[-] Lemjukes@lemm.ee 16 points 4 days ago

I like the SCP term, Cognitohazard for these

[-] Lemjukes@lemm.ee 25 points 1 month ago

The purpose is to prosecute him for the crime he has been charged with. That charge is Involuntary manslaughter, which explicitly means he was negligent in a way that lead to the death of another person. The purpose of having him(or literally anyone) stand trial in the American justice system is (supposed) to examine the evidence and determine if it supports the charges against the (presumed innocent) defendant. You don’t get let off the hook for your mistakes just because you ‘feel absolutely terrible’ about it. Your understanding of fault in this situation is incorrect.

[-] Lemjukes@lemm.ee 32 points 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago)

I think ‘age of the last moon landing’ is a pretty piss poor metric for how well a space program is doing. Remember two years ago when NASA landed the most advanced rover ever built and a friggin helicopter on mars? Remember how the helicopter was only designed to last a handful of sols and flights but is still to this day flying actual survey missions scouting for the rover?

I’m sorry but I think your metric for what ranks various space agencies capabilities is absolutely hog wash.

EDIT: You also seem to have missed in your assessment, the primary mission goal of the SLIM Lander. Japan was testing a landing technology that would allow vehicles to land ‘within 100 meters of a chosen landing site’. A goal JAXA achieved with this mission despite the solar panel issue. To give some context, up until now most landing sites are chosen for a margin of error up to several Kilometers.

[-] Lemjukes@lemm.ee 70 points 5 months ago

Jesus fuck that was upsetting

[-] Lemjukes@lemm.ee 25 points 5 months ago

Karen Gillian too right?

[-] Lemjukes@lemm.ee 28 points 6 months ago

Idk if it’s on their YouTube channel but this is from an Australian group called crackermilk. https://youtube.com/@CrackerMilk?si=r_AQF8zlO2EsbXO8

[-] Lemjukes@lemm.ee 32 points 6 months ago

Yeah that’s not Felicia Day, her name is Emily Kristopher. This is from Australian sketch comedy YouTube channel, Crackermilk.

submitted 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago) by Lemjukes@lemm.ee to c/risa@startrek.website

I'm pretty sure i stole this joke, but it was definitely only about O'Brien. I'm here to expand that notion with my evidence of "The Visitor".

[-] Lemjukes@lemm.ee 36 points 6 months ago

Most powerful person in the world and a 20 something intern. Yep it was totally all her fault and we’re in the right for making fun of her 25+ years later.

[-] Lemjukes@lemm.ee 27 points 7 months ago

Thoroughly unsurprised it’s an Always Sunny credit.

submitted 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago) by Lemjukes@lemm.ee to c/asklemmy@lemmy.ml

Hey All,

So here’s the deal, I have an old HP laptop I am in the process of ~~resetting and setting up~~ wiping and setting up as my ~8yo nephew’s first computer. He played his first PC game sitting on my lap and I am determined to fuel his budding interest in computers as much as possible. He has an iPad from his parents and has been attending a ‘code ninjas’ camp for kids his age and has been loving it. So for Christmas this year I asked his parents and they’re comfortable with him having his own, supervised, system.

I was planning to start with just a blank slate on the machine with a parent account and then a child account for him. Obviously the parental controls will be in place with his parents getting a crash course in anything they don’t already know how to use(they’re tech literate so I’m not worried about that). But they’re not CS people and I’m only barely self taught over the years.

I have this vision of giving him a sandbox with enough toys and tools (as much FOSS as possible) that he can safely play around and build/make things on his own. So here’s where my question for y’all comes in, what are your recommendations for a budding computer scientist/programmer’s first Windows machine? And just to head it off at the pass, no, we can’t go the Linux route yet. I don’t have the experience/expertise to support a system like that remotely and his parents have even less. I’m also wondering if there are any tutorials or resources I could load onto the machine that he can /watch learn from without an internet connection?

And lastly I’m wondering if anyone has any advice for encouraging him to push the boundaries of the parental controls and locks on the system. Obviously not in a way that undermines his parents authority. But I want to encourage that sense of almost devious exploration that encourages even just users to truly analyze and understand the limitations and cracks in systems they’re dropped into. To give a probably horribly outdated example from my past: figuring out how to bypass the proxy service the school network used to access browser game websites.

  • Currently only on mobile and memmy seems to be having some trouble properly displaying comments and posting my replies. I’m seeing things in my inbox but am only able to see my comment on the actual post. Will respond to people once I’m home and can access the actual site. Thanks for all the advice so far, keep it coming!
[-] Lemjukes@lemm.ee 41 points 9 months ago


The actual publication, not based off a g-dang TikTok.

[-] Lemjukes@lemm.ee 27 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

How could a just and loving God condemn the entirety of non-human life to eternal punishment and damnation, simply for not having the cognitive ability to understand belief?

Seems like either: A. there is no god or hell and the argument is completely moot. B. There is a god and it really is an evil death cult bent on ending all life for some bizzaro sense of 'salvation' (God is not loving) C. There is a god and it is ambivalent to the suffering of everything but humans (god is not just) D. all dogs go to heaven. (God actually is just and loving)

Oh why did I stop here...

submitted 11 months ago by Lemjukes@lemm.ee to c/memes@lemmy.ml

I wonder if any issues are being tracked?

[-] Lemjukes@lemm.ee 112 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

Theatre Worker Here:

Most prop masters I've worked with use either this brand or something very similar. From that page the ingredients listed are: Marshmallow Leaves, Red Clover Flowers, Rose Petals, Fruit Juices, Honey. You can also buy packs that are designed to look like real brands(yellow american spirits, the famous "Marlboro Red", and white for marb lights.)

Fake cigarettes have been pretty common props for a while now. Obviously there used to be a lot more actual tobacco use on sets but nowadays, especially with a lot of municipalities outlawing tobacco smoking indoors in public spaces, its almost always all fake/herbal. There are also nicotine free vaporizers that are styled to look like real cigarettes.

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