[-] Hugin@lemmy.world 1 points 3 hours ago

Not only is it hard to get certified for things like rockets but they usually use a realtime os like red hawk (a red hat fork).

[-] Hugin@lemmy.world 0 points 14 hours ago

Not always look at pocket or the mr robot promo.

[-] Hugin@lemmy.world 15 points 20 hours ago

Firefox and it's forks are the best browsers. They are still not very good. There are a ton of bad decisions and poor code. From old legacy stuff like how user profiles are stored to closed source shit like pocket.

The mozilla foundation has been on a downhill slide since google hired the skilled programmers to make chrome. Bad leadership,poor spending, and stupid priorities.

So yes firefox is the best browser. But that's kind of like being the best cable company. Not exactly a great thing.

[-] Hugin@lemmy.world 1 points 20 hours ago

Yeah 40k puts anything cool in the blender. Then slaps some psudolatin on it and says I own this.

[-] Hugin@lemmy.world 8 points 1 day ago

40K does loves to grab imagery from old christian imagery for the Imperium.

[-] Hugin@lemmy.world 11 points 2 days ago

He cares not from whence the jam flows, only that it flows.

[-] Hugin@lemmy.world 69 points 1 week ago

So from the perspective of being in the United States. Remote Indian work it's cheap but of extremely low quality. This ranges from call center workers to programming and engineering work.

This is usually a sign of the company trying to cheap out and having poor products in general. So it's kind of a compounding problem.

Politically India seemes racist, nationalist, and terrible on climate change. I'm from the USA so yes I know we are not great on these topics as well.

Having been to India a few times from inside here it's what I've noticed in the country.

The poverty and wealth gap between Indians and westerners means almost everybody wants money from you and to up charge you. From beggars, to chai vendors, to high end stores and hotels. They also love hidden fees and you have to be vigilant about details. This puts me on a constant tense alertness when dealing with people that gets very draining.

I've also spent time with an indian family during holy. My western friend was dating a member of the family and we went for a visit. The family was very generous and welcoming. It was the only time in India when I was relaxed and able to chat and enjoy the company.

Racism and classism abound. The ways different ethnic groups treat each other and try to force the use of their language on the other group. For example a Hindi and Malayalam language standoff when I was in Kerala.

Or when at a store that sells stone art has two clearly miserable lower cast people working a human powered cutting tool for the tourists when you can hear the sound of high speed electric tools from the back room.

Animals other then cows are treated horribly. Elephants in particular always looked miserable and broken.

People with government jobs are arrogant and lazy. From customs and immigration to the national parks. I arrived 20 min before closing at a national park to buy tickets for a late night tour that was latter that evening. The ticket both was empty with one other person waiting. Two minutes before closing the guy came to the window in a towel because he had been showing before getting off work.

The belief in crap science abounds. I got an ayurvedic massage that wasn't a very skilled massage and then the guy tried to give me medical advice. Several people tried to explain that the ayurvedic guys were just as good as doctors. On way out another of the ayurvedic "doctors" tried to sell me a medicine that he assured would remove belly fat and regrow hair. This from a fat bald man.

The fiet time I was in India Modi had just won his first term as Prime Minister while I was there. There was a huge procession of angry young men yelling and pushing people out of the way. I assumed they were from the losing party. My driver informed me that no they had just won the election.

It was clear that this wasn't a jubilant celebration of success. It was a angry group that now had the power to do what they wanted.

I know i've been negative and there is a fair amount of nice things in India but they always are fleeting and overshadowed by something. In the multiple times i've been to India i've never had a bad meal and there are a lot of nice people. I just think they are constantly at odds with each other.

The most Indian moment I had was drinking tea while enjoying the smell of the spice fields. Then the wind shifted and all I could smell was the stench of shit and diesel from the cesspool over the hill.

[-] Hugin@lemmy.world 39 points 2 weeks ago

I went to get blood lab work done today. When I went to pay the kiosk asked for a tip.

[-] Hugin@lemmy.world 50 points 1 month ago

It was disqualified for having an ingredient that was not GRAS(generally regarded as safe). Even GRAS is a pretty low bar for food safety.

[-] Hugin@lemmy.world 117 points 2 months ago

Simple answer is they are careful about what they say and have good lawyers that review it.

A few examples.

Calling Tom Cruise a fudge packer in the context of him being in a bathhouse could eaisly open them up to liability for calling him gay. But doing it in a fudge factory while showing him putting fudge in a box gives them a clear defense that they meant it literally.

Simmaraly telling him to come out of the closet while he is actually in a closet provides cover.

Making things so absurd that a reasonable person wouldn't believe it and know it's a joke also works. So having Barbara Streisand aquire an artifact that makes her into a giant robot monster works but something plausible wouldn't.

Having Kanye open up and admit he is a gay fish is absurd enough to provide protection. However they probably couldn't get away with him simply coming out as gay.

Of course the genius of south park is they use these legal protections in ways that make the story funnier and not just for cover.

submitted 3 months ago by Hugin@lemmy.world to c/news@lemmy.world

A portion of the Francis Scott Key Bridge in Baltimore has collapsed after a large boat collided with it early on Tuesday morning, sending multiple vehicles into the water.

At about 1.30am, a vessel crashed into the bridge, catching fire before sinking and causing multiple vehicles to fall into the water below, according to a video posted on X.

“All lanes closed both directions for incident on I-695 Key Bridge. Traffic is being detoured,” the Maryland Transportation Authority posted on X.

Matthew West, a petty officer first class for the coastguard in Baltimore, told the New York Times that the coastguard received a report of an impact at 1.27am ET. West said the Dali, a 948ft (29 metres) Singapore-flagged cargo ship, had hit the bridge, which is part of Interstate 695.

[-] Hugin@lemmy.world 100 points 4 months ago

Not quite. Some is lost in magnetic flux and mechanical deformation. But that is a VERY small about.

[-] Hugin@lemmy.world 31 points 8 months ago

Just wait until you learn about GNU.

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