[-] JASN_DE@feddit.de 12 points 6 months ago

Not sure if it makes things easier than your current setup, but take a look at Mediathekwebview.de

[-] JASN_DE@feddit.de 18 points 7 months ago

Is he going to offer miniature submarines and call people pedos again?

[-] JASN_DE@feddit.de 123 points 7 months ago

Es ist ein himmelweiter Unterschied zwischen Haschisch rauchenden Personen und fröhlich feiernden Wiesn-Besuchern”,

Das stimmt schon, aber eher andersrum als die Wirte das gemeint haben.

[-] JASN_DE@feddit.de 17 points 11 months ago

What are the main advantages to plex?

AFAIK they offer more apps resp. apps for more platforms. Apart from that, nothing really. Maybe a little more idiot-proof.

[-] JASN_DE@feddit.de 14 points 1 year ago

Ach Bernd...

[-] JASN_DE@feddit.de 15 points 1 year ago

Overall it was fine, took a moment to find the proper Traefik settings, but after that it ran basically fine. It's just too "unstable" for me at the moment from a development standpoint, moving too rapidly. Maybe I'll do another one once it has matured and slowed down a bit.

[-] JASN_DE@feddit.de 10 points 1 year ago

That would have been plan C, yes. But it's not a proper solution, it's a hacky workaround which puts unneccessary load on the federating instances.

[-] JASN_DE@feddit.de 13 points 1 year ago

I did. Unsubscribed, then purged from the local DB. I'll work through the logs, see what the other instances are trying to push.

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by JASN_DE@feddit.de to c/selfhosted@lemmy.world

While it was an interesting and sometimes confusing experience setting up and running my own Lemmy instance (looking at you, 20 character limit on federation URL), I think it's not worth it.

Now the time has come to decommission the service, is there a proper way to do that? I don't mean the local part, that's on docker and gone with 3 lines of bash input. I mean the overall process. How do I tell other instances that mine won't be available any longer? I noticed a constant stream of federation pushes, even with everything deleted and purged. Shutting down the instance won't help either, the requests will simply 404 then, but won't stop, which in itself is only logical. Has anyone done this before and could shed some light on this situation?

Edit: So I played around with the logs some more, there seemed to be an issue with communities that are on "subscription pending". I restored an older database which had all the entries, removed any federation restrictions and tried again from scratch, leaving and joining again until all communities were properly subscribed to.


  • Unsubscribe
  • Remove
  • Purge

Just to be sure the entries are gone. As of 15 minutes ago, Traefik hasn't logged a single connection to my instance.


Turns out that wasn't it. My instance is on 0.17.4, and even with every community unsubscribed and purged, I'm being hammered by lemmy.world activity_pub events. The formatting is also different, I think that's because they moved to the 0.18 RC stage. So it looks like something somewhere didn't get the unsubscribe announcement.

Edit 3:

So I tried moving to 0.18-RC. Which now means lemmy.world is trying to push the inbox to the frontend? WTH...

[-] JASN_DE@feddit.de 30 points 1 year ago

Ja gut, FDP macht FDP-Sachen.

[-] JASN_DE@feddit.de 37 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

... Also eine AfD?

[-] JASN_DE@feddit.de 23 points 1 year ago

German here. Yes, constantly. The only reason to not do it would be taste (personal preference) or sometimes due to pollutants entering the system, which is explicitly communicated by the city.

[-] JASN_DE@feddit.de 10 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Wenn ich hyperthreading jetzt ausschalte, wird dann damit die CPU zu 100% verwendet, weil die 4 Threads exakt auf die 4 Kerne passen

Ja, wird dann so aussehen.

Das sollte ja die Rechenzeit etwa halbieren.

Nein. Du gehst von 4C/8T (4 cores / 8 threads) und 4 threads im Programm auf 4C/4T und 4 threads im Programm. Es wird prinzipiell nicht schneller, du belegst jetzt halt 4 von 4 threads und nicht mehr 4 von 8.

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by JASN_DE@feddit.de to c/homeassistant@lemmy.world

After running HA for 2 years and tinkering with the stuff I already had, it was time to extend the little machine via Zigbee. I got an Aqara Temp/Humidity/Pressure sensor, which in itself works fine. It just chewed through 30% of battery in 4 days. Now that might be an issue with placement and signal strength (basement through 2 floors), but it doesn't bode well unless it "levels out" at some point.

Which brings me to my actual question: does anyone know any such sensors that are wall-powered in any way? Something that can be plugged in and "forgotten" about?

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