
joined 1 year ago
[–] 10 points 21 hours ago (8 children)

$64k is a great salary in my area of PA. I'm not familiar with GA but I imagine it's the same. To put this into comparison, the average household income in GA is $75k and most households are two earners, so yeah, seems pretty good.

[–] 10 points 1 day ago
  1. Trump gives Joe $1mil worth of Cocaine
  2. Trump manufacturers a watch at the cost of $10/each
  3. Joe buys 10 of these watches for $100k each

That is how you money launder via purchases. It's more common to use artwork but you get the gist.

[–] 20 points 2 days ago (1 children)

Don't forget AGILE. That should solve all of their problems, right?

[–] 10 points 2 days ago

Same. I prefer the ultra thins. Anything else really doesn't feel differently on the receiving end, even the ridged ones.

[–] 3 points 4 days ago (3 children)

There's been a couple studies. This NYT article summarizes some of them.

The article says that the cause is complex. Corporate profits are part of it, but also increased wages across the supply chain, and strong demand (more people eating at home instead of eating out) vs lower supply (egg shortages, for example). I saw another article suggesting that climate change was also harshly impacting the supply chain, but it didn't list a solid source.

[–] 1 points 4 days ago

You should make one!

[–] 2 points 6 days ago

I've never experienced this or heard of this. Has it been like this your whole life or recently started? Either way you'll want to see a doctor, especially if it only recently began.

[–] 2 points 6 days ago (10 children)

Where are you going to go? It seems difficult to relocate to another country without dual citizenship

[–] 6 points 6 days ago (1 children)

I sincerely doubt you could catch herpes or especially HIV from putting your mouth on this or smoking from it.

[–] 49 points 6 days ago (17 children)

Friendly reminder for my trans bros and sisters, please get your passport squared away and start hoarding HRT in case shit hits the fan.

[–] 26 points 6 days ago (1 children)

Walz is the dad we all deserve.

[–] 35 points 6 days ago

Please double check your voter registration! Even if you voted last year, you may have been purged from the system.


I was shocked in the presidential debate that Harris gave staunch support for fracking. I was under the impression that democrats are against fracking, and remember people being critical of Fetterman for supporting it.

I also grew up in an area that was heavily impacted by the pollution from fracking. People who worked in the field were seen as failures of moral character who chose profits over the health of their children. How is it that both major parties are now in support of it? I feel like I must be missing a piece of the puzzle.


My bestie broke both of his arms and wrists two days ago. He's in his 20s, a gamer, has a pregnant wife and a young kid. Any ideas for gifts I can get to cheer him up? He'll have no use of his arms for 3 months.

Already got a bidet for him and hooked it up. Looking into accessible gaming controllers, but he said that the pain is so bad rn that even alternative controllers are probably a no go.


I'm new to manga and have read the above. I get hooked on the cat and mouse of "How will our protagonist overcome it this time?". Any manga recommendations like this?

Of the above, Berserk was my favorite. Beefy men are a plus.

Thanks ahead of time!


I have a raspberry Pi 4B that is connected to a CRT TV via Composite and controlled with a PS4 controller. I'd like to use the Pi for Netflix, Plex client, and playing DVDs from an ext drive. What distro would be best for this?

I tossed Retro Pi onto it and the controls work great but I can't figure out how to install the media apps.


I'm taking a long biking trip soon and want to share my live location with my boyfriend in case something happens. Any recommendations for privacy-focused apps that can accomplish this? I'm on Android, he's on iOS.


I own a condo and have one dog and one cat. They get along and play all the time, but I feel like the cat is often lonely and missing a cuddling companion. He's a rescue who was a street cat for years before I adopted him. I've been considering fostering or adopting another cat to give him company. Thoughts?


My boyfriend asked for a computer build for podcasting and light gaming for Christmas. He specifically wants a custom build desktop and I wasn't able to talk him out of going this route. We're starting from zero so I'd need to get a tower, monitor, keyboard, mouse, mic, webcam, etc. Trying to keep it under $1300ish for the package.

What kind of specs should I target to future proof the system for podcasting in case this becomes a serious hobby for him? I've built hundreds of PCs in my lifetime but never had to consider audio/video production. Also curious if anyone has advice for the podcasting equipment.

Thanks ahead of time.


I've recently rekindled my love for Katamari Damacy and it made me wonder if there's any other amazing cult classics out there that aren't talked about these days. What are your recommendations?


Many businesses are returning to the office, which is resulting in workers who prefer fully remote or hybrid work to resign from their positions. If they had asked their job to include specifics about the remote/hybrid policies in their work contract, they would be locked into those policies and could not be forced back into the office.

Never take for granted that the terms of your employment will stay the same unless there is a signed contract ensuring it.

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