On Wednesday, June 26, 2024, TeamViewer, a leading provider of remote access software, announced that attackers had compromised its internal corporate IT environment.

The company’s security team detected an “irregularity” in their internal systems, prompting an immediate response.

TeamViewer activated its incident response procedures and brought in external cybersecurity experts to investigate and implement remediation measures.

In a statement, TeamViewer emphasized that its corporate IT environment is “completely independent” from its product environment.

The company stated there is no evidence that the breach affected customer data or the TeamViewer product itself. However, investigations are still ongoing.

[-] IndustryStandard@lemmy.world 1 points 6 hours ago

CommonDreams coming in clutch with the 2A


SXSW is ending its partnerships with the U.S. Army and defense contractors after pro-Palestine protests this year. “After careful consideration, we are revising our sponsorship model,” the festival said after opening applications for 2025. “As a result, the U.S. Army, and companies who engage in weapons manufacturing, will not be sponsors of SXSW 2025.”

More than 60 artists and participants boycotted this year’s festival over SXSW’s ties to defense groups that supply Israeli weapons in the ongoing Israel-Hamas war. The U.S. Army was a “super-sponsor” of the 2024 festival, and Collins Aerospace, a company under defense conglomerate RTX Corporation (f.k.a. Raytheon), also participated. “A music festival should not include war profiteers,” said Squirrel Flower, one of the first artists to boycott. “I refuse to be complicit in this and withdraw my art and labor in protest.”

[-] IndustryStandard@lemmy.world 43 points 23 hours ago

If they were going for uncontrolled crashes they would have selected Boeing


NASA has selected SpaceX to develop a vehicle that will bring the International Space Station to a fiery end when the time comes.

The space agency first asked U.S. aerospace companies for proposals in March 2023 and then again in September of that year. The request was for a "space tug" vehicle that could help deorbit the U.S. sections of the International Space Station (ISS) safely.

On Wednesday (June 26), the agency issued a statement announcing that SpaceX has been selected to develop and deliver the "U.S. Deorbit Vehicle" as it's known. The contract is worth up to $843 million; that total does not include any launch costs, however, and is for the vehicle development only. The vehicle will be responsible for disposing of the space station "in a controlled manner after the end of its operational life in 2030," the statement adds.


To say that Prusa Research is moving toward industrial 3D printing with the launch of the new Prusa Pro HT90 would be reductive and ultimately incorrect. All you need to do is look at the company’s 3D printing farm located inside its Prague HQ to understand that very few companies in the world have similar additive production capabilities. Hundreds of printers, all working at the same time and producing end-use parts for more printers as well as many other types of final parts. What the HT90 represents for Prusa is an opportunity to move to the next level in terms of high-temperature, high-strength, engineering materials. All at an ultra-competitive price and without sacrificing the quality that has made Prusa printers a fan favorite for over a decade.

To officially launch the next HT90 3D printer, Prusa invited a selected group of journalists from leading trade media publications – a strategy that we at VoxelMatters strongly support and recommend – to visit its headquarters in Prague. The tour was organized down to the smallest detail by CMO Rudolf Krcmar and his team and it enabled journalists to visit the facility, meet and exchange a few words with founder and 3D printing celebrity Joseph Průša, see up close and learn everything about the new HT90 system and enjoy the beautiful Czech capital.

[-] IndustryStandard@lemmy.world 1 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

They have targeted media offices directly. There appears to be some level of targeting journalists. You are correct this is not always the case. https://theintercept.com/2024/06/25/israel-gaza-journalism-afp-office-bombing/


AFP immediately contacted the Israeli military. The initial response was that there were no strikes on the building. Pressed for more details, the Israeli spokesperson said the army had carried out a strike nearby that “might have caused debris” but that “the building was not targeted in any way.” AFP said the extent of the damage cannot be explained by the military’s response and requested “an in-depth and transparent investigation.”

