
joined 1 year ago
[–] 1 points 10 months ago (2 children)

You brought up accreditation. I just asked if it should be allowed.

Here’s the theoretical: someone makes a religion based on Nazi values and makes a new school that teaches those values and enforces it too (so no Jews, Christians, gays, etc. and students and faculty cannot associate with said people).

Should that be allowed? I’m not asking if it should be accredited or not. Just should it be allowed. ie you are made ruler of the world and you get to decide if that should be accepted practices the the culture, values, and practices of the world you rule.

[–] 3 points 10 months ago (4 children)

What is the difference between discriminating against blacks or Jews or women vs discriminating against gay people?

Being gay is not a choice. Someone liking people of the same sex is no more controllable than you liking members of the opposite sex. Do you actively choose to like women and dislike men (or vice versa if you’re a women)? Are you saying someone could tell you something and somehow convince you to find men attractive?

This isn’t censoring an opinion, this is basic human rights.

[–] 7 points 10 months ago (6 children)

Take everything Nazis believe. Now just say it’s a religion. Now they start a school to spread their beliefs.

According to you, that’s totally ok… hence the statement.

The paradox of tolerance to a T

[–] 8 points 10 months ago

Exactly. We figured it that wasn’t right then in the same way this isn’t right now.

[–] 37 points 10 months ago (15 children)

If a religion said black people are a sin and should be avoided… and then started a school with rules banning any contact with black folks, would you treat it the same? Religious grounds, private school, just don’t go there?

[–] 112 points 10 months ago (40 children)

That is a firearms issue.

Untrained, irresponsible people are getting access to guns.

[–] 37 points 10 months ago

They should, but they wouldn’t.

We can’t even get fair treatment for humans.

Not to mention, people can’t even see past cultural veils… pigs are smarter than dogs, and people who would never eat a dog have no second thoughts eating pigs and mocking vegetarians/vegans.

[–] 18 points 11 months ago

You can teach kids to be themselves without bringing self-harm into it.

That’s exactly what the book teaches…

[–] 65 points 11 months ago (24 children)

It exists and kids have a gender identity whether you hide it from them or not.

It’s the same broken logic that somehow sex education is somehow causing kids to have sex. Most guys don’t even realize how women pee, sex education has been so broken.

Republicans fucking love an ignorant populace.

[–] 2 points 1 year ago

When you have a system that values profits over everything, it tends to (either by accident or design) exploit workers and destroy the middle class.

With capitalism, you’ll pay the absolute minimum needed to get workers, regardless of the value they create for the business and regardless of how much profit your business is making. You’ll collude with other businesses to keep wages down, because again that’s a way to increase profit. You WONT support any worker rights laws like weekends, PTO, benefits, minimum wage, etc.

You can argue that the free market takes care of itself, but we’ve seen that isn’t true. Companies constantly exploit customers and workers. They will raise prices and lower wages in ways that a pure “free market” theoretically wouldn’t allow.

Now this isn’t to say capitalism is all bad. I do think smart people and hard working people should be rewarded. But any sufficiently large system is going to have some corruption. I’d like to have a reasonable minimum standard of living for everyone before we run off and let capitalism give us multi-billionaires. If everyone was guaranteed enough for a decent standard of living, I’d be fine with the rest being as capitalistic as anyone wants. But we dont have that. Minimum wage is $7. Healthcare is shit and tied to employment. Etc. etc.

[–] 2 points 1 year ago

That’s how Twitter was and is today too. It’s not supposed to only be people you follow.

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