[-] Imgonnatrythis@sh.itjust.works 10 points 6 hours ago

That website was not safe for viewing

[-] Imgonnatrythis@sh.itjust.works 9 points 20 hours ago

Literally said "and rental" and was talking about rentals. Buying discs online isn't much of a competition with streaming. Rentals are much more appealing for most media consumption as compared to purchases which are typically reserved for specific titles (often which were initially rented) where repeat viewing is intended. I liked physical rentals for quality and reliability. Certainly won't switch to purchasing though now that redbox is going under.

[-] Imgonnatrythis@sh.itjust.works 3 points 20 hours ago

To be consistently evil you need checks and balances. This is the system at work.

Perhaps too many movies have been watched?

High profile criminal with huge media footprint. I would place chance of successful flee at <2%.

Currently he is likely to spend about 3months in jail and while it won't be a good time, it's just enough to be tolerable and put him at martyr status to the fools that listen to his pathetic dribble. Attempting to flee this will likely result in much stiffer penalties.

A. That's not smart B. Have you read any of the garbage that comes out of his mouth? He's clearly not smart.

I dunno but I heard she sings vibrato.

Smooth the surface? Looks like that texture is from your plate? A smooth pei plate will give you a smoother bottom surface. If you want the top even smoother use ironing. Printing with tpu will give anti-slip properties.

[-] Imgonnatrythis@sh.itjust.works 13 points 2 days ago

That would explain perhaps why he's the palest looking black person I've ever seen.

[-] Imgonnatrythis@sh.itjust.works 21 points 3 days ago

Why are you so suspicious and judgemental? Would a fully sentiant lizard creature from the deep crypts of the earth ever carry around some sweet baby rays brand barbecue sauce used primarily in lubricating the products of totally normal heating of mammal flesh to temperatures that render it low in bacterial burden and amenable to a mix of flat and pentarating teeth attached to relatively weak jaw musculature? I think not. Seems like a perfectly humanoid thing to do and you should probably stop trying to draw attention to it.

Tried? Like you somehow escaped a cop following you?

Yes. Should have started more 10years ago, but doesn't mean don't start now.

[-] Imgonnatrythis@sh.itjust.works 7 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago)

Punk probably doesn't even know who Gina Ekiss even is.


Total clog with prusament pla in line. Can't feed anything through even at high heat. Cold pull not possible / filament not making it into hot end to do this.

You can see little bit of filament sticking out in photo, but with pliers this just tears.

Should I try heating up the whole hot end tube with a soldering iron to see if I can liquify the clog out?
Any other ideas? I can't find many good resources about what to do in this situation online. Also, obviously needs to get cleaned up a bit, but does picture of my hot end tip look pretty ok? Do I need to bite bullet and get a new hot end? If so, are Amazon off brand replacements ok, or do I need to wait for one to get shipped from prusa?

Thank you


Looking for more modern high quality files for a QRS player piano system. New to this, but it seems like midi files are the most likely to find since specialty qrs / player piano file formats seem nearly nonexistent on the internet. Having a hard time finding copyrighted more modern (most available internet midi files for piano are from 1800s) song libraries of decent quality. Can anyone here point me in the right direction?


I finally got a filament drying box and I'm using it prior to and during prints. It seems to be helping. I'm a bit of a color queen, so I keep a pretty big backlog of different filaments. I've been storing them in vacuum bags but the vacuum bags often seem to lose some of their vacuum after a few months; the whole process is a bit of a pain. Is this really worthwhile or as long as I'm using the drying box can I forgoe the vacuum storage? If vacuum storage is still a good idea, are there better bags I should be looking for that don't lose some of the vacuum after a few months or is that pretty standard?


I think it's finally time for a dryer box. Want something I can run filament out of directly to the printer. Right now considering space pi vs. Esun vs. Eibos. Ideally something I could run for just a little while before a print and during the print. Low noise also important. A decible chart for dryers would be nice if that exists. Any favorites or good ones I am not considering?

high res art? (sh.itjust.works)

Where do you find large collections of hi res art? Old masterpieces and more modern pieces? Extra points if I can find stashes of hi res versions of NFTs that other people were silly enough to buy.

remove CA glue from PETG (sh.itjust.works)

Heard I can use acetone for PLA, but not for PETG. Glued a joint and there is residue extruded and unfortunately it's a very shiny / translucent PETG. Any suggestions for cleaning up thin white residue stain from the cyanoacrylate?

Mid print x_axis shift (sh.itjust.works)

Right in the middle of an absolutely massive print this x axis shift occurred. MK4 printer. Printer ran a calibration just prior to print. Once my tears dry up, and I buy some more filament, how do I prevent this from happening again when I retry this?

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