The four-month investigation revealed that, contrary to Israeli army claims, the AFP office was directly fired at by Israeli tanks. The tanks fired four times between 11:55 a.m. and 12:09 p.m. local time on November 2, from around 3 kilometers away.

​​Wilkinson ruled out the possibility of an accidental hit. He’s convinced that the soldiers operating the Israeli tanks intended to hit that floor precisely. “The weapon type and accuracy inherent in the Israeli tank weapon system means that the weapon hit the target it was aimed at,” he said. “The question of why remains unanswered.”

A key element in the investigation was a series of flashes of light appearing 4 seconds before every explosion in the live footage. The flashes are shots being fired. A calculation based on an analysis of the flashes and detonations concluded that they were fired from about 3 kilometers away. Further analysis of the speed and features of ammunition led to the conclusion that it was a tank that fired them. Only Israel has tanks in Gaza.


submitted 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago) by IndustryStandard@lemmy.world to c/news@lemmy.world

Video showing the 24-year-old strapped to the jeep circulated on social media, sparking widespread condemnation, including from the United States. Many said it showed that Israeli soldiers were using him as a human shield — a charge Israel has frequently leveled at Hamas as it battles the group in Gaza.

“I went outside to see what was happening, and looked towards the neighbors’ houses, where I saw the army,” he said. “When I tried to return to the house, heavy and indiscriminate gunfire was suddenly directed at me. My cousin who was near me was also hit.”

After a couple of hours, Israeli soldiers found him. He says they struck his head and face and in the areas where he had been shot. Then they dragged him by his legs, lifted him by his hands and feet and threw him onto the hood of the military jeep.

“I screamed because of the heat,” he said. “Then, one of the soldiers started cursing at me and told me to be quiet.”

The military said its forces had tied Abadi to the hood of the jeep to transport him to paramedics.

But Nebal Farsakh, a spokesperson for the Palestinian Red Crescent rescue service, said the army had sealed off the area and prevented paramedics from tending to the wounded for at least an hour. In dashboard camera footage obtained by the AP, the jeep to which Abadi was tied drove past at least two ambulances. Abadi said he was lashed to the jeep for about half an hour before soldiers untied him and released him to paramedics.

[-] IndustryStandard@lemmy.world 4 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

The Israeli intimidation and spying on ICC investigators happened outside of the Netherlands. That is what The Guardians investigation managed to reveal.


Eat_my_yarmulke is on a quest to complete the easy treasure trail collection log (OSRS lets players track the drops they get from the game's various activities via logs, which turn green when completed), but they're also operating under multiple self-imposed restrictions. For one thing, they're playing on Ironman Mode, which means they can't do things like trade with other players. Second, they're skilling, meaning they're deliberately keeping their combat level at its lowest possible rank.

So, that means they can't get clue scrolls from other players or from fighting NPCs. They have to restrict themselves to pickpocketing roaming NPC fascists. Even worse, they can't actually complete all the clue scrolls they pick up: some of them might have requirements like "Wear steel armour" that are beyond anyone deliberately keeping their defence stat low.

The cynical among you might be tempted to accuse our poor player of automating some of this hard work, but it's a claim they brush off on Reddit. In response to a player asking "how much the script cost," eat_my_yarmulke responded "First of all, rude. Secondly my Razer Naga Trinity was like 60 bucks at best buy and has held up very well to all the clicking, would recommend," and told another that "The pickpocketing itself would only take like a hundred hours but with completing the clues it's around a thousand for me."


Israel’s ambassador to the Netherlands was asked to “report” to the Dutch foreign affairs ministry to explain allegations of a secret surveillance and espionage campaign by Israeli spy services against the international criminal court, it has emerged.

Dutch officials asked to meet the ambassador, Modi Ephraim, to discuss concerns raised by a Guardian investigation that revealed Israeli intelligence agencies attempted over a nine-year period to undermine, influence and allegedly intimidate the ICC chief prosecutor’s office.

How bout a case

They are not soldiers

[-] IndustryStandard@lemmy.world 5 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago)

Hamas runs the government in Gaza.

