That's been my experience going to some of my friend's houses. It's despicable that Google thinks this is acceptable.
Literally with any ad nowadays. I immediately tune out all my sensory organs
That's putting it lightly. But I don't blame you, language can't easily express the level of moron we're witnessing.
Ask and ye shall receive
Bonus personal favorite
(I think Cantonese, Korean, and Japanese, decended from a common language)
Idk about Korean but I do know that Japanese loaned tons of words from Chinese when they imported Kanji but they're otherwise unrelated afaik.
Mexican here:
Spanish & English - Fluent
Japanese - Intermediate-advanced
French - Still learning but it's so similar to Spanish it feels like cheating 😅
Same here! But I'm Mexican from Mexico.
Last year I've gotten to reading full-length Japanese news articles with little to no help with the Kanjis.
It's funny how many Latinos are naturally drawn to Japanese. I always blame the loads of anime we got throughout the 90s.
I had the idea that mass shootings were more of a cultural phenomenon exacerbated by the media. I mean, we don't have them in my country either. And although some older people have gone through compulsory military training, it's been slowly rescinded for the younger generations so it makes me wonder if that has any effect on people's willingness to go on shooting sprees.
IJBOL is what all the cool kids are using
Putin, why else. He wants a weakened US.
So the US is only slightly stepping on China for appearances? weirdChamp
Empty bucket of water? But we booked the shark - infested waters over a year ago!