[-] JimmyMcGill@lemmy.world 15 points 3 weeks ago

I basically always do a git add -p

Very useful command and it works with other git commands as well.

Everytime a colleague asks me for help with git that’s the one rule I suggest them to use.

[-] JimmyMcGill@lemmy.world 48 points 3 months ago

Apple makes some really stupid products that they charge ridiculous money for and their usual stuff is more expensive than it needs to be but at least their core products are of very good quality. The same cannot be said of Tesla

[-] JimmyMcGill@lemmy.world 68 points 4 months ago

In a concurring opinion, Chief Justice Tom Parker cited his religious beliefs and quoted the Bible to support the stance.

"Human life cannot be wrongfully destroyed without incurring the wrath of a holy God, who views the destruction of His image as an affront to Himself," Parker wrote. "Even before birth, all human beings bear the image of God, and their lives cannot be destroyed without effacing his glory."


[-] JimmyMcGill@lemmy.world 16 points 4 months ago

I mean.. do you trust that they won’t?

They probably will as soon as they can without significant losses.

[-] JimmyMcGill@lemmy.world 13 points 4 months ago

The thing that everyone misses in these comparisons is that yes that’s the energy that VISA expended to make these transactions but for a crypto currency the energy use isn’t even to make the transaction. In the end each transaction is a few Bytes of data that have no difficulty getting across the world (much like this post or any comment). The energy use is so “high” because that’s is used to secure the currency. And of course that’s a much harder comparison to make but a fairer one.

How much energy does the the banking system actually use? How much energy is used to secure the US dollar for example?

You have to account for the entirety of it. That’s like saying that F1 doesn’t pollute all that much because they use bio fuel and the cars are very energy efficient, completely disregarding the fact that the majority of the pollution is in the constant global shipping of cars and gear, as well as R & D

[-] JimmyMcGill@lemmy.world 14 points 4 months ago

Don’t forget the misogynistic and racist component of his comment.

[-] JimmyMcGill@lemmy.world 151 points 4 months ago

That isn’t there so people use it. That is there so that Facebook can track where you go

[-] JimmyMcGill@lemmy.world 18 points 5 months ago

When you do bridge inspection you have to be real close to the structure. And basically stationary as well. You are looking for minuscule gaps and other damages.

You can easily do a 3D map from afar but that won’t have anywhere near the resolution required.

[-] JimmyMcGill@lemmy.world 13 points 6 months ago

Fuck I hate how plausible that actually is. Not what you just said ofc, I’m not an idiot, but that people will actually say that unironically

[-] JimmyMcGill@lemmy.world 38 points 7 months ago

Are there videos of this? I really need this fix after idk how many years of dealing with this bastard

[-] JimmyMcGill@lemmy.world 18 points 8 months ago

In my country we have a saying:

“Those who speak like this, do not have a stutter”. Brilliantly put.


How are everyone’s stories coming along? Have you finished the game? If so how many times?

What tips, remarks or other things of note do you have that you want to discuss here?

As always try to keep things as spoiler free as possible.

Also should I do these posts more regularly (shows up on people’s feeds more and so has more traction) or like this is fine. Definitely don’t want to spam people.

Lucky rolls to you all!

[-] JimmyMcGill@lemmy.world 15 points 8 months ago

The problem with your comment is that it assumes that this whole thing started with the Hamas attack. Go back in time 2 weeks and your whole argument applies with the sides swapped.

Israel has been killing Palestinians for decades. Hamas did what it did in response to that.

Like get some fucking context. Palestinian innocents died and got injured in much MUCH larger numbers than Israel for a very long time.


The previous post was starting to lose steam so here is another one.

Please note that these will be pinned at the top of the community, so do remember to check back to these threads. The more people contribute, the more other people will check it out and continue the discourse.

As always, please be careful of spoilers. Use warnings and tags when needed.

Feel free to share anything you want, or ask any questions :D

Lucky rolls to you all.


I figured we should have a post for random thoughts, questions and other comments that people might want to do without having to create a new post just for that.

Do people agree this idea? We can have these up (possibly pinned) for a while. Maybe a few days, at most a week.

Please keep discussion spoiler free, unless you are using the appropriate tags.


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