This encapsulates mostly non-military affairs. Like hospitals, schools and in this case a media outlet. Some journalists get paid by the government which is ran by Hamas.

This is akin to a NPR journalists being classified as a military target because they work for the American government. Or any public hospital staff that gets paid by the government being classified as a valid military target

[-] IndustryStandard@lemmy.world 2 points 2 days ago

Everyone in Israel is conscripted in the IDF.

[-] IndustryStandard@lemmy.world 35 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago)

AIPAC solidifies that they own America.

This was a signal to every politician thinking of dissenting from Israel


Celebrity streamer insists that "I didn't do anything wrong"

Deadrop developers Midnight Society have "terminated" their relationship with studio co-founder and celebrity streamer Herschel "Guy" Beahm, aka "Dr Disrespect", over fresh allegations about the reasons for his infamous Twitch ban in 2020.

At the time of the ban, which came just a few months after Beahm and Twitch announced a two-year exclusivity contract, Twitch commented only that Beahm had been jettisoned for acting "in violation of our Community Guidelines". Beahm himself described the move as "a total shock" in a later conversation with the Washington Post. In August 2021, he took Twitch to court over the ban, but the dispute was eventually settled with neither party admitting any wrongdoing.

Last week, however, former Twitch strategic partnerships account director Cody Conners alleged in a Xitter post that an unnamed person "got banned because [he] got caught sexting a minor in the then existing Twitch Whispers product. He was trying to meet up with her at TwitchCon. The powers that be could read in plain text. Case closed, gang." (Twitch Whispers is a now-retired private 1-to-1 messaging service.) According to two anonymous former Twitch employees cited by the Verge in a subsequent investigation - one of whom worked on Twitch's trust and safety team at the time of the ban - the unnamed person in question was Beahm.

Beahm hasn't yet addressed these latest claims about his behaviour, beyond tweeting last week that "Listen, I'm obviously tied to legal obligations from the settlement with Twitch but I just need to say what I can say since this is the fucking internet. I didn't do anything wrong, all this has been probed and settled, nothing illegal, no wrongdoing was found, and I was paid."

[-] IndustryStandard@lemmy.world 3 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago)

The request for arrest has been made. The arrest warrant has not been written yet.

submitted 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago) by IndustryStandard@lemmy.world to c/news@lemmy.world

As Israel’s offensive in Gaza has become the deadliest conflict for journalists in recent history, its military has repeatedly said it is not deliberately targeting the media..

However, an investigation by the Guardian suggests that amid a loosening of the Israel Defense Force’s interpretation of the laws of war after the deadly Hamas-led attacks on 7 October, some within the IDF appear to have viewed journalists working in Gaza for outlets controlled by or affiliated with Hamas to be legitimate military targets.

A person with knowledge of legal advice given to IDF commanders said journalists working for Hamas-affiliated media were seen to exist within a “grey zone” and there was a “problematic” view among some in the IDF that “whenever there’s someone getting a salary ultimately from Hamas” they were considered to be a legitimate target.

“Hamas invests a lot of resources in its propaganda teams. They often won’t do an activity if they don’t have a photographer. They must document everything,” a military intelligence officer said. “So some will tell you: ‘Look, a Hamasnik is Hamasnik.’”

submitted 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago) by IndustryStandard@lemmy.world to c/news@lemmy.world

Israeli judges have long ruled that Israel’s control of the territory is a temporary military occupation and complies with international law. A powerful minister’s recent speech, caught on tape, suggested the government is trying to change that.

An influential member of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s coalition told settlers in the Israeli-occupied West Bank that the government is engaged in a stealthy effort to irreversibly change the way the territory is governed, to cement Israel’s control over it without being accused of formally annexing it.

