[-] Kamirose@beehaw.org 2 points 5 days ago

Some northeastern US accents do something similar. Not sure the exact term for it but it is a linguistic thing. Words that end in A get turned into an R sound, like Emma sounding like Emmer.

[-] Kamirose@beehaw.org 2 points 6 months ago

Just finished Aurora, gonna work on Vision and then Conflux. After that I will have all legendary runes, sigils, armor, and trinkets for my main. Still deciding if I'll do legendary weapons for my main after that or if I'll do other legendary armor weights.

[-] Kamirose@beehaw.org 0 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

If you're into gw2 specifically, there seem to be 3 communities (two active and one basically dead I think) in the fediverse -




[-] Kamirose@beehaw.org 0 points 1 year ago

Are they buffing base skyscale movement speed? Because that's the use case for the raptor, it's faster than skyscale over flat surfaces.

Only use my springer gets nowadays is when a boss has a CC bar to break at the start of a fight, eg matriarch.

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by Kamirose@beehaw.org to c/chat@beehaw.org

With the recent news that the r/blind community has migrated to a lemmy instance, I thought now would be a good time to post a quick PSA on image descriptions.

Blind and low vision computer users often rely on screen readers to navigate their computers and the internet. These tools work great on text-based platforms (when the backend is coded correctly to make buttons and UI elements visible to the screen reader), but they struggle a lot with images. OCR and image recognition have come a long way, but they're still not reliable.

On Lemmy, there's no way (yet) to add alt text to image posts, but one thing that we sighted folk can do to make the website a more accessible place for the blind/low vision community is to describe the contents of the image in text, so screen readers (or braille displays) can interpret the text for the user. This doesn't need to be anything fancy - you can see an example of me doing so in this post here - simply indicate somewhere that you are describing the contents of the image, and then do so in text. If you're transcribing text, it's best to do so as exact to the text in the image as you can (including spelling errors!). If you're describing something visual, it's best to keep it about the length of a tweet, but be as detailed as you need to be to give context to what you write about in the post.

If you'd like a more detailed guide on how to best do image descriptions and alt text, here's a site that describes more specifics - https://www.perkins.org/resource/how-write-alt-text-and-image-descriptions-visually-impaired/

Edit: You are able to add alt text to embedded images, as noted by @sal@mander.xyz here. This would only work for images within the text of your comment, not for image posts (topics which link to images).

Edit 2: @retronautickz@beehaw.org wrote a post on kbin on best practices in writing image descriptions and alt text.

[-] Kamirose@beehaw.org 2 points 1 year ago

In addition to what @Barbarian@lemmy.ml mentioned about changing the filter and searching, you can link it from your own instance like so:


You can also grab the URL to any community or post on another instance, return to your own instance, and paste the URL into the search bar. If you're the first person to ever search for that server it might not find anything at first, but it'll fetch the data and probably work in a couple minutes.


joined 1 year ago