[-] MachineFab812@discuss.tchncs.de 13 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

Kool-aid man knocked the whole thing out of orbit. They're bodies have been stuck like this, in relation to the shuttle, for days, and now for the rest of time.

Even with the suits on, as shown, it would just take longer for them to die like so.

Means Hitler is in Heaven. If its even slightly less Hellish than wherever they end up, then yes, bad thing.

Yeah, that would be the marketting bs, probably.

Reasons why MinX versions are usually available. Whether for bandwidth purposes, just not giving a fuck about HD, or not wanting to buy larger Hard Drives to save overlarge content, there's plenty of people with plenty of reasons to prefer smaller files.

You uh ... not understand what the word "supposing" means? Nevermind the later use of the word "were". Where did you get the idea that I actually believe this idea?

Someone asked what another commenter meant, and I explained it. My personal opinion was not solicited, but I implied my doubt anyways. How you and one other missed it is beyond me.

Opposing gender ratios, supposing that a gender imbalance were the source of their problems.

^^THIS^^ Not reading anything that sources opinions/data from LinkedIn. My personal grindset prioritizes my mental hygeine vs absolute garbage.

[-] MachineFab812@discuss.tchncs.de 138 points 6 days ago

Sure, blame the kids. Not like that's exactly what previous generations have done or anything. All I see here is more blame-shifting and passing the buck.

[-] MachineFab812@discuss.tchncs.de 45 points 2 weeks ago

Came here to say this. They wrote the playbook that has spelled the end or at least shitification of so many standards, open-source or otherwise(but usually still free-to-use or at least cheap).

[-] MachineFab812@discuss.tchncs.de 64 points 1 month ago

Air conditioners are already heat-pumps. This change would moreso replace furnaces.

submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by MachineFab812@discuss.tchncs.de to c/lemmy@lemmy.ml


(replaced with my own user profile, as I'm not trying to fill other users' inboxes for no real reason)(also, this somehow worked right when making this post, but not the original comment)
https://discuss.tchncs.de/comment/9293054 https://lemmy.dbzer0.com/comment/9620373 https://jlai.lu/comment/6487794

While we're at it, am I missing at instance-agnostic method for linking posts as well?

[-] MachineFab812@discuss.tchncs.de 27 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago)

The basic social contract of the web was to keep things accessible, including to bots. No one has the storage capacity to rip the entire web like all these jokers are pretending - even google merely indexes it except for the most popular pages.

The thing ruining the social contract of the web is the profit motive of all these companies trying to convince people that they should be able to sell data that is otherwise publically accessible, for the purposes of allowing bots to look at it - they can't memorize it.

Of course ChatGPT and the other AI companies ARE partially to blame: it seems they've poisoned the pot by giving their AIs continual access to the training sets and/or even the broader internet on the backend without making this clear to users, allowing Journalists to claim that these AIs have somehow memorized Pettabytes of data into a few Gigabytes. That is an ABSURD, basically impossible, compression ratio for anyone with even the slightest comprehension with the topic.

No, your random article you tricked ChatGPT into spitting out is not worth memorizing, not even to the lie and hallucination prone AI chatbots we have available to prod for free or otherwise. Oh, you paid for it, and your complaint is that its spitting accurate information? YOU'RE PAYING FOR THEM TO HOST THE CHATBOT FOR YOU AND PROVIDE IT ACCESS TO INFORMATION IT WOULD OTHERWISE NOT HAVE ACCESS TO ON THE BACK-END.

By all means, sue the companies into paying for their data, and force them to divulge the data-sets they keep on-hand so that they can be charged for information in them, but stop pretending the AIs themselves contain copies of it, or that its impossible to make them pay ex-post-facto (as opposed to the ENTIRETY of the rest of our legal system and enforcement) ...

AND PEOPLE, stop letting all these companies trick you into thinking that this is a valid excuse to further lock-down the web, or that you must poison your fanart with methods that WILL be bypassed. Its just another potential expense and technical burden these companies want you to believe you must bear rather than sticking to the things you enjoy and/or that put food on your table.

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