While Mr. Smotrich’s opposition to ceding control over the West Bank is no secret, the Israeli government’s official position is that the West Bank’s status remains open to negotiations between Israeli and Palestinian leaders. Israel’s Supreme Court has ruled that Israel’s rule over the territory amounts to a temporary military occupation overseen by army generals, not a permanent civilian annexation administered by Israeli civil servants.

Mr. Smotrich’s June 9 speech at a West Bank gathering may make that posture harder to maintain. In it, he outlined a carefully orchestrated program to take authority over the West Bank out of the hands of the Israeli military and turn it over to civilians working for Mr. Smotrich in the defense ministry. Parts of the plan have already been incrementally introduced over the past 18 months, and some authorities have already been transferred to civilians.

“We created a separate civilian system,” Mr. Smotrich said. To deflect international scrutiny, the government has allowed the defense ministry to remain involved in the process, he said, so that it seems that the military is still at the heart of West Bank governance. “It will be easier to swallow in the international and legal context,” Mr. Smotrich said. “So that they won’t say that we are doing annexation here.”

[-] IndustryStandard@lemmy.world 22 points 4 days ago

Reading the article made the word possible a lot less necessary than expected.


Police responded to the apartment complex pool in Euless around 5:44 p.m. May 19 regarding “a disturbance between two women,” Euless police said in a news release.

“Upon arrival, officers were told by witnesses that a woman who was very intoxicated had tried to drown a child and argued with the child’s mother,” police said.

The child’s mother, 32, told police that the suspect, identified as Elizabeth Wolf, 42, questioned where she was from and made statements about her not being American, as well as “other racial statements.”

The Council on American-Islamic Relations, or CAIR, said in a news release that the mother visibly appeared to be Muslim, as she was wearing a hijab and modest swimwear. Wolf also asked the woman whether two of the children in the pool were hers before she tried to grab one of them, a 6-year-old boy, who was able to get away, police alleged.

“The mother began helping her son when Wolf grabbed her 3-year-old daughter and forced her underwater,” police said. “The mother was able to pull her daughter from the water. Her daughter had been yelling for help and was coughing up water.”



The world's top two AI startups are ignoring requests by media publishers to stop scraping their web content for free model training data, Business Insider has learned.

OpenAI and Anthropic have been found to be either ignoring or circumventing an established web rule, called robots.txt, that prevents automated scraping of websites.

TollBit, a startup aiming to broker paid licensing deals between publishers and AI companies, found several AI companies are acting in this way and informed certain large publishers in a Friday letter, which was reported earlier by Reuters. The letter did not include the names of any of the AI companies accused of skirting the rule.

OpenAI and Anthropic have stated publicly that they respect robots.txt and blocks to their specific web crawlers, GPTBot and ClaudeBot.

However, according to TollBit's findings, such blocks are not being respected, as claimed. AI companies, including OpenAI and Anthropic, are simply choosing to "bypass" robots.txt in order to retrieve or scrape all of the content from a given website or page.

A spokeswoman for OpenAI declined to comment beyond pointing BI to a corporate blogpost from May, in which the company says it takes web crawler permissions "into account each time we train a new model." A spokesperson for Anthropic did not respond to emails seeking comment.

Robots.txt is a single bit of code that's been used since the late 1990s as a way for websites to tell bot crawlers they don't want their data scraped and collected. It was widely accepted as one of the unofficial rules supporting the web.


A family in Naples, Florida, whose home was struck by debris that fell to Earth from outer space and punched a hole in the roof is pursuing $80,000 from Nasa in compensation for damages.

The law firm Cranfill Sumner said in a press release that it filed a claim on behalf of plaintiff Alejandro Otero and his family.

A metallic cylinder slab from a cargo pallet that had been released by the International Space Station in 2021 hit the Otero family home on 8 March 2024 while their son Daniel was home. No one was injured, though it created a hole in the roof and floor.

Otero told Wink News that the object almost hit his son, who was two rooms over.

The US space agency later confirmed the debris was from its flight support equipment. A section of the debris remained intact rather than disintegrating after it entered Earth’s atmosphere before falling to the surface.

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