[-] KazuchijouNo@lemy.lol 12 points 4 days ago

I completely agree with you there, Lemmy is its own thing. People are nice and respectful, communities are more constructive and less competitive, mods actually like what they're doing; the "vibe" is completely different here. No karma or awards incentives, pure cooperation and real social interactions.

We're open source! open hearts and open arms!

[-] KazuchijouNo@lemy.lol 5 points 4 days ago

Are you suggesting that they are individuals? I mean, have you ever seen every Reddit user in the same room? Exactly! they are all the same 3 people replying to themselves (or so they seem to me).

[-] KazuchijouNo@lemy.lol 2 points 4 days ago

Thanks!! I feel a bit more confident about this project now. To know that I'm on the right track is very validating to me. I will do my best to do my proper research and not go balls to the wall on this one.

I also really appreciate your advice on security, as I think this is the leg from which I limp the most. I'm still very new to all SSH and HTTPS things, so yeah...

I also didn't quite understand your first point; what does openhab mean? And how is it possible that the people you mention aren't getting hacked? Is it related to the second point about using ssh keys? I read in another comment that hackers could compromise my home network if I'm not careful enough, so I want to be extra cautious with that. (I hope I'm not lacking in common sense... perhaps it's my reading comprehension that's lacking... Yeah, that must be it!)

[-] KazuchijouNo@lemy.lol 2 points 4 days ago

Thanks! I'll look into this hello world example. And as for the electricity bill... I'm planning on having this website running locally for a short while, as this is mostly for learning purposes. Perhaps in the future I'll try other hosting options, idk.

But for the time being, I like to think that I'll be able to host whatever I want whenever I want you know? It's kind of liberating.

[-] KazuchijouNo@lemy.lol 1 points 4 days ago

Thanks! This actually helps me a lot, I'm lacking a bit of knowledge on ports and stuff, it sounds a bit daunting to have that many ports to choose from, but if you narrow it to that one port and another temporal one it gets easier haha, thank you, I never know which ports to use for stuff.

I've been reading some other comments and I think I've kind of figured out what to do, it's just a matter of doing some more research, as you mentioned the how-to's are easy to find online, but the bones of my plan are kind of there haha.

[-] KazuchijouNo@lemy.lol 1 points 4 days ago

Thanks! I also appreciate your concern. I'm also worried about getting attacked or hacked, so I'll be doing my research on that too... Maybe, if the risks are to high I might have to compromise with a small short-term deployment (just for the accomplishment) and then switch to a more reasonable project, perhaps trying linode or something.

[-] KazuchijouNo@lemy.lol 2 points 4 days ago

Thanks again! I just checked the material on Professor Messer and I think I'll be taking the "Networking+" course per your recommendation and maybe the security one; after all, I'll be hosting something publically on the internet.

Also, when I'm done (and if you don't mind) I'd like to add a small section as a tutorial of sorts, on how to accomplish this with the links and resources that you shared with me, so that other people can also do it.

[-] KazuchijouNo@lemy.lol 30 points 4 days ago

You might be right, Lemmy is not for the masses... I would consider myself a tech nerd, privacy enthusiast and shitposter; so migrating from Reddit was the best thing to ever happen to me. This place feels like a real home where I can share my interests with people who are incredibly helpful, kind and passionate about what they do. This place is a heaven for people trying to escape corporate and mass media. And I agree with you, Lemmy is a failed Reddit alternative, because it's not a Reddit alternative, I don't see it like that anymore. People here are genuine, I love that <3

[-] KazuchijouNo@lemy.lol 2 points 5 days ago

Thank you! I'll do some digging around, I think these concepts are enough to get me started

[-] KazuchijouNo@lemy.lol 2 points 5 days ago

Thank you so much! You've been incredibly helpful. I really appreciate that you took the time to write such a comprehensive guide with links to this many resources. I will read everything, and as soon as I've got something running I'll update. (I'm not in a rush tho, so It might take a while)

Again, thank you so so so so so much! <3


Hello fellow lemmings! As mentioned in the title, I'm barely just getting started with the self hosting thing and such.

I have a small personal project for which I'd like to self host my own "ugly-90's-HTML" blog (I just love the look and feel you know).

I've got a desktop machine that I could use as a server, and I also just purchased my own domain from cloudflare (for commitment), but I'm a bit stuck on the actual "putting-my-stuff-online" thing and I don't want to do anything stupid.

I know there's a lot of learning I still need to do, but that's the reason I'm starting this project. Any help would be welcomed.

I have 3 cents of basic networking knowledge (I made my own Ethernet cable conection to my gateway :D); I'm using a linux distro as my main desktop; I have created an ssh tunnel with cloudflare so far, and I'm following a little html+css tutorial. The thing is, I've found so many different ways of putting things online, I'm a bit dizzy. I would like something that will teach me the fundamentals without holding my hand too much (a la "next, next, next, confirm, finish"), you know? I mean, I'm learning by essentially making a 90's website... So, yeah.

Thanks in advance <3

[TL;DR] Me want make 90's website, don't know how

[-] KazuchijouNo@lemy.lol 1 points 6 days ago

"Hey! Why does my drone keep malfunctioning every time I fly it over this one house in particular?"

submitted 1 month ago by KazuchijouNo@lemy.lol to c/unixporn@lemmy.ml
[-] KazuchijouNo@lemy.lol 88 points 1 month ago

You could try 15 FPS and I bet it would look exactly the same, this industry is just rotten. The insatiable search for higher and higher FPS counts is just nonsensical smh

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joined 6 months ago