[-] Joncash2@lemmy.ml 19 points 1 month ago

I don't know why this isn't talked about more, but the reason for the disconnect is that USA has become a petrostate. As a petrostate, the rich get wildly rich and makes the economy look good, while the citizens are fed a bunch of religion to keep them from protesting.

[-] Joncash2@lemmy.ml 21 points 1 month ago

It's not a bubble, it's much much worse. You only hear of it in whispers among the financial world. It's stagflation. Japan seen this story before, they call it their lost decade that has been going on for nearly half a century. It's when you deficit spend like crazy to prop up the economy and that leads to high inflation and stubbornly high costs (IE: Housing). It's coupled with basically no wage growth and high underemployment. Does any of this sound familiar? It buried Japan, it might bury USA.

[-] Joncash2@lemmy.ml 24 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago)

Wow this article is a masterpiece of propaganda and disinformation. It doesn't mention anything about the fact that some of those arrested have literal backgrounds working for the CIA. Then it claims that China is getting less foreign investment by saying the NET inflow and outflow is only 33 Billion dollars. Here's the thing, China has been investing heavily in foreign countries like Mexico and Vietnam. So much so that Chinese factories in Mexico are shipping more to USA than China which has recently made Mexico USA's largest exporter.

So, by obfuscating information, they're claiming China is getting less FDI, but wait:


Germany is having record high investments in China, what's going on?

Well it's easy, they're trying to claim net not total. If I used to make 50 from inflow last year and now make 100 this year but now I'm also spending 80 my "net" went from 100 to 20. I LOST 60%!!!!

Like I said, effective way to obfuscate the data. Love it

[-] Joncash2@lemmy.ml 43 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago)

The problem with your comparison with Taiwan is Taiwan is an island that is part of China but is currently controlled by an occupying force. This is agreed upon by almost all nations except for 12, the US also agrees on this btw.

What the west is saying is that regardless of this, China does not have the right to an armed resistance against Taiwan even though they consider it part of China. They even agreed to arm Taiwan to prevent this attack from happening.

So in terms of their statement on Palestine, this is actually consistent. The Palestinians have a right to kick out their occupiers, much like China has the right to kick out Taiwan's occupiers.

You view it differently, but as I stated before almost all members of the UN agree Taiwan is part of China.

*Edit: On a personal level I don't actually agree with this. I don't want an invasion of Taiwan. I'm merely pointing out the "gotcha" you tried to set up doesn't actually make sense. Instead it's actually quite consistent with China's position on Taiwan.

*Edit 2: This is also why China seems petty and runs around making sure all nations that trade with China state there's only one China. That's what the whole Lithuania thing was about. China is stating if the majority of the UN believes in a 2 party solution, then the Palestinians have a right to defend themselves. Since the majority of UN believes in a 1 party solution for Taiwan, then it's the Taiwanese who are the occupiers and China has a right to defend itself.

*Edit 3: Ironically, the same cannot be said for China's consistency on the SCS. If you wanted a "gotcha" then China's claim to the SCS is absurd. But that said, they never said it was OK for them to be in an armed conflict over that. So I guess take that how you will.

[-] Joncash2@lemmy.ml 17 points 4 months ago

Because while there are only obtuse and vague accusations that China is backdooring technology, there's no proof besides a Chinese law that says Chinese tech companies have to help authorities.

The US on the other hand was caught red handed doing what they accuse China of with the Prism system. It was caught spying on Angela Merkle. And just ask Snowdon how he feels about living in exile in Russia for exposing that.

[-] Joncash2@lemmy.ml 41 points 4 months ago

How is that different than now? DnD fell apart because Hasbro is a world stage corporation, they're just trading it to another world stage corporation which will kill it further until they pass it on too.

Whatever you remember liking is long long dead.

[-] Joncash2@lemmy.ml 23 points 5 months ago

Well, look at the results. Only 40% voted for the DPP. 60% voted against the DPP. It's just the 2 more pro-China parties got their vote split. Not so in their congress which is now mostly KMT.

So if we take the popular vote, Taiwan voted for status quo, not Independence. China's noticed that and that's why they're not doing another blockade.

But that goes against your narrative so I'll bet you downvote me and ignore the actual votes that do not support your argument.

[-] Joncash2@lemmy.ml 14 points 5 months ago

Oh I see, that includes those affected by alcohol related deaths like a drunk killing a pedestrian. I suppose you have a good point. At least fentanyl only kills it's user's.

[-] Joncash2@lemmy.ml 44 points 5 months ago

As insane as this is, fentanyl has surpassed alcohol deaths.


And alcohol is massively damaging. Just want to put that in perspective. So I guess booze up cause alcoholics have to catch up?

[-] Joncash2@lemmy.ml 22 points 8 months ago

In HK: the police calmed the protests with no deaths attributed to the police, only the protestors such as the girl's suicide and the man they lit on fire.

In USA: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BiU8sL7Yq9Q

But yeah, China bad

[-] Joncash2@lemmy.ml 37 points 10 months ago

China allows for civil unions for LGBTQ.


Is China perfect, of course not. But China made civil unions legal across the nation before USA made gay marriage legal in every state.

[-] Joncash2@lemmy.ml 14 points 1 year ago

Interestingly it's perfectly safe to drink tap water in Hong Kong. But tradition and fear of the government keeps water boiling alive.


As opposed to say parts of the US where you really shouldn't drink tap water but everyone does anyway. Flint Michigan looking at you.

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