[-] MajorHavoc@programming.dev 1 points 2 minutes ago

The approach I've seen most is using semantic versioning for releases, and having a continuously upward counting (not bothering to reset) build number for everything in between.

[-] MajorHavoc@programming.dev 4 points 2 hours ago

Sweet. Welcome to the cult of Debian.

We (Debian users and contributors) are inevitable. Our quiet satisfied computing cannot be stopped, only delayed.

We should consider getting some fancy robes and a few club houses, though. The only thing that can make Debian better is cookies and tea.

[-] MajorHavoc@programming.dev 2 points 2 hours ago

Would you trust this "wallet" tho lol

Hell no. I just kicked Google out of my life for the same crap. Ugh. But I'll laugh too, because it's either that or cry.

[-] MajorHavoc@programming.dev 2 points 2 hours ago

I wouldn’t trust them as a lone voice on something, but if other groups come to the same conclusion, sure.

As a Privacy nerd, I agree with the conclusions in the article, for what it's worth. We do see a lot of "privacy" law proposals lately that are anything but.

I don't think things will get better, on this front, until the average person better understands privacy rights and risks.

[-] MajorHavoc@programming.dev 12 points 5 hours ago

I can't say I'm shocked. But I am disappointed.

[-] MajorHavoc@programming.dev 4 points 18 hours ago

Lunchtime, doubly so!

[-] MajorHavoc@programming.dev 2 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago)

will tell you if a game supports the controller you currently have plugged in

Today I learned that. It never came up for me since I do most of my game shopping on my phone. That could be really helpful later.

Thank you!

[-] MajorHavoc@programming.dev 2 points 2 days ago


I've always thought those rules were mostly inspired by Aaragorn, of course. I think he's also why we keep getting a 'ranger' class that never works quite right if balanced, or is overpowered.

[-] MajorHavoc@programming.dev 4 points 2 days ago

Sure, but you know what beats all three: two swords and an axe.

[-] MajorHavoc@programming.dev 9 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago)

But they were Nazi dogs.

I had this exact conversation, and used this argument, with my own parents.

It must have worked. I was allowed to play Wolfenstein, anyway.

[-] MajorHavoc@programming.dev 10 points 2 days ago

Netflix can't do what got them to the top.

They can't grow that way but they could easily hold on and remain profitable, popular and successful.

They were well on their way to enjoying "Kleenex" or "Oreo" stable market success, but their leadership and shareholders apparently aren't satisfied with winning.

[-] MajorHavoc@programming.dev 58 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago)

I'll take "Organizations that made it to the top by doing something different, only to fall under leadership that doesn't understand what made them successful and descend into ruins" for 200, Alex.

Seriously, Jeopardy team - this is a rich category:

  • Netflix advertisements.
  • Zoom mandates staff return to offices.
  • Microsoft forgets what the "P" in "PC" stands for.
  • Toys R Us implements a shitty holiday gift returns policy.
  • Sears decides to sacrifice reputation for quarterly stock price gains.
  • Walgreens decides bottom-of-the-barrel incompetent pharmacists can uphold their "get it all done in one visit" secret sauce.
  • Radio Shack decides that once-every-two-years cellphone contract sales are the future for holding passionate electronics hobbyists' loyalty.
PSA - MineTest on SteamDeck (blog.rubenwardy.com)
submitted 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) by MajorHavoc@programming.dev to c/steamdeck@sopuli.xyz

MineTest on a SteamDeck is so fun, y'all.

(Edit: MineTest is a free and open source game engine that started as a clone of Minecraft, and has grown to be that, and much more.)

I would have tried it sooner, if someone had mentioned it to me, so I'm mentioning it to you.

Edit: Disclaimer, I'm not the author of this blog. It's the walkthrough I followed to start playing.

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