age I was when I visited those places, walk around. No idea what shops they go into though. Maybe the ice cream places, and the food court.

[-] Moonguide@lemmy.ml 10 points 1 day ago

So I'm not in America and might be able to offer some insight. Others have mentioned big box stores, online shopping, and lack of money as the main culprits. I'm fairly certain big box stores are not it, and the fault may lay almost entirely on amazon.

Where I'm from, malls are still the place to go for new things to buy, including electronics, clothes (of varying degrees of quality and price), drugs (the legal kind), and home decor. Businesses like Walmart (as in, supermarkets that sell things other than groceries) have shops inside those same malls. In the whole city, there is one standalone Walmart, in the emptiest part of town with middle-upper class suburbs around it. The one exception is Costco, which has two franchises in town, not inside a mall, but the demographic that goes there is decidedly middle class families and businesses.

We can order stuff from amazon, but it ends up being about the same in terms of cost, and takes up to a month to arrive. Money is tight for pretty much everyone at the moment, but we all still go to the mall from time to time, for one reason or another.

For example, I'm overdue a visit to get my eyes checked again, my glasses need replacing. And I'll probably stop by the radioshack (yup, remember that?) and nab some rechargeable AAs.

[-] Moonguide@lemmy.ml 5 points 2 days ago

Can confirm. When I got diagnosed with GAD, SzPD and rediagnosed with ADHD, my therapist asked me why I was so anxious all the time. After giving them the rundown of everything going on around me, they told me to not think about it.

Like, I get it. Would be cool. But, it's around me. Would be easier to avoid the ground beneath my feet. They did end up helping me fine-tune my routine to unfuck myself when spiraling into a panic attack though.

[-] Moonguide@lemmy.ml 12 points 4 days ago

America, americans, or american politicians? I've got different opinions. The common american may be misguided or misinformed, but they're not hateful. America itself, has done incredible damage to the world, all while claiming they're all for liberty and freedom after being dragged into the most clear-cut good vs. bad war almost a hundred years ago. Ever since, it's has been dragged kicking and screaming towards progress, and fighting very hard to go back to the stone age. American politicians are nearly all wastes of skin.

For reference, I'm latino.

[-] Moonguide@lemmy.ml 71 points 3 weeks ago

Hard work does not always lead to success. Most of the time, it just leads to more work.

[-] Moonguide@lemmy.ml 36 points 3 months ago

Baldur's Gate 3, four playthroughs back to back, two of em multiplayer. I still play it every now and then when I want to continue my honor run.

Besides that, Rimworld. Nearly 4k hours.

[-] Moonguide@lemmy.ml 65 points 8 months ago

Eat fries first, main dish later, always. Good reason though: usually the main dish holds heat much longer than fries do, and it probably won't get as gross as fries do.

Cold fries are tasteless and soggy. A warm burger is still good.

[-] Moonguide@lemmy.ml 38 points 8 months ago

An E-reader. There's no more space in my house for book shelves. I've a ton of books stored inappropriately in a bunch of cabinets and on top of furniture, that I hope to find new homes for before irreparable damage is done to their spine.

Having an e-reader also helped me in the gym. Instead of doomscrolling on lemmy or tiktok, I read between sets. Helped me regain my reading habit and kick my social media habit. Also, helped my social anxiety of having to rest longer than half a minute when other people might want to use the iron I'm using.

[-] Moonguide@lemmy.ml 49 points 8 months ago

Remember kids. It is always morally correct to pirate adobe products.

I'm a graphic designer and honestly, been thinking long and hard about switching to Affinity. Affinity Designer even seems like it would streamline most of my workflow.

[-] Moonguide@lemmy.ml 73 points 10 months ago

The people will find out, the fucks actually responsible for this will get the best treatments possible world wide.

[-] Moonguide@lemmy.ml 48 points 10 months ago

What have they to gain from advocating against it?

[-] Moonguide@lemmy.ml 57 points 10 months ago

Coffee. I'm in a coffee producing country. It could be as cheap as grabbing a bag from the coffee institute (really good and cheap), a cloth filter and call it a day. Instead, I'm on my second espresso machine, fourth grinder, second portafilter set, and have all the doodads to make it just how I like it.

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