[-] JackbyDev@programming.dev 1 points 4 hours ago

Just because it might be legal to violate copyrights in other countries doesn't make the code considered open source though lol.

[-] JackbyDev@programming.dev 2 points 9 hours ago

Yesssss, so true. Anytime people say they want history to be "clean" I insist they explain what they mean because more often than not they're going to suggest something that makes the history way less useful.

[-] JackbyDev@programming.dev 1 points 9 hours ago

Any standard that wastes valuable space in the first line of the commit is a hard sell. I don't see the point in including fix/feat/feat! just for the sake of "easy" semantic versioning because generally you know if the next release is going to be major or minor and patches are generally only only after specific bugs. Scanning the commits like this also puts way too much trust in people writing good commit messages which nobody ever seems to do.

Also, I fucking hate standards that use generic names like this. It's like they're declaring themselves the correct choice. Like "git flow".

[-] JackbyDev@programming.dev 2 points 9 hours ago

And then my team squashes those commits 😩

[-] JackbyDev@programming.dev 1 points 10 hours ago

You're being obtuse. I get the point you're trying to make -- you've been heard. I'm just saying those aren't the terms you should be using to make it. Open source has a very distinct definition and it has to do with the licenses covering the code. It has nothing to do with whether different countries have differing laws. Code cannot be open source in one country and not open source in another because the definition has nothing to do with countries. In fact, that would specifically not be open source because it gives rights to some and not others.

[-] JackbyDev@programming.dev 1 points 15 hours ago

If someone infringes on a copyright that doesn't mean the work isn't copyrighted. You can't just say things that are source available are open source. Even if someone is infringing on the rights holders they're still only source available.

[-] JackbyDev@programming.dev 2 points 17 hours ago

Open source doesn't mean source available. You simply aren't using the term correctly.

[-] JackbyDev@programming.dev 5 points 1 day ago

Please don't muddy the water with terms like this. Something is open source if and only if it has an open source license.

[-] JackbyDev@programming.dev 4 points 1 day ago

Don't forget that "open source" has a different definition than "source available".

[-] JackbyDev@programming.dev 17 points 1 day ago

while nearly no one is complaining about MS using github to train their copilot LLM,

Lots of people complained about that. I've only seen this single thread complaining about this.

[-] JackbyDev@programming.dev 2 points 1 day ago

I know. Just the "full-stack meta frameworks" part alone makes any ADHD person feel nausea.

??? Please don't make weird blanket statements like this.

[-] JackbyDev@programming.dev 5 points 1 day ago

1 hundred times!

Sun Clock (sunclock.net)

(I did not make this project.)

I love this website. It helps me visualize time with regards to the sun very well. If I could get my FitBit to display this as a clock face I definitely would. It's such a beautifully simple site.

I'm sharing it in honor of the solstice today. It's (roughly) solar noon on the east coast. I think I found this site on Reddit prior to the Lemmy Exodus, so I'd like to share it here for everyone to enjoy. Happy solstice. Happy summer (or winter for our friends in the southern hemisphere).

Also, based on the community info panel I believe this is on topic here, but if there is a better community for "cool site I found" let me know. ❤️☀️


I failed the strength check despite being a paladin and using inspiration. I never saw him again even after getting through nearly all of act 2. I've asked this before, maybe even in this community, but no one gave a concrete answer, likely because the game was still new.


This thread is frustrating. Everyone seems more interested in nitpicking the specifics of what OP is saying and are ignoring that a forum sends you your password (not an automatically generated one) in an email on registration.


I bought two foam Master Swords and taped them together and covered it in foam clay. Once it dries I will paint it green like the Zonai goop glue from Tears of the Kingdom.

I was trying to think of something funny to make and I think fusing two Master Swords is the best thing.


I feel like I'm losing my damn mind. I would've reloaded (or literally restarted the entire game) if I realized how much content a single damn skill check less than 30 minutes in would make me miss by failing. I feel like I've been nearly everywhere in Act 1. Where the fuck is he? Did I miss him? I'm like 30 hours in now. I don't want to restart the game.


Over the years it's become tougher and tougher to find good sources of information for popular games with gaming journalism websites having a lot of SEO. The Fextralife wiki is garbage and was garbage for other games I've played before too.


My knowledge of 5e is definitely useful for some things but it also feels like a hindrance at times. I chose to make a character into the Battle Master subclass of Fighter. I misread quite a few of the maneuvers.

