
joined 1 year ago
[–] 31 points 7 hours ago* (last edited 7 hours ago)

Fuck /u/Spez

Sorry; the above is mandatory these days when talking about enshittified reddit.

I'd say it very strongly looks like Spez is doing exactly what it looks like. I can attest from my days as a meta-subreddit-mod and reddit mod that this behavior tracks exactly with any time Spez thinks he's planning an unpopular change; they pucker up hard and start bracing things they think will be affected.

Probably, it is Old.Reddit; because it likely does not add to their revenue. Old.reddit interface was not designed with advertising in mind and it is purely functional first only.

Of course; by editing or removing old.reddit interfaces; they will be lobotomizing their moderation teams. The new reddit interface provides far less control and granular information; making it difficult at times to moderate without falling back to the old.reddit interface.

Undoubtedly they will likely also try to freeze, disable, or cripple AutoModerator /config/ pages, if they haven't already, or revert them as well when this new enshittification masquerading as a "small positive change" drops. It's hard to say.

Instead of recognizing their moderators as major stakeholders who have chosen to build their communities on reddit; they have chosen violence, and are treating them like enslaved serfs. Hmm...I wonder if that means they could possibly be breaking modern slavery laws... Until Next Time!

Fuck /u/Spez

Leave reddit now.

<3 Melody.

[–] 2 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Such a system might be constructed for one's own scraping needs by taking any one of the current frontend/backends and customizing that behavior such that it could mitigate issues or ingest/ignore data based on your own inputs as well; such that your model could be "riding along on a human surfboard with human guidance"

[–] 2 points 1 week ago (3 children)

The filtration capabilities available to most users is pretty robust; depending on what you use to interact with the Fediverse. I thinik it would be possible to filter out problematic bots, users and even whole domain sources with the right kind of software.

[–] -2 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Honestly I think the rate should've dropped by 2 or 3 whole percentage points (so like 200 or 300 basis).

The current rates are OBSCENELY HIGH and have not halted inflation even if they have attenuated it to some extent.

The Fed likely knew this damage would occur from this kind of tampering and only now are they acting to curb it.

[–] 10 points 1 week ago (6 children)

I'm going to be bold enough to say we don't have as wide of an AI/LLM issue on the Fediverse as the other platforms will have.

I'm certain that if someone did collect data from the Fediverse; it would become a hot topic and it might not be enough data anyways as the Fediverse is not mainstream enough normally. So the data and language collected here might skew in a few imaginable ways that one might find undesirable for a general model of word frequencies.

Also the fact that people might not appreciate that data being collected. Let's be real. It's too soon for such a project to begin. The AI TREND MUST DIE as it currently lives and it's corpse must be rotted away completely. Now, in internet time that may not be all that long...a few to several years...the memory of the internet can be short-lived at times. It must, however, fade from the public conscience into some obscurity first.

Once the technology no longer lies in greedy hands again; new development can begin anew.

[–] 1 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) (1 children)

In general; I think even 2 billion is too much. Nobody needs that much money.

At best; I think no one should be able to have more than about 500 Million. You get one house, and one car for each adult family member if you're married with non-adult kids. Adult kids don't add uncounted vehicles; they have their own limit. Anything that is seaworthy or airworthy counts as about as much "Wealth" as you initially spent on it minus a reasonable depreciation rate yearly as determined by the market, so no buying a thing and having it lose 30% of it's value the moment you drive it off the lot after buying it.

Additionally; to block too many shenanigans; wealth added by any property that is bought sticks; 3 years at minimum. This prevents people from storing too much excess in property and shell-gaming it. A company you own or have stake in cannot lend (in a long term) or gift you property in excess of 1% to 10% the wealth limit. (Depending on what the thing is). Companies may also not hold property or money in lieu of an individual personally; everything the company owns must have a global company function; and not personally benefit one or more people only. (Basically no executive-only or owner-only Jets; everyone from the tiniest manager on up should have access to it if there's a business reason for it)

[–] 47 points 2 weeks ago (5 children)

People need to stand firm against the needless RTOs and demands to be present in a workplace where your work consists largely of things you can do safely from the privacy of your own home.

Without more mass resignations when companies start to roll out RTOs like this; they will never learn. If you work at such a company; start looking for another job, even if you are willing to work in the office a few days a week. Punish them harshly for enforcing RTOs.

[–] 5 points 2 weeks ago

It occurs to me that adding a visual watermark might actually serve to obscure a visual watermarking scheme that is otherwise invisible by providing data that scrambles or breaks the watermark decoder itself.

Audio watermarks can be distorted in any number of ways; and it could be that some of the wildly poor audio quality in most cam-rips is probably the only way you can defeat the watermark; by using a LQ microphone and encoding the audio to a very limited bitrate and then re-upsampling; to defeat any subtle alterations a digital watermark might make to the audio waveform.

[–] 7 points 2 weeks ago (2 children)

Watermarks are only an issue in-as-much as it is used to trace down which copy was leaked.

With modern digital projection systems; you don't get a reel of film; you get a briefcase of [SS/HD]Ds containing the raw, encrypted, footage. The digital projection system will decrypt using provided keys. There's no output except the standard ones for the theatre projectors and sound capturing the output is difficult.

If you do intercept the signal; the projection system might detect it; and refuse playback or wipe the decryption keys. Watermarking is also a danger; since your theater can get identified as the leak source and sued.

[–] 8 points 2 weeks ago

Now we wait for someone to build an absolutely wonderful chat app on top of this wonderful bit of PoC code...

I genuinely hope someone does. Imagine what this could do if this was routed over Tor using Private Services.

Run this over that; and you'd have a bullet-proof text chat. Wrap a nice GUI client around all of that and you have a proper secure, anonymous messenger with no problems. With a little more build-out; you could even implement the Matrix protocol over this wire-line and basically have full inter-federation and moderation over a secure wire protocol; allowing for complete privacy and client integration.

TL;DR: Matrix over PQChat over Tor. Think about it. A Post-Quantum Dark-Matrix web.

[–] 0 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

Ah; I don't use Chinese branded phones at all. Never have.

Phones in the US market do not usually have them, unless they're Samsung branded, and since I don't include Chinese made phones in that "group", what I'm saying is true for the US.

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