Russian military draft.
True, can't think of how would you combat a cleverly written aim-bot.
Don't tell the client what's going on outside its vision, I suppose? Add a small buffer to compensate for latency, so wall hack would be more of a "corner hack".
I imagine the alternative way to combat kernel-level cheats would be asking player for all his game state data, validating it on a server?
Wouldn't work on peer-to-peer and you'd have to do a bunch of unnecessary compute(recalculating every tick if player-generated data is possible according to game rules) but its the only way I can think of.
You folks are living in the stone age. In the current millennium, plenty of consumer-grade pre-built planets are available.
All you have to do is occasionally spend your weekend debugging incompatibility of gravity and quantum layers.
I mean, its free no-authentication VMs. They had to put at least some guards against abuse.
Some people dug too deep into the reality tunnel, any common sense has been left far behind.
Obvious reality check: Ukraine has some nazies. Also
a) they're not their top problem. That being, you know, invasion and occupation by an authoritarian dictatorship.
b) point me at the country that hasn't. What, you want China to invade Germany because AfD has 30% in some provinces? Let people sort their shit before you call for a foreign boot ffs.
(Not even touching the fact that the only reason Russia isnt seig heil'ing right this second, is that little Pu is afraid of any popular movements, including fascism. But it'll get there, give it a couple years and/or heart strokes)
A lot of moving around, not knowing what city or country I will be at next week.
Was a wild ride for sure, glad I was fortunate and persistent enough to find a place I can tentatively call home again ❣️