[-] ICastFist@programming.dev 4 points 19 hours ago

Unless you lived where the Playstation wasn't officially released, then every console come modded and ready to play pirate games!

[-] ICastFist@programming.dev 10 points 19 hours ago* (last edited 19 hours ago)

The PSX/N64/Saturn generation would've been better for this meme. Nintendo had its name, Sony had "two ninety nine", Sega had schizophrenic mismanagement and burnt bridges with retailers

[-] ICastFist@programming.dev -4 points 19 hours ago

I'm not murican, I only know that the US supreme court has at least 9 justices. 3 is a significant number, but not a majority, and only half of the 6 votes that said "akshually, public officers receiving gifts after doing a favor isn't bribery"

[-] ICastFist@programming.dev -5 points 20 hours ago

Truly, the best democracy money can buy. "This was the supreme court", all of which was appointed by different presidents in different time periods, so a direct consequence of political will

[-] ICastFist@programming.dev 3 points 2 days ago

Thank you etenarl mr skeltal

[-] ICastFist@programming.dev 2 points 2 days ago


[-] ICastFist@programming.dev 3 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago)

Roblox is what zuckerfuck wish his metaverse could become. Millions of kids playing, another thousands working effectively for free to create content, and the very few that actually find success see that getting any money out of Roblox and into their bank accounts is hard as hell and comes with exorbitant taxes.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_gXlauRB1EQ -> Video is almost 3 years old, but I doubt Roblox got better for developers in any capacity.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n6PYj93SGxc -> Essentially the same thing as above, but from September 2023, with some numbers updated, like the CEO saying they made "over 100 million dollars of cash in Q1" (2023), the place having over 50 million games, and more.

[-] ICastFist@programming.dev 10 points 4 days ago

I had to look that up, it's just too good to pass.

(Cassius Dio, contemporary historian) tells us that the empress teased her companion (the wife of Argentocoxos, a Caledonian chief) by saying that Caledonian women indulge in a sexual free-for-all, sharing their beds with different men while making no attempt to conceal their adultery. To a respectable aristocratic lady like Julia, such brazen promiscuity would indeed have seemed worthy of comment. We then see the wife of Argentocoxos swiftly responding with what Dio calls ‘a witty remark’ of her own:

“We fulfil the demands of nature in a much better way than do you Roman women; for we consort openly with the best men, whereas you let yourselves be debauched in secret by the vilest.”

A bit further below, however

The consensus view among present-day historians is that he simply invented the speech quoted above.

Sauce - https://senchus.wordpress.com/2019/08/14/julia-and-the-caledonian-women/

[-] ICastFist@programming.dev 11 points 4 days ago

If there's one thing the Lockpicking Lawyer taught me, is that the vast majority of locks only work because almost nobody bothers to learn lockpicking. Some "extra safe" locks being defeated by a fucking magnet of all things always amuse me

[-] ICastFist@programming.dev 10 points 5 days ago

Node Package Manager


Smartphones without keyboards


[-] ICastFist@programming.dev 14 points 5 days ago

Not to mention the shit that's completely fucking useless, like Juicero - a "juice squeezing machine" that only works with plastic bags you get from their subscription service.

[-] ICastFist@programming.dev 8 points 5 days ago

Those are very old. I'd wager that the first monarchs and despots wouldn't be too different from such celebrities


I make the specification of non-linux because otherwise this would just become a thread full of obscure distros that do the same thing as a million other distros.

Some lesser known OSs:

  • AROS - based on Amiga OS, has some derivatives like IcarOS and MorphOS
  • Haiku - based on BeOS
  • Redox - Unix-like, made in Rust (might technically count as linux?)
  • Serenity - Unix-like, very late 90s look and feel
  • Kolibri - Tiny OS, the image is ~44MB. It also has a smaller version that fits in a single floppy.
  • PhantomOS - When 3 Russians decide to turn everything about a typical OS upside down.

Video is nearly 3 years old now, but I think it's worth watching. Her presentation starts at around 2:30.

Basically, she explains how Redbean, a tiny (~450kb) and very fast C http server, works and how the same executable can be used to deploy it on most operating systems (she starts explaining that around 14:30)

Justine is also the mind behind Sector LISP, Lambda Calculus in 383 bytes, considerable optimizations to LLamaAI, plus several other things.

submitted 2 months ago by ICastFist@programming.dev to c/gaming@lemmy.ml

cross-posted from: https://programming.dev/post/12852381

With efforts to resuscitate Neopets ramping up, monthly users have nearly tripled to 300,000 in the past six months, and the company is on track to be profitable by the end of 2024, [current Neopets Team CEO] Law said.

Also notable:

Law said that rather than cracking down on fan-created components, the company is embracing them. It launched a “Neopass” login system that allows users to access games across the Neopets system, including third-party and fan-made games.


With efforts to resuscitate Neopets ramping up, monthly users have nearly tripled to 300,000 in the past six months, and the company is on track to be profitable by the end of 2024, [current Neopets Team CEO] Law said.

Also notable:

Law said that rather than cracking down on fan-created components, the company is embracing them. It launched a “Neopass” login system that allows users to access games across the Neopets system, including third-party and fan-made games.


Although playing online works, I haven't tried a direct connection/invite with another person, due to me lacking PC master race friends.

In the general server list, I think the SA region stands for South America? In any case, my ping was really high, so actually playing online is not feasible for me.

I'm using IGG games' torrent version, it was a simple extract and run. The fake steam account name defaults to NooB, so I recommend you change it in the following folder: %appdata%\Roaming\Goldberg SteamEmu Saves\settings - The account_name.txt is just the shown name, while the user_steam_id.txt is the acc number. I've changed both. Keep in mind that changing the id might make your saves disappear, so you'll have to create a new world, then copy over the save files - %appdata%\Local\Pal\Saved

If you're a fan of survival crafting, this game is a must play. The fact that you can play solo and change the world settings (exp rate, stamina depletion, hunger, etc) anytime before entering makes it perfect for all skill levels. I just think the default capture rate is too low, but I guess it makes more sense when you're online in a guild?

No idea how many hours I've spent playing, but I'm definitely buying this game in a few months.

submitted 5 months ago by ICastFist@programming.dev to c/memes@lemmy.ml

I mean, you'll find people using PEDs in any sport, despite the risk of bans and everything. Steroid use is also rampant among bodybuilders.

There is an "obvious market", but why do such sport leagues or federations that openly allow those drugs exist?

I can imagine that such a thing existing would create an immediate and widespread health problem with lots of people, athletes or not, using those performance enhancers and accidentally fucking themselves. But what else could be a problem?

submitted 5 months ago by ICastFist@programming.dev to c/linux@lemmy.ml

This is a 1994 book about the many woes that Unix derived systems brought to sysadmins that were used to other solutions. Considering the number of commands that Linux still uses, it's definitely worth a read.

submitted 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago) by ICastFist@programming.dev to c/programming@programming.dev

The extra links in the article are great stuff. I'm very curious about checking out Oberon

  • Unlock bootloader (depending on vendor, you have to do an online verification),
  • flash a recovery.img,
  • load into recovery mode (which, depending on the phone, might need extra work)
  • wipe some caches,
  • select new os/rom image,
  • pray it doesn't brick your phone.

You'd think someone would've learned a thing or two from the easy graphical installations linux and even windows have been offering since the late 2000s.

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