  • Commander's Strike uses one of your attacks and a superiority die to allow an ally to immediately make an attack as an action. This is useful for getting extra attacks out of especially heavy hitters like rogues. In BG3 it lets them make an extra attack on their turn. And I think they don't get any extra damage from the superiority die.
  • Maneuvering Attack uses a superiority die to allow an ally to use their reaction to move up to half their speed and not trigger opportunity attacks from the target of the attack. In BG3 it lets effectively lets them get a free disengage on their turn (so not just against your target). So it's a little better and a little worse.

These were two of my favorite abilities as a fighter and it helped encourage me to keep other players focused when it wasn't their turn. Also, we had a big group, so getting to do something small when it wasn't your turn helped with the boredom.

I'm not complaining, some of the changes are good and some are bad. All in all you can't really compare the two because one is a videogame and one is a tabletop game. A lot of the abilities have great QoL changes for videogames. Guidance lasting for a while is great. Many abilities that last a long time now just last until a rest. True Strike got a buff -- it's not necessarily great or anything but not pointless anymore. (True Strike did have some very small very niche uses but all in all it was mostly bad since it's better to just attack twice 99% of the time.)

It feels like some of the spells have descriptions slightly wrong but maybe I'm just confused. I'm enjoying the game. It's rough around the edges but I do like it.


A few weeks ago (I think over a month) I posted this pumpkin here. A Lemming (idk what we're calling ourselves) told me that "it should be a lot bigger before it gets it's first flower." I was already nervous that it and all my other plants weren't growing well. After some discussion some fish fertilizer was recommended. I suppose any would've worked but regardless, it's getting really big now.

The results were pretty dramatic. Nearly overnight it felt like. Every day I've seen visible growth. I'm even seeing the female flower buds so we're getting close to the pumpkin growing stage! The pictured ones are male. The seed pack says scientists hypothesize that the male flowers show up first to get the bees in the area by the time the female ones arrive.

I've been sending pictures of it nearly everyday to my gardening friend who dreams of becoming a squash farmer when she retires.

I've been very impressed with this plant. You may even see a small snap in the vine. When it reached the edge of the bed it broke after a big storm. I propped it up a bit with a card board box and it's been fine. No wilting. It was at a 90 degree angle, too.

submitted 11 months ago by JackbyDev@programming.dev to c/chat@beehaw.org

First, I strongly encourage you go to go through the demo. It is about ten minutes long. Beware that it does auto play sounds. "Spoilers" are below.

My wife and I are like a broken record player. Whenever we are in some setting to give people advice (generally a wedding where you write notes for the newlyweds) we give the same advice. "Communicate early and often. It sounds cliche but is very important. Better to risk a small fight now than a big fight later. Don't let frustration fester into resentment." This advice was not directly inspired by this demo but having just replayed through it now I see a lot of the similarities.

I remember when I first did this demo. I was on the train going to work. At the time I naively suspected that the Always Cooperate strategy would win. Once I was able to look at it more critically and less emotionally I thought something like the Detective might be better to figure out who you can exploit. It was interesting that something as simple as the Copycat wins out.

And once they introduced miscommunications and your little dude trips on the way to the machine!? I was devastated! Watching those two little dudes cheat each other back and forth forever over something so petty. It gets me emotional. I know it's that sad guitar doing a lot of the heavy lifting in that regard though lol. But seriously, so many times in life it feels like people just get stuck in these cycles of revenge over utterly petty bullshit. Escalation over escalation over escalation.

So yeah, that's pretty much all I have to say. It's just interesting looking back on this thing that had this big effect on me at the time and seeing how it indirectly influenced very specific advice I give folks today.

What are your thoughts? This creator has many other cool demos like this but this is the one that I remember the most.


I had been wanting to try it for a while and saw it at a local game store. I picked it and some fudge dice up and want to try it soon. It seems like it will provide the sort of flexibility and less specific focus on combat that I want out of D&D. It also is simple enough that I read the entirety of the rules in one day (and I'm a slow reader).

I'm curious what your experience is with this system.


Howdy, I remember a podcast where they have the example of Microsoft Excel as an example for an introduction to functional programming. I believe it was an SE Radio podcast on Clojure or that build tool it uses. It doesn't really matter.

I already understood functional concepts and try to use them where I can in Java and other languages. (It is easier to reason about immutable data and pure methods.) I found the metaphor of Excel very interesting though. Because that's basically what it is. I'm sure there are ways to have it not act functionally but the vast majority of the time it is, and I think more people have the basic vocabulary of Excel than functional programming.

Has anyone ever used this or heard of it being used as an example while teaching fp?

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