[-] Mic_Check_One_Two@reddthat.com 47 points 2 months ago

Yup. Rand() chooses a random float value for each entry. By default I believe it’s anywhere between 0 and 1. So it may divide the first bill by .76, then the second by .23, then the third by 0.63, etc… So you’d end up with a completely garbage database because you can’t even undo it by multiplying all of the numbers by a set value.

[-] Mic_Check_One_Two@reddthat.com 32 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

Take it a step farther. Why is cheap grain available on the market? Because European import regulations were relaxed to support Ukrainian grain exports.

In case you weren’t aware, grain is one of Ukraine’s largest exports.

[-] Mic_Check_One_Two@reddthat.com 102 points 3 months ago

I mean, she’s never tried to hide the fact that she’s Russian. And she also hasn’t hidden the fact that she dislikes Putin. But lots of Europe is struggling right now. For instance, the farmers protesting across many parts of Europe, as a result of the war and Ukrainian exports.

[-] Mic_Check_One_Two@reddthat.com 42 points 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago)

I blocked the servers with my pihole. Coincidentally, my two smart TVs are the two most blocked devices on my network. It’s not even close.


This was with only ~1 hour of TV watching, while the device in the third spot is my phone (which I had been using all day). And yet the second TV still had almost 3x as many blocked requests.

Smart TVs are fucking invasive.

[-] Mic_Check_One_Two@reddthat.com 53 points 8 months ago

No dev worth their salt is going to trust Unity period. When someone tells you who they are, believe them. Investing in FOSS has never failed me, and Godot is growing exponentially as a result of Unity’s actions.

[-] Mic_Check_One_Two@reddthat.com 72 points 8 months ago

Yeah I can almost guarantee that the original plan was always for him to leave. He was going to be the scapegoat with a golden parachute, allowing the company to keep the unpopular changes while disbursing the bad publicity. It’s exactly what he did with EA too.

Basically reddit’s Ellen Pao plan. Bring in someone unpopular to make the unpopular changes, then let them go with a massive payout while keeping the unpopular changes.

But then Unity realized that the companies weren’t going to forget about the unpopular changes and it wasn’t going to blow over. Companies started bailing left and right and switching to other engines. At that point Unity realized that the smoke was actually a full blown fire, and started doing whatever they could to try and regain some trust. But by that point it was too late, because companies had already seen the potential for abuse. And as the saying goes, when someone tells you who you are, believe them. So now companies are unwilling to go back to Unity, and Unity is grasping at straws.

[-] Mic_Check_One_Two@reddthat.com 40 points 8 months ago

9 was skipped because there was concern with old/lazily coded programs running in compatibility mode for Windows 9x versions.

Basically, when the windows versions went from Win95/98/ME to 2000 and XP, some lazy programmers went “well by the time Windows 2090 rolls around I’ll be dead” and just had their programs check the windows version for a 9 when deciding whether or not to run in compatibility mode. If it detected a 9, then it would run in compatibility for 95/98/ME.

Microsoft wanted to avoid this potential issue, so they just skipped version 9 altogether and jumped straight to 10.

[-] Mic_Check_One_Two@reddthat.com 52 points 10 months ago

Give every single doxxed GJ member secret service protection, and make Trump pay for it.

[-] Mic_Check_One_Two@reddthat.com 31 points 10 months ago

I can guarantee that this was pushed out the door without any actual forethought or planning. Because Elon probably decreed that it had to be done now, so the devs were forced to push to prod without any actual testing ahead of time.

[-] Mic_Check_One_Two@reddthat.com 30 points 11 months ago

This is putting it lightly. By some estimates, it’s larger than every other form of theft combined. Literally over 51% of all theft.

It isn’t all as blatant as this, but it still happens. Timesheets getting subtlety adjusted/rounded in the employer’s favor. Not paying for breaks when they’re legally required to. Requiring employees to work through breaks, while still requiring them to clock out. Requiring employees to show up 15 minutes prior to their shift, to do a morning huddle before everyone clocks in. Mandating what employees can/can’t do during their breaks. Not properly paying for on-call time, or saying someone was only on-call when they should’ve been fully clocked in. Not paying overtime, or telling non-exempt employees that they’re exempt from OT.

The list goes on and on. When people complain about a lack of prosecution for white-collar crime, this is exactly what they’re referring to. Steal a $2 candy bar from a store, and you potentially face criminal prosecution. That same store codifies a procedure that steals $2 from every employee every time they clock in, netting the company millions of dollars throughout the course of the year? The company maybe gets a fine that is less than what it made via the theft, and the employees don’t even get back the full amount that they’re owed.

[-] Mic_Check_One_Two@reddthat.com 30 points 11 months ago

Yup. There are definitely bad ways to go about scraping reddit posts. But if it’s done properly, there’s no reason to be upset about it. We get the content without needing to actually visit the site, and we also get the (generally much more friendly) comment sections.

[-] Mic_Check_One_Two@reddthat.com 33 points 11 months ago

You can actually buy tinted tape to dim them without completely blacking them out. So you can take your clock from “bright enough to keep your entire bedroom lit” to “just bright enough to read in the dark.”

Found out while watching Technology Connections. Bright blue monochromatic LEDs are one of his biggest pet peeves, and he mentioned the tinted tape off-hand in one of his videos.

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