[-] Kuma@lemmy.world 6 points 2 days ago

And as a user do I hate it too. It is too many times while I edit an email and click delete that is deletes the email instead... It seems if I click a word and get the spell window does the focus always change to the list of emails.... And it also force a spell correction if I click space... I didn't pick one of the options I just want to edit the word myself!!! And if I scrolldown to remove some parts of the email thread or just want to copy a part won't it let me if I don't click twice.. and it jumps around...damn I hate it so much. Sorry that I replied to you with all these anger. But I really felt it when I saw yours and ops comment. I hope we one day will at least think it is an ok client to work with

[-] Kuma@lemmy.world 2 points 3 days ago

I want to add to what the others said. Usually I just add windows programs/games to steam as none steam game. that has been the easiest way to do it for me. I have very few games that isn't on steam so it is nice to be able to add them together with the rest with the correct categories and such.

[-] Kuma@lemmy.world 4 points 3 days ago

Funny to see this question here a few weeks ago did I see someone link this https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Nqxjfp4Gi0k&feature=youtu.be

The video shows how to create a salt based pcm (phase change material). You can also buy packs like these but I thought it seemed more fun to create it myself, so it will be my summer project when the heat is not barrable. I think Putting it under a cap would do wonders.

[-] Kuma@lemmy.world 7 points 2 months ago

I am with you. We should use the ai as a tool to automate or remove things that is frustrating or in the way of the actual goal to help the customers. Plus I don't think any model is good enough (yet) to act as tech support (they can use open ai if it was enough). I think ai is great as a tool tho. For example you can use it to go through a lot of documents of products, policies, other tickets and so on so the tech support person can find the relevant information faster. We can also use ai to create summerise of the call or take notes and so on. A lot of great potential to make everyone happier but I don't believe in replacing actual ppl.

[-] Kuma@lemmy.world 14 points 4 months ago

Not a db, I just want to share one reason that happened to the startup I was working at.

The owners were thinking about keep business as usually which means paying more to the employees or scaling up which is very expensive, they only had small to medium sized companies as their customers(but many). Then this big company came from a different country, they were on a shopping spree buying a lot of companies(scaling up and taking over the market). The owners of the company I worked at were soon 65 or above 65 so they thought that it was a opportunity. Because if they sell then they don't have to be worried about money after retirement. So they did. But they did think the company would be taken care of, but I think they also looked away from the bad stuff, wishing this would be great. Almost everyone left the company after a year or two (myself included), it was a sinking ship. Same goes for the other companies they acquired.

Tldr; selling the company to get retirement money while hoping the company will be taken cared of. Took only a year for ppl to leave because of how bad it was.

[-] Kuma@lemmy.world 8 points 4 months ago

Here I am wondering why no one made the joke that the answer was not found (404) but chat gpt assumed it was the answer 😂

[-] Kuma@lemmy.world 5 points 8 months ago

Yea thought so, it feels a bit like horoscopes in newspaper sometimes. I only know two with adhd and they are both very extreme cases but polar opposite to each other so i don't have anything to base these "facts" on.

Yea i was taught that parentheses is just wrapping extra information that you won't read out loud and can be skipped. It was meant to be there to give more context for those that is not as well versed in the subject or helpful to point out things that may not be as obvious for the reader. For example "VIP(very important person)" or "a lot of things here are brown (the tables, chairs and floor)".

But i never even thought about how parentheses should be used until now. My teachers never really said anything about them.

[-] Kuma@lemmy.world 15 points 8 months ago

Is this an adhd thing?! I haven't been diagnosed but this community makes me think too many times "i thought it was just me".

Because of the tweet did i have to remove my bonus thought it felt unnatural in this context 😂

Back on track: Sometimes do i want to add a parentes in a parents and it hurts every time.

[-] Kuma@lemmy.world 7 points 9 months ago

This kinda reminds me of pirating vs paying. Using api = you know it will always be the same structure and you will get the data you asked for. Otherwise you will be notified unless they version their api. There is usual good documentation. You can always ask for help.

Scraping = you need to scout the whole website yourself. you need to keep up to date with the the websites structure and to make sure they haven't added ways to block bots (scraping). Error handling is a lot more intense on your end, like missing content, hidden content, query for data. the website may not follow the same standards/structuree throughout the website so you need to have checks for when to use x to get y. The data may need multiple request because they do not show for example all the user settings on one page but in an api call they would or it is a ajax page and you need to run Javascript scripts and click on buttons that may change id, class or text info and they may load data when you do x with Javascript so you need to emulate the webpage.

So my guess is that scraping is used most often when you only need to fetch simple data structures and you are fine with cleaning up the data afterwards. Like all the text/images on a page, checking if a page has been updated or just save the whole page like wayback machine.

[-] Kuma@lemmy.world 6 points 9 months ago

When it doesn't smell

[-] Kuma@lemmy.world 6 points 11 months ago

My guess is most are like me, I use Bluetooth headphones and are on the go if I listen to anything. So higher quality doesn't really matter.

[-] Kuma@lemmy.world 5 points 1 year ago

Here is another shower thought. You touch things other ppl who don't wash their hands touch all the time... That is worse in my opinion. Because you can wash your hands before touching anything else (belt included) it isn't as easy to wash your hands everytime on the go. Corona made me very aware